Wild, Wild Pussycats

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The bus was packed with you and your classmates as everyone headed to the summer training camp. You laughed and chatted with Uraraka and some others, trying your best to blend in. You couldn't get your mind off of what you had overheard the day before.

"It is... strange how the League knows things only staff and students should," a muffle voice came from inside one of the staff rooms.

You froze outside of the door. Confused what time you were supposed to arrive at the bus location for the camp, you had gone in search for Aizawa. It was after class hours, and he had already left the classroom. Shoto insisted on going with you, but you you convinced him to wait for you by the entry.

Now, your curiosity was at its peak. You backed away far enough so they wouldn't be able to see you, but close enough to still hear them.

There was an abrupt slam. Someone's hand on the long wooden table. "Are suggesting that someone is feeding them information!?"

You felt heart begin to speed up. This was it. You were going to be found out, exposed and expelled. And thrown in jail, probably. You stepped back an inch or so, as if that would help you.

"No- Well, how else do they always know where your class is?" A moment of silence ensued. "It's suspicious."

A new voice chimed in. "We can check all of the students' bags and phones, just to be safe."

Phones? You would have to delete the League's number, no questions asked. But what about your conversations with Shoto? You hadn't ever been obvious about it, but there was a chance that you could have exchanged suspicious texts with him.

You left after that. You had heard enough. You couldn't afford to be careless, now that UA was actively searching for a traitor.

The planned attack wouldn't help your case at all. In just one day, havoc would be wreaked upon the people you now laughed with and sat beside. Your eyes wandered until they landed on Bakugo sulking in the back of the bus. He might not even come back.

If your classmates and teachers were ever going to find out about your secret affairs, it was going to happen this week.

But for the meanwhile, it wouldn't hurt to have a bit of fun. You snapped out of your thoughts and chimed in the conversation.

"Of course it'll be super fun!" Mina threw her arms up. "Plus we'll get stronger!"

Behind the girls sat a red-faced boy, lost in thought. "Spending nights... meaning... baths... hehuehuhe."

You made a mental note to remind yourself to make sure he wasn't going to try anything risky. While it had already been a while since the two of you had drifted, you still missed hanging out with him. You looked at the boy sitting by you silently. You definitely upgraded, though.

"So, Shoto," you started. He switched his gaze from the window to you. "Are you, uh, excited?"

He stared at his hand. "What kind of answer are you looking for?"

You felt bad for a moment. You knew that he was helping with your affairs because he wanted to, but it was your fault that he got dragged into all of this in the first place. "About the actual camp," you clarified.

"I think it will be great for us to improve our quirks and abilities." He paused, considering if he should continue. "(Y/n), you need to improve your quirk."

You scoffed instinctively, then laughed. "You're right. I haven't even gotten much better since the beginning of the school year... who woulda thought I'd be at the bottom of the class." You sighed. Weakness was not an option. You had to learn how to use your quirk efficiently or you would be useless.

The bus came to a sudden halt near the edge of a cliff. Aizawa rose and strolled out. "You guys can get out a stretch for a bit."

Everyone began to file out, Minoru fighting his way to the front, whining about his desperate need to pee. You noticed your teacher, rather than heading to the cliff, walked to the back of the bus. Probably needs a break from us haha.

You found a spot a safe distance away from the edge of the cliff and sat in a squat, waiting for the break to end so you could go back into the bus. Shoto kneeled to tap your shoulder. He pointed to Aizawa. "Look, he's opening the back, where all of our stuff is."

You squinted your eyes in confusion. "And? Is that illegal or something..."

He didn't respond immediately - he just kneeled there waiting for it to sink it. It didn't.

Your eyes darted around as if looking for an explanation. Shoto sighed and told you what he had meant. "Why would he take out our stuff if this is just a break?"

You furrowed your brows. "I dunno, maybe if we need something? It is kinda weird, though, now that you mention it."

His head dropped in defeat. "It's not a break, (y/n). We won't be riding the bus for anymore of the way."

Your eyes widened. "What? Then how are we supposed to get there?"

He gazed over the edge of the cliff, where down below, all you could see were trees. "Through there, probably."

You walked to the edge and cautiously peered over. "Well if that's what this really is... it won't be too bad. A few trees never hurt anyone."

Break Time!

oh man I haven't uploaded since September 2020 - sorry about that. I got busy

please comment "here" or else I'll look like a fool
: (

And so we continue...

An embarrassment. That's what you were. You were just about as helpful as Mineta, the one who kept scurrying away, trying to find a peaceful bush that wouldn't turn into a monster every time he unzipped his pants. Rather than doing that, though, you stuck with the class but really just let them do all of the hard work.

You feigned exhaustion once exiting the forest in an attempt to fool everyone into thinking that you had contributed as much energy as them. Shoto was well aware of what you were doing yet kept quiet.

Awaiting you and your class were the Wild, Wild Pussycats and Aizawa. One of them tapped her chin playfully. "We underestimated how long it would take! Haha, guess we assumed you were as fast as us."

Many of your classmates cried out in protest.

Another one of the Pussycats clapped her hands once. "Well! Follow us inside and enjoy your dinner. It's the first and last meal we'll cook for you!"




Happy 2022

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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