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i woke up , feeling sluggish . i had a terrible dream , where i saw my parents die . it was a terrifying experience , seeing their bodies fail on them was truly heartbreaking .

i was at my own apartment for once so i couldn't call jeongguk for comfort . i was alone .

and on today- out of all days , i wish i wasnt .

i sat up and swung my legs onto the side of the bed , i quickly picked my phone up to see that i had a few text messages .

i also noticed , while looking on my lock screen .. that today was october the 12th . its been four years .

each year i grew more and more numb , it began to see unreal almost .

but i had hoped that this year would be different , i now had friends and a beyond gorgeous boyfriend . i wanted to move on from the grieving stage & learn to accept it .

now that i was no longer a prisoner , i wanted to be better .

and it was all thanks to jeongguk , he made me happy . he was the one who painted smiles on my face , he had my first genuine kiss .

i was in love with jeon jeongguk and i wanted to be the best i could for him .

another notification snapped me out of my daydream , so i quickly entered my phone to see that it was my beloved who had texted me ,,

another notification snapped me out of my daydream , so i quickly entered my phone to see that it was my beloved who had texted me ,,

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i quickly shut my phone off , realizing that he will actually come up here in two minutes & i started getting ready .

the whole time i got ready i could only think about how lucky i am to have him .


just the two of us | jikook ✔Where stories live. Discover now