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"dinner was amazing , thanks for paying joon" hoseok spoke while slugging an arm around namjoons neck .

we were all in front of the diner , preparing to go separate ways . once i came back from the bathroom everyone had already had their food , so they ate and we all chose to leave .

"aye , it was no problem ." namjoon replied with a smile .

"hey im gonna get going home , we have rehearsals tomorrow and its nearly two in the morning" yoongi spoke while yawning , hoseok moved from namjoon to yoongi ; picking him up in a bridal position .

"im taking me and my baby home , anyone need a ride?" hoseok spoke , while yoongi snuggled into his neck . that's kinda cute .

"nah im gon go to a club , stick my meat in something ya know" namjoon spoke while slightly stretching his arms out .

everyone understood , while teasing him a bit before he walked off into the night .

hoseok and yoongi soon left . leaving me , taehyung , jeongguk , and seokjin .

"ima head out , do you need a ride jimin ? i know taehyung brought you , but im pretty sure seokjin is going home with him ." jeongguk offered while twirling his eyes on his finger , i looked over to taehyung and seokjin- who were in their own world .

i looked back at him to see him smiling , cute . "sure" i said while walking towards him .


"you know .. i never got to ask you my question , can i ask you it?" he asked , keeping his eyes on the road .

"shoot" i said , looking out side at the stores they passed . the lights illuminated the streets , creating a gorgeous glow .

"well , i would like to know if you'd want to go on a date with me before your shift tomorrow ?" he asked , causing me to glance at him for a breif second .

i haven't had a good past with relationships . i figured out i was gay when i turned 13 , i was at school and a boy asked me out .

at first i was confused , he made me feel things i've never felt before . but it was all fake , apparently he was straight and it was just a cruel joke to them .

his friends and him jumped me , called me endless names .

that was the first time i self harmed , i didnt cut . it didn't hurt enough , so i stuck to burning myself with a lighter . i only burned my thighs and stomach . the places i hated the most on my body .

"jimin?" jeongguk asked , snapping me out of my thoughts .

"oh yea , i would love to .. what time ?" i asked , fiddling with my fingers . he looked over and chuckled at my fidgeting .

"depends , when does rehearsal start?" he asked while pulling infront of my apartment .

"it starts at 12pm , i can be ready at 8:30 maybe" i spoke while gathering my belongings together .

"sounds great , i will be here at 8:30 sharp . dont eat breakfast by the way" he said with a smile , as i stepped out of the car .

that wouldn't be an issue , i barely eat as it is .

jeongguk soon followed suit , walking besides me towards my studio apartment .

"okay , thank you for taking me home" i said while snuggling into my sweater , it was the first few days of september and there was already a chill in the air .

he seemed to notice and took of his jacket , placing it on my smaller frame . i looked up at him , he made me feel safe .

he smiled at me in return , "no problem , jimin you are very interesting .. i cant wait to get to know you" he spoke with a light blush adorning his cheeks .

under the moonlight he looked beyond ethereal , i can't believe someone this good-looking exists .

i just nodded in return , wearing the same emotionless face that i cant seem to shake off .

"well , im going to let you go to your apartment . i dont want to stalk you , but here" he said , lifting up his hand which held his phone .

"your number ?" he asked , initiating me to make myself a contact .

i took his phone without any other words typing in my name and number , i handed it back- seeing his instant smile that never leaves his face .

"thank you , goodbye jimin" he finally said , walking back to his car .

i then turned around and walked into the lobby . as i entered the elevator i realized i was still wearing his jacket .


just the two of us | jikook ✔Where stories live. Discover now