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"happy birthday to youu-" everyone sang in harmony , smiling at the birthday boy who was positioned in front of his double layered cake .

the cake was a beautiful violet color which resembled the club's color scheme , it was beautifully decorated with a pole at the top and some fish net patterns along the top tier of the cake .  the bottom layer had what look like silhouettes of a crowd , with money being thrown in the air . it was very beautiful and architectural , it was more than what jimin ever imagined .

to say he was shocked was an understatement .. everybody put in all the effort to make jimins 19th birthday worth while . once they figured out that he stopped celebrating his birthday after a traumatizing memory they decided to put it their all into the surprise party . 

seokjin and hoseok bought a great amount of food , as well as they bought the customized cake .

namjoon and taehyung bought beautiful violet decorations to match the theme flawlessly , it looked beautiful .

yoongi and jeongguk were in charge of purchasing the gifts , everyone described to yoongi and jeongguk of what they wanted to buy jimin– so the duo took care of it all .

jimin couldn't contain his excitement , he actually was smiling all day long . he never wanted this day to end , so what if yesterday was bittersweet for him ?

he knew today would be a never-ending memory .

"okay guys now that we all ate a bit of the cake .. how about present time !!" jungkook yelled out , while carrying a great amount of gifts over to where jimin sat .

everybody cheered in agreement as jimin shyly covered his face .

"don't be shy open up mine first" taehyung said pushing his gift towards jimin .

jimin simply giggled and nodded unwrapping the gift , it ended up being gucci slippers . jimin gasped in pure surprise .

"tae ! i know you did not .. why ? i don't deserve this-" jimin started rambling , but was soon cut off by taehyungs deep voice . 

"jimin you deserve everything .. this was just a little gift .. nothing special ." taehyung smiled sweetly at jimin , then continued cuddling into seokjins side .

jimin soon obtained with a newfound gleam in his eyes and smiled one of his biggest smiles yet .

jimin thanked him , then continued to open his other gifts .

seokjin decided to get jimin a custom-made pair of heels .  they were a pretty shade of pink and just gorgeous , they had a clear platform and were bejeweled along the heel of the shoe . they were breathtaking .

namjoon decided to get jimin a custom-made duffle bag , since he knew jimin was a busy man . he had a lot of places to be , so he decided to get him something to hold all of his belongings .. & in style . on the bag was jimin's stripper name ; mini mochi . it was bejeweled by mock diamonds , the bag was beautiful and efficient . 

hoseok decided to go on a different route and got jimin a charm bracelet with a lot of charms . each one represented something different , there was a charm of the heel which represented stripping , there was a time of a cat which represented yoongi ,  there was a charm of a microphone which represented hoseok , there was a charm of a shopping bag which represented taehyung , there was also a charm of a pink lipstick which represented seokjin and his beauty , as well as there was a beer charm which represented namjoon and his drinking habits . and the last charm had a heart-shaped lock , that of course represented jungkook .

everyone participated in telling hoseok what charm they wanted , so hoseok didn't have an issue with getting each charm .

yoongi chose to get jimin a necklace that had his name on it it was very nice , and it screamed expensive . "jimin" was written in cursive on the necklace , and all of it was silver . it had little diamonds implanted in the name giving it that rich taste .

finally jungkook got jimin probably the best gift in his opinion . he bought jimin a promise ring .. that promised love and honesty . but that wasn't it , jeongguk took another step and bought him a pet . jungkook took notice that jimin had a little the soft spot for pets , so he decided to get jimin one himself . he had a little trouble picking out which animal but with the help of yoongi , he chose a kitten .

jimin was beyond happy , this was the happiest he's felt in his whole nineteen years of living . he didn't hesitate to show it either . he hugged everyone and thanked them with everything in him .

jimin was soon obtained with a newfound gleam in his eyes and smiled one of his biggest smiles yet .

the day passed , and was filled with love .

soon it was about to be midnight , and everyone chose to spend the night in jeongguks living room .

as jimin and jeongguk were cuddled up on the couch  , with their new kittty .. jimin had and epiphany .

he realized that he was finally happy and at peace , he's waited for this feeling for years . he's waited for the feeling of having a home .

he had found a new family , he found his home .

at 11:48 pm on a wednesday , who would've thought that he had finally found peace .


(a/n : as i finished this chapter i got in trouble , i got yelled at by my mom for something .. . i want to commit not alive .)

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