Welcome To The Show Part 1

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Howdy Y'all it's your boy back with another chapter yeah I am gonna start uploading a lot more mostly because I set a goal for my self and that was to write A few chapters per day and because I started this book in august and I have been busy but football got canceled for me for the rest of the year and my online school is over for today so I figured might as well update this since I now you guys like it.
With out further ado. Let's get this party STARTED!!!!!!
A/N: We start off the day with our two new lovers sleeping side by side cuddled with each other. Alastor is the first one to wake.

Alastor: *yawn* Heh she still hasn't woken I wish we could stay here forever but me and her have the sports festival today.

Mina then stirred awake still sleepy but she greet Alastor with her usual bright smile and hugged him tighter and kissed him.

Alastor: Good morning sweetheart are you ready for today.

Mina: Mhmm I am ready to kick some ass.

Alastor: Good and remember to not be afraid of quirks they can't effect you any more.

Mina: I know do you wanna cook some breakfast with me.

Alastor: Do you wanna get dressed and meet me down there.

Mina: Why I could do this.

Mina then snapped her fingers and she was in her uniform. Then Alastor snapped his fingers and was in his red suit. They were both ready for the day and went downstairs and cooked breakfast for everyone and started to eat and after they were done eating they started walking to school and talking.

Mina: Hey Alastor how good do you think we'll do.

Alastor: Well since we negate quirks and we both know black magic I think we will do just fine and if anything bad happens I will be right there and protect you.

Mina: You know that's not gonna happen but thank you my sweetie.

Alastor: I love you and I don't care I still will.

Mina: Yeah I know I love you too and thank you. Wait I just realized are we gonna tell the class.

Alastor didn't respond it looked like he was thinking and then finally figured out a solution.

Alastor: I have and idea we could tell the ones closest to us and have the rest figure it out from there.

Mina: Ohhh smart idea you see that's another reason why I love you. Wait who are you close to?

Alastor: Momo and Bakugo those the two I'm closest to. How about you?

Mina: I'm really good friends with Kirishima and Jiro and a couple of others.

Alastor: Let me guess Kaminari is one of them.

Mina: Yup hopefully he doesn't freak out scream it out loud.

Alastor: Even if he does I can always keep him quiet till the others find out.

Mina: True but I hope we don't have to do that he may be an idiot but he is still my friend. But if it does come down to that you have my permission.

Alastor: Alright I will have it ready if it does happen.

Mina: Thank you sweetie.

Alastor: No problem sweetheart. Hey sweetheart we should get going we have 20 minutes left till we have to be there. Do you want to teleport sweetheart?

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