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"s-stop , i said i was sorry .. i wont ask for anything again , i- i promise .." i sobbed to myself while locking the door and leaning against it .

bang bang

"jiMIN I AM NOT GOING TO ASK AGAIN! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" i could hear my uncle yell on the other side of the door .

i hastily moved from my position , running towards my wardrobe- pulling out a duffle bag and throwing some necessities into it ; including clothes , phone charger , hygiene products (you get the idea) .

i knew i was running out of time , but thankfully i had just finished packing enough for a good week or two .

before i could do anything else the door slammed open , there stood my uncle holding the key for the lock on the door .

'shit , i forgot we had that' i thought to myself before meeting eyes with the monster ahead of me . he smirked and slowly walked towards me .

"you tried to keep me out , you little fucker" he chuckled in a cold tone . i shivered in fear , waiting for what was to come .

i couldn't say anything , i just shook my head while my breathing picked up .

i tried to look for a way out of this with out getting hurt , i was already bruised and scarred so whatever was to happen next- wouldn't be the worst situation .

if i was to be quick enough .. maybe i could push past him & leave through the door ..

"well ? speak up whore !" he yelled , as he stepped closer to me in anger ; creating a passway for my escape .

he then raised a hand in the air , in an attempt to hit me . i tried to move and dodge it but he quickly reacted and pushed me back from moving any further .

i stumbled a bit , but i was able to regain my balance right beside my bed .

that soon changed when a striking pain was placed upon the side of my face , he slapped me . i was distracted by the pain and stepped back , falling onto my bed in the process .

"you tried it bitch , now you will truly know who you belong to ! you cant leave me!" yelled my uncle while staggering towards the bed , climbing over me .

i squirmed once i felt his hands caress my sides in a rough manner , i could feel his breath brush against my neck making me internally cringe .

before i knew it rough kisses and bites were being made all across my neck and collarbones , creating hickeys .

once he moved away i gasped for air , unintentionally holding it moments before . "i need to leave" i breathed out to myself .

but then my thoughts got cut off by an unbuckling of a belt , i shook my head at what was next . i physically couldn't do it , i would pass out & then i wouldn't be able to leave this hell .

"you are my slut" he groaned before whipping out his member , before he could even slide a condom on i kicked him .

where the sun doesn't shine , i could hear him scream in pain . but that wasn't my issue , i need to leave now .

so i stood up and adjusted my pants that were nearly off , grabbing my bag and phone before running out of the 'house' we shared .

it was nearly midnight and i had nothing , i had no one .

i am pathetic , who would've known at 11:48 pm on a wednesday that i would be at the lowest point in my life .

the urge to die has never been so strong .


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