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i was sliding on my gucci slides , tae bought me when i heard my phone go off . i picked it up to see jeongguk texted me , so i of course texted back .

(ignore the 4:27am , it wouldnt change 😔

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(ignore the 4:27am , it wouldnt change 😔 .)

after our little conversation i grew slightly nervous . what if i looked too bad ? my eyes were a little puffy since i woke up like nearly an hour ago ..

i was wearing a pastel purple hoodie that had the word 'cute' in black on the front , paired with some black shorts that were mid thigh . they were rather tighter but comfortable . i was wearing some ankle cut socks that matched with my slides .

for some reason being around jeongguk makes me feel even more self conscious then usual .

without anymore thoughts i quickly grabbed my bag and phone , leaving my apartment .

as i got outside i saw jeongguk standing by the side of his car , back facing me- on the phone . he seemed tensed on the phone , so i backed up a bit to give him space , though he was rather loud .

"bro it's not like that ! really ! its just a boy ! he is only my friend , nothing more . i dont know why you are pestering me so much ! so what if i woke up earlier today-" he went on and on .

for some reason when he said that i was just a friend and nothing more- it kinda hurt , but i was used to it .

its not even that deep , we just met yesterday- though it felt like ive known him for my whole life .

im so confused , a part of me wants to understand where this feeling is coming from .. but the other part wants nothing to do with it .

"oh hey jimin , when did you get out of here ?" jeongguk asked , snapping me out of my thoughts . i looked up to see him right infront of me .

"oh i just got out here , lets go ?" i asked while walking towards the car , he seemed to be thinking for a moment before following me .

he opened my door , allowing me to get in . he ran to his side and got in aswell , after we were settled we soon left .

we shortly arrived after a small convo of 'how did you sleep?' and such . we both unbuckled and got out entering the restaurant .

"so this is why you didn't want me to eat huh" i asked in a bit of a sarcastic tone , he just chuckled while standing next to me ; waiting for a waiter to get us a table .

"yea , i wanted to take you out to brunch .." he trailed of shyly , that's so cute . i could feel my cheeks heat up , yet i still couldnt smile .

he seemed a bit disappointed at my lacked reaction but still kept on his neverending smile .

"hello gentlemen , welcome to the ihope . table for two?"


just the two of us | jikook ✔Where stories live. Discover now