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"this studio apartment has a total of two bedrooms , an extra room , aswell as three bathrooms , a living space , and a kitchen . their is also a balcony connected to the livingspace . since you requested for the studio to be furnished we did just that , everything is ready for your stay . all you are missing is bed sheets , towels and such . you'd have to buy those items , since they are rather personal" the landlord spoke while touring me around my new place .

it was breathtaking , the apartment's architectural design was gorgeous and the furniture was adorning the place in the most pleasant way .

it was very spacious , but perfect for me .

(kinda like that but you can imagine it however)

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(kinda like that but you can imagine it however)

"since you are moving in today you have to pay your month fee , and since we have furnished the whole apartment you have to pay extra . so for today you have to pay the settlement price , which is .."

he paused while pulling out his tablet and calculating everything , i had a little over 100k in my bank account so the price wouldn't make a dent .

"$ 4,300 is all you have to pay for today , as well as for this month . how are you paying today ? check , or credit ?"

i mentally scoffed at his suggestion , as if he was nearly calling me poor . i dont do credit or checks . its only cash or debit .

"debit" i answered shortly while handing over my card , he took it and pulled out a mini card scanner- scanning my card info and proceeding with the transactions .

"okay jimin , everything is set . i live on the first floor , you know where to find me" he spoke with a smile while shaking my hand , briefly handing over my card .

he then left , leaving me alone with my thoughts .

i walked into the master bedroom , which just so happened to be my room and i placed my bag down on the bed ; unpacking my belongings to their rightful places .

it only took nearly ten minutes , considering i only packed what time allowed .

i pulled out an outfit for today , a oversized black sweater with some blue jeans that had a few rips in it . i didnt have everything needed for a shower so i chose to take one later today , after my errands .

once i looked better than i did twenty minutes earlier i quickly left , on the way to find the nearest bus stop .


"yes he just quit-" a young man spoke into the phone , with a panicked tone .

i didn't want to intrude his business so i continued on with my shopping , i came across two shirts . one was pink and the other was blue , they were both pastel and very cute .. but which one ..

"pink , not only would you look cute as fuck with that but i personally think that pink is superior" the man from earlier spoke while taking the shirts out of my hand , placing the blue one back onto the rack .

i was confused , what do i say to him ?

he then sent me a playful smile , which resembled a box almost . he had a warm look in his eyes filled with passion and happiness .

"taehyung , and you ?" he spoke with his hand out , initiating a handshake .

i gently placed my smaller hand into his and shook it . "jimin" i said while trying to sound cheerful , but it was very hard to do so .

"cute , lets be bestfriends" he said while dragging me to the register , i had a whole shopping cart full of new clothes .. including the pink shirt taehyung picked out .

"um , this might take a minute" i said while pointing my head towards the cart full of clothes , he looked unimpressed almost .

"you haven't seen me shop yet , we are definitely hitting gucci next"


just the two of us | jikook ✔Where stories live. Discover now