The Teacher and The Student Part 1

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He guys sorry it took me so long to get this out between school and football and my account being glitched and then the first and second version of this chapter disappearing like it didn't exist yeah been a very weird turn of events but hey I'm still here and I am not done with this story yet and you guys seem to like it. Some things to say this is a story development chapter along with the next one also hs stands for heavy static. But with out any further ado let's get this Party STARTED!!!!!!!

A/N: Today we see the blue sky along with a brown haired fellow laying down on the same rooftop he is always on.

Alastor(s): Hmmmm such a shame that I didn't get to see all for one again but oh well if Mr. Kurogiri told him my name he knows he can't escape.

Alastor(s): Welp no use thinking about it now after all I have more important things to do.

Alastor(t): Hmmm why don't I spice things up a bit.

A/N: With that being thought he jumped off the roof.

Alastor(s): Welp I did not think this through at all.

Alastor(s): *thunk* Yeah did not think that through at all.

???: Alastor!?!?!?

Alastor(s): Hmmm ahhh hello Mina my dear what brings you walking this route today.

Mina: Alastor you just fell off a twenty story building are you okay.

Alastor(s): Do not worry my dear I am A OK, what about you though it seems you are walking a different route than normal.

Mina: How do know that!

Alastor(s): I know everything my dear and you cannot hide anything from me either so why didn't you eat breakfast this morning.

Mina: You know that is extremely creepy right and uh well I kinda woke up late and almost missed my train so I was going to be really late if I stayed home and ate breakfast.

Alastor(s): Why didn't you just say so my dear I can get you something very quickly.

Mina: Really!!

Alastor(s): Yes I can just tell me what you want and you got it!

Mina: I want a bacon cheeseburger.

Alastor(s): Very well *poof* there you go my dear but eat and walk we have to get to school.

Mina yesh sirm!

A/N: As they kept walking Mina ate and they both talked until they ran into a certain someone.

Alastor(s): Ahh Momo and Bakugo it is a surprise to see you two together.

Momo: Ahh hello Alastor we just just happened to run into each other a few seconds ago and it seems you and Mina are together as well!

Alastor(s): Yes me and Mina bumped into each other by chance.

Mina: Bumped you almost crushed me boi.

Bakugo: What does she mean by crushed?

Alastor(s): I jumped off a twenty story building to spice things up today and landed right in front of Mina.

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