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-two years later-


"why are you covering my eyes" i giggled as jeongguk was mysteriously leading me to somewhere .

we were celebrating our new company , jimjeo inc . it was a modeling company , we decided to quit our jobs at the club and go down a different path . of course taejin , namjoon , and yoonseok joined us .

tonight was just with me and jeongguk though , we chose to eat dinner on the roof of our company . but now jeongguk chose to surprise me .

"shh , i have something to show you baby" he whispered , leading me a few more steps over .

"i swear gguk , if you push me off the building i will drag you down with me" i yelled nervously , he just laughed and held me .

"okay take off your blind fold" he spoke , letting go of me .

once i took of the blindfold i blinked a few times to see jeongguk kneeling down before me , holding a box in his hands .

this is it .

he then opened the box to reveal a gorgeous silver ring , beautifully decorated with bright diamonds . the engagement ring was flawless , it was perfect .

"jimin , my baby . i love you so much , i know that i may not show it alot— or whatever .. but i am deeply in love with you . i only want to spend the rest of my life with you . you are literally my everything , i would be lost with out you . if i ever intentionally hurt you then i wouldn't know how ro live with myself . we have been through ups and downs , at first i didn't even think we'd get this far . but you've taught me to open up , and to let go . i sure as hell hope i did the same thing to you . i am dangerously in love with you , and i hope you feel the same .. so with out further ado , i ask .. jimin will you marry me ?"

jeongguk ended his speech with tears filling his dark brown orbs . i could feel my own tears fill up my eyes , in happiness .

i physically couldn't make out any words so i nodded , covering my mouth in the process . he seemed to visibly relax , as he smiled in return .

he then slid the ring onto my ring finger and stood up . he pulled me into his warm embrace , briefly kissing my temple .

"i love you so much bun" i whispered into his firm chest .

"i love you more my mochi" he whispered back , in the sweetest tone .

as we stood in eachothers embrace , on the roof of our company we watched the sunrise . we both realized something ,

life throws obstacles left and right , but with a home— any challenge is defeatable .


anyways , i apologise if this story was bad or rushed . i am actually on my way to a hospital rn , bc i might have cancer LMAOO . i wish i was lying . but yea , i have been going through some things lately & its been harder to write .

but i hope you enjoyed !! please ignore the mistakes or whatever bc i have yet to edit this book .

if you haven't read my other books , broken or love by fate i recommend them ✨ .

okay bye byee , see you in the next book 👁️👄👁️ .

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