The entrance exam

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(A/N hey there every body I thought I would let you know that I am doing a time skip to the entrance exam because nothing really happened since the sludge villain incident already happened in this story I kinda just saw no point to it since it was how Izuku got one for all but he won't have it in this story so I didn't see the need to have it and I have almost reached a hundred words with this author's note alone so ima stop before It reaches the hundreds byeee)
No ones P.O.V
A whole ten months have passed by and before Alastor had realized, it was the day of the exam. As Alastor was getting ready he had noticed that the exam was starting at 10:00 am and it was currently 9:45 am Alastor had no time to eat breakfast he didn't really need to eat but he made it a habit so his mother wouldn't worry about him. Alastor grabbed his staff which was at the door he changed his sleep wear with his normal red suit and proceeded to the exam with only a few minutes to spare. (he ran all the way) as Alastor was walking he noticed a girl was tripped over her foot and was starting to fall until Alastor caught her.
Alastor's P.O.V (you already know it's Izuku so I ain't gonna put it every time)
As I caught the falling girl and lifted her up with my sharp fingers I noticed she wasn't smiling so I said "Oh dear it's good thing I caught you it looked like you would have quite a nasty fall and where's your smile my dear you can't do good in the exam if you're looking sad all the time!" Static still in my voice she had finally caught up with what was happening and she apologized for waisting my time to catch her. To which I responded with static still in my voice "It doesn't matter to me dearie but we really should be going we don't want to be late after all haha haha!" I started laughing while leaving the girl still some what processing what had just happened. As I sat down in my seat the presentation started a blonde man who was extremely loud started to explain the exam until a blue hair boy interrupted the blonde hair man saying something about how there were four faux villains on the sheet I wasn't really listening to him until he pointed me out. "And you why are smiling like that it is really disturbing like you see this as some sort of joke.". Bakugo who was seated next too me had a look of fear for the blue haired boy as I turned my head all the way around without moving my body and said.

"And you didn't let the loud man finish before you cut him off." I finished static coating my voice. The loud blonde man then said "thank you examine xxxxx for calling in with your request the fourth villain is worth zero points he is just a obstacle in your way you should try to avoid him!!!". With that the he gave the school motto and then the briefing ended.
No one's P.O.V
As Alastor walked to his battle center he noticed the brown haired girl looking nervous so Alastor decided to try and calm her down. When Alastor approached her he started by saying with static still in his voice. "Hello again dearie it is quite amusing that we got the same testing ground and I was just over there and noticed you were looking nervous so I am here to offer advice!" She responded with "oh that's nice thank you.". "No problem dearie the best you can do to settle nerves is to breath in deep and smile after all smiling always brightens up your day hahaha!" Alastor spoke with static still coating his voice. But when he finished h the loud man appeared again and yelled go and whit that Alastor ran in destroying robots with his staff. He soon reached 205 points and he decided to leave some for the others as Alastor decided to take a brake. Alastor then turned his head all the way around to look at a camera and waved hi to it this freaked the judges out when they saw Alastor's head so they had decided to send out the zero pointer to distract him. When Alastor felt rumbling in the ground he turned his attention to where it was coming from never breaking his smile. As he looked at all the people running he couldn't help but laugh at their expense until till he heard a voice he knew cry for help. Alastor then jumped dow and faced the giant robot with his eyes started to go wild and he did this to the zero pointer.

(Just imagine it with the zero pointer)
As the staff watched Alastor they were horrified of the way his face looked when he was destroying the zero pointer never breaking his sickening smile and his eyes going crazy they feared and wondered just how powerful he really was.
Alastor's P.O.V
After I finished off the zero pointer everyone looked at me in horror but I didn't really mind I then walked over to the brown haired girl and lifted the rubble off of her leg and I left when this old woman walked over and said she could take care of her. With that being it for the day he walked home. *2 week time skip* After I got my letter that said I was accepted into ua and that I placed first with a total of 655 points beating all mights record and along with him announcing he will be teaching at ua. So when the hologram was done I told my mom the good news and she almost passed out from dehydration from crying so much. I had finally realized something important though my room was filled with all might merchandise so I decided to redesign my room with my staff. I took down a lot of the posters and used my staff to paint the room red and black and put some different posters up.
End of chapter two
I also have a question for you guys that have read my story so far would you guys want a ship or not and if you do which one comment a ship name if you want one but if you don't that is perfectly fine as well. Welp I am signing off for now. PEACE!

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