7 - Tearsicle

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The One Where You "Don't" Cry

You sent a Weakness their way for good measure.

The events that followed weren't much better. You watched helplessly as All Might battled a bird-person that seemed to match his strength. You saw Aizawa all bloody and battered. When the other pro heroes arrived, you felt an amount of relief that you never had before.

When it was all over, your class left as soon as possible. You spotted Todoroki's split-colored hair and remembered what you had been meaning to do.

"Thank you very much for single-handedly stopping the villains around us," you thanked him once you got his attention. "Seriously. You really helped me, Hagakure and Aoyama back there." If you were not going to be one of the strongest in your class, you could at least try to be the kindest.

He simply nodded.

When you got home, you were surprised to see Hideo's eyes glued to the TV rather than being buried in a book. Displayed on the TV was the news talking about the attack on USJ.

"They called themselves the The League of Villains. One had a quirk that teleported and distributed the students to separate them. It also got the villains into the facility. The other could dis..."

The lady went on, describing the powers of everyone they could get information on. Your brother noticed your presence and stood up. "Oh God, I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Me too..." you mumbled. You took the remote and flipped through different channels. It was all about the League of Villains. Every single channel. "They're... famous now..."

One attack, and now everyone knows about them. The one with lots of hands barely even fought and we all know his name.

Your sister soon joined the two of you. She was staring at her phone. "They didn't hurt you, right?" Ayano looked at you. "You beat them, right?"

"I'm fine, but All Might and the other pros scared them away," you answered, and she sighed in relief. She already knew that, but hearing it from you calmed her.

It wasn't your siblings' worry on your mind, but instead the fame that the League of Villains received.

You hated it. You hated that instead of seeing the League of Villains as evil, dangerous people, you only thought of fame when they came to mind. Your mind drifted to a reality that you felt terrible for imagining.

"Anyways, we will increase security for this year's sports festival. It is important for you to stand out and get a good internship."

The sports festival. You dreaded it. You enjoyed watching it from past years, but you knew you would just embarrass yourself competing in something like that. Everyone else had gotten better fighting in some aspect since the beginning of the year – even that Midoriya, who had found a way to break his bones less. You were still the weak (y/n) with a quirk you preferred to use for leisure.

You were discouraged seeing everyone else get so pumped up, even the seemingly happy-go-lucky Uraraka.

The class broke out with chatter, everyone quickly breaking off into their friend groups. You realized that you didn't have one single person in class that you could call your friend besides Minoru.

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