The new radio demon

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(A/N quick authors note I do not own hazbin hotel or my hero academia nor do I own any of the pictures or videos that are in this story all credit goes to the people who own it)

Alastors P.O.V

"Sorry Charlie but I am going to have to leave this was such a great piece of entertainment at first but it sadly won't do anymore." When Alastor said this they looked at him like he was joking. When he revealed he was not making any jokes of a sort they tried to get him to stay but it didn't work after it had begun to annoy him. "Look darlings as fun as it was this wasn't going to entertain me for much longer and it doesn't look like you need my help anymore." Charlie tried to get in his way but he showed his crazy eyes.

This got them to back off instantly as Alastor walked out the door he wondered 'what's going on the surface' as he was beginning to think and he had a idea "If I'm so curious then why don't I find out myself!" He said as he pointed his staff at th...

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This got them to back off instantly as Alastor walked out the door he wondered 'what's going on the surface' as he was beginning to think and he had a idea "If I'm so curious then why don't I find out myself!" He said as he pointed his staff at the pentagram in the sky. Suddenly the ground began to rumble and he said. " Woops maybe I put a little to much power into it ah well who cares!". He began to hover to the pentagram and went through it and was on the surface and then he closed the pentagram to make sure no demon could get to the surface. As much as he love the chaos of merging both the surface and the underworld it would be quite a problem for him. "Hmmm I wonder what I should do first, after all the surface world has changed quite a bit since I died well time to see what's new!" As he walked down the street not really caring about attention he realized no one was afraid of him and that confused him. 'Have I been down in the underworld for so long they don't remember who I am?' Alastor figured to ask someone what year it was. "Excuse me good sir might you now what year it is?" Alastor asked and deathly skinny man with hair the seemed to long for him. "Uhhh sure it's 2xxx." "Why thank you good sir that is all I need to know." Satisfied about knowing the year and why no one seemed to remember what he had done when he was alive he continued to roam the streets. As he continued on he noticed that people looked like they had abnormalities in their genes and deduced that this is why no one saw him as weird. However how they had such abnormalities Alastor had no idea as to why. Until upon walking he had heard someone screaming lightly then turning slightly louder as time went on until Alastor had realized they were falling towards him. Then all Alastor heard was a thud he looked down to see a skinny green haired boy looking down at the boy Alastor poked the boy with his staff to see if the boy was still alive and all he got was a small grunt. Alastor wasn't stunned or surprised he looked like he was amused that the boy tried to kill himself and failed Alastor had grown quite bored and decided to see the boy's memories to see if they could provide some sort of amusement. But as he was looking at the boys memories he saw what he thought he wouldn't see for the rest of his time here but. Alastor had seen what the boy went through and Alastor was reminded too much of himself. For once since he became a demon he felt pity and sadness. For once in his demon life he knew what he had to do he saved the boy healing him before he died.
Izuku's P.O.V
After Kacchan told me to take a swan dive off a roof and all might, my idol saying I couldn't be hero I snapped I lost complete control over his emotions after awhile I felt nothing. I then took Kacch- no Bakugos advice and approached the ledge after I took off my shoes and left a note as to why, I jumped and started falling to the pavement after a little bit fear came back into me as I started screaming knowing I was about to die. Then  I saw a person but I had chosen  a street that was empty. I was still screaming and I was getting closer and closer and closer and then it all went black I felt nothing and then some poking after that I felt a hand on my head with last embers of my life I felt him and suddenly all my memories flash before me. Then after two minutes of seeing my memories I woke up to a grey skin man with a giant toothy smile staring at me. I freaked out and screamed in his face but yet he didn't look bothered by it at all he almost looked amused. He the said "Why are screaming there is no need to scream after all I'm not here to kill you." The grey skinned man said with a staticky radio voice. I then screamed "Who are you and why am I not dead did I fail at that too..." "Of course you didn't fail at it after all check you hair and clothes!" He said with his voice being a little more clearer. As I looked down I saw my clothes were ragged and bloody along with my hair being bloody. I then asked the man "Why am I not dead?" He simply replied "Cause I healed you after all I can't have someone like me go and die on me now can I?" I then asked what he meant by that and he asked me this question "Have you heard of a killer who called himself Alastor?" I nodded and said "Yeah I know him he killed over 300 people in the nineteenth century and got away from authorities until they found him dead in his home at 82." He then replied "Wow you now your stuff are you a fan of mine perhaps?". It took me a second to realize what he meant by that. "Wait your Alastor how isn't he supposed to be dead how can you be him if he is dead that doesn't make any sense howyourstillalivehowcanyoustillbealiveafterxxxyears..." "Woah there listener calm down I did die and I was in hell for the past xxx years and when I was in hell I continued my killing spree and broadcasted it to the entire underworld after that I was known as the radio demon and after awhile I got bored and came back to the surface world!" "And I was walking around exploring when you plopped down in front of me and after seeing you memories I couldn't stop myself from helping and I you can decline this if you want but I want you to become the next radio demon!" After I heard this I was freaking out. Like saying will I be a villain if I do or how could I become the next radio demon. He told me it was simple to just accept his power and let him do the rest. "Alright as long as I can use your peers for good I will accept." Alastor's smile became wider and said "Alright but first I must tell you that this power will alter your height your attitude your voice and your sanity but as long as you keep your goal of being a hero in you mind you should be fine!" Knowing this I still accepted and he said to do it my room though because it will take two hours and that I will be asleep when it happens. So I snuck home in to my room and he proceeded to give me his power.
Alastor's P.O.V
This boy who I don't even know the name of was not scared of me even though he knew what I did when I was alive so I knew he was the one to have my power and strength. So once we got in his room I started to give him my power. I didn't tell him one thing though that when he receives this power he will think his name is Alastor but I don't think he would mind after all his name probably brought to many painful memories so it was most likely better this way. After I was finished with giving him my power I started to fade but I wasn't afraid in fact I was in hysterics for the first time I had finally felt physical pain I was still laughing as my top half started fading away I stopped and placed my staff since it is his now and with that I faded from existence.
*2 days later*
Alastor's (Izuku) P.O.V
As I woke up I felt stronger and taller as I walked to the mirror I saw that I was 6 foot and 4 inches grey skin and a large sharp teeth and I couldn't help but smile feeling no shock or surprise. After all I am Alastor wait I feel as if that was my name all along but I know it wasn't oh well who cares. As I continued to walk down stairs I saw my mother and walked up to her to say morning and I heard static in my voice as she turned around she dropped what she had in her hands and said "Who are you what did you do to my son!" As she said this I told that it looked like I am a late bloomer and my quirk manifested. She then said "Alright tell me something that my son would only know." She had confidence in her voice to which I responded "When I was little you bathed me and you have a poppy seed birthmark down near your-" "okay okay I believe you." She said trying to cove r your mouth to stop you from talking but was too short. He then asked his mom to tell the school the she had moved him to another school so that way no one questioned him and so that way he could use a different name. His mother agreed and they got it all set up. When I went back up to my bedroom I had noticed that my staff was there I picked it up and used it to put on the school uniform but made it red so that it suit me better.
No ones P.O.V
As Alastor walked to the school he went to the principals office so that way he knew which class to go to. He got put into the same class he had before. As he began to walk out they asked him if he knew where he was going to which he responded with "of course."with static in his voice. As he got to his classroom he waited for the teacher to call him in and once the teacher did he ducked underneath the door because he was to tall for it he then faced the class with his wide smile and introduced himself to the class he then looked over at Bakugo and walked over to him and said "Where's smile dear, you know your never fully dressed without one!" This only angered Bakugo while the rest of the class feared for Alastor he still had a big smile on his face. Even when Bakugou threw a explosion at his face and the room was filled with smoke as everyone feared that Alastor had been hurt. However when the smoke cleared he looked at Bakugou with this face.

When that face was made everyone including people who weren't there could feel the killer intent behind Alastor's face

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When that face was made everyone including people who weren't there could feel the killer intent behind Alastor's face. This alone scared Bakugo as he realized his explosion had no effect on him whatsoever and when Bakugo saw Alastor's face leaked killer intent he froze but Alastor did not do anything he then went back to his normal face and sat down at the only open seat. The next few days passed and everything was going fine no one bothered him and he didn't need to kill anyone. Then this day the teacher was going to hand out career forms but he threw them in the air and said "I know your all going for the hero course!" Everybody cheered and used their quirks except two well one didn't use their magic. Then the explosion quirk user said "Hey teach don't lump me in the rest of these nerds they'll be lucky if they are the sidekick to some busted d lister!" Bakugou angered almost everyone with that statement. Everyone was getting on his case until he said that he aced all the mock test to ua and that it was the only school worthy of him. He kept saying how good he was till Alastor spoke with static in his voice "That arrogance is going to get you killed one day and your not the only one going to ua." Hearing this Bakugo's pride got the best of him when he tried to strike Alastor with explosion yet again it had no effect on Alastor. However Alastor looked at him and he was about to show his creepy face again but the teacher stopped him. With that the day had ended as Alastor was starting to leave  but Bakugou felt like he wasn't done so he went to stop Alastor to threaten him but he couldn't it was like something was stopping him. With that Alastor left the building and walked home.
End of chapter one
Hey guys I noticed that no one had really crossed hazbin hotel and my hero academia so I thought why not make a story about it and I am always open to advice feel free to comment. With that I'm signing off. PEACE

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