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"are you hungry min?" jeongguk asked for what seemed like the 50th time in the past two minutes .

i was staying at jeongguks house for the next few weeks , until i healed . i dont know why he'd keep me here but he insisted .

"no jeongguk im not hungry ! you always ask me that , i appreciate it but im far from hungry" i spoke while going onto my phone to browse some stories on wattpad .

hm , love by fate ? that looks interesting , its a seven sins au .. staring jikook ? that almost sounds like my name combined with buns .

i added it to my reading list in hopes to read it later . i then looked up to see jeongguk walk in with a huge tray of food .

it had as much food that i would eat in the span of two weeks , i hope he doesn't expect me too eat all of this .

"so minmin , i got you a little buffet so you can pick what you feel like eating . i got you two bowls of ramen , two platters of sushi , i think five or four pieces of toast , some strawberries , a little bit of stirfry-"

he started to list each food and the sound of even consuming it made my stomach twist , i quickly cut him off by placing a finger on his lips .

"im sorry , i got carried away" he spoke with a slight blush , removing my finger . he then placed the tray down on the bed ; adjacent to me .

"i will try to eat as much as i can , just in case can you please bring me a trash bin ?" i asked while he looked confused .

"its not like you are gonna throw up , haha" he laughed , before walking out of the room to get a bin .

i always throw my food up , im not sure why .. but i cant keep it down . i used to be infatuated with the thought of being skinny and perfect , but over the years i stopped caring .. i would make myself throw up , and i would hardly eat .

once i fell into a deeper depression i lost the passion to make myself perfect , i let go of myself . so i stopped forcing myself to throw up . but everytime i ate something it came right back up , so i tried to stick to water . though from time to time i could keep down juice , or milkshakes .

i haven't went to the doctor about it yet , i had the perfect chance when i was recently at the hospital but i got scared- what if my friends thought of me different .

i wouldnt be able to live with myself , i can barely live with myself now as it is .

my thoughts were soon cut off by jeongguk walking in holding a bin . "i got it , since i did make a bit too much food i invited taejin over to eat whatever is leftover.. since they are always hungry" he spoke with a small chuckle , i nodded in response .

picking up my hand to eat a piece of toast , i chewed on it and swallowed . jeongguk looked happy and proud so i picked up another piece- quickly eating it . before i knew it i had eaten three pieces of bread .

"water?" i asked looking over at jeongguk who was smiling at me , he nodded before running off to get water .

i felt my stomach churn in response to the food i thrown into it , i felt sick .

hopefully the water will help me keep the food down . soon jeongguk came in with a bottle of water , he quickly opened it and passed it to me- noticing my pale face .

i swallowed a bit down , then i placed the bottle down on the nightstand next to me .

"thank yo-" i was cut off by food traveling up my throat , i quickly grabbed the bin and released all of the food i ate .

it was inevitable , i tried to keep it down but of course luck wasn't on my side .

in the middle of me vomiting i felt a hand pat my back , while another one held back the fringe on my forehead .

"let it out baby , it'll be okay .. i got you"


just the two of us | jikook ✔Where stories live. Discover now