2 - The One Where You Barely Make It

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You lay on your bed, unsure to be excited or disappointed. You had been so confident leaving the entrance exam, convinced that you got one of the highest scores. And now you just found out that you had scored twentieth, barely making it into the top class.

It was because you were too slow. Yes, that was what you believed. That didn't make you feel any prouder, though. Heck, even Minoru could have easily scored higher than you. As if on cue, your phone rang with a text from him. No surprise, he was bragging about the forty-nine points he scored in the exam, and it only got worse upon his figuring out of your forty-four. His teasing and boasting lifted your spirits for a bit, but it couldn't distract you from the one of many things on your mind.

"I made it in, but it's not like going to UA is what I'm passionate about," you said to yourself. "My victory probably crushed the dreams of someone that would have made it if it weren't for me."

You didn't feel sad for very long, though. You figured that if they could not beat even you, then they weren't deserving to attend UA anyways. Sucks for them.

You knew you should have felt bad for at least a little bit longer, but you couldn't push yourself to mourn the loss of someone you didn't even know. As soon as you cut off your thoughts once again, you received another message from Minoru

Do u have anymore of
that good stuff for me

Of course you did. You always did.

Never once did you feel uncomfortable writing the sort of stuff he likes. It was only for him to read, and he enjoyed it. In return, he often gave you ideas for your stories. Granted, the majority of them were explicit, but any idea was an idea you could work with. You had known him for years and felt more comfortable with him than anyone else besides your siblings. Perhaps that was because he wasn't in much of a state to judge you.

You were worried, however, about how his new classmates would treat him. You probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it, and even if you tried, it wouldn't be likely to turn out well.

Why did I apply.

You decided to stall the writing of Minoru's erotica to open a video-watching app. Scrolling through the list of recommended videos, one caught your eye. It was a news channel's video. The thumbnail of a boy caught in some goo was what made you click. This had better not be clickbait.

You watched intently as some sort of liquid-y villain held and suffocated a middle schooler. That must have sucked for him. You skipped through the video but your attention switched to another middle school boy that flung his backpack into the villain. What an idiot. Is he trying to get himself killed? He clawed helplessly at it, but the other boy wasn't having it and was screaming. Ungrateful brat.

You exited the video. "That would make for a good story idea." A story began to brew in your head, but you shut it out. The green-headed one seemed pretty passionate about saving that other guy.

You wondered if going to UA would help fuel your own passion.

The chapters will be longer and more interesting soon enough.

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