Chapter 5

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You were missing your friends and the Resistance more than ever. It had been weeks since your capture, although you weren't certain. Your access to the outside was very limited. Very rarely were you aware of the time let alone what day it was. But you kept count by the number of times you had slept. You had kept a small blunt knife that came on your food tray, using it to carve a line in the wall to balance your sanity. Though you were sure the poorly made food you were forced to ingest would be your mental downfall. You reminisced on the times when you were free. Free from your own personal hell. When you were greeted by smiling faces every day, rather than masks of troopers. You especially missed Leia. She had taken you under her wing when you were picked up by the Resistance. She mentored you through your grieving of your parents, you had looked up to her since the start. She reminded you of your mother and that was something you would always hold onto. You had sworn your loyalty to her and the Resistance. They were your family now.

You imagined how worried they would be for you. Everyone meant something to their cause. Unlike the First Order. Everyone is replaceable. You wondered what role Ren truly had to play in this totalitarian control. The mask that hid his face. You couldn't help but question the purpose of the mask. He obviously used it to intimidate anyone that opposed him but you felt there was something else to its meaning. Was he a human? Or something else. The thoughts were devouring your mind. Perhaps he was truly a monster under the mask.

You remembered when the First Order had risen from the ashes of the Empire. When the raids started, children stolen from their mother's arms. Entire planets massacred and used for resources for their rule. The screams of thousands haunted you, but Leia was the one that helped you overcome them. To control the things you were sure weren't normal. But she never judged you.

"Your mind is so conflicted" his voice screaming through your ears. You jumped almost out of your skin. You were so caught up in your own thoughts you hadn't noticed Ren standing in your cell.

"Oh my god, you need to stop showing up uninvited" you snapped. He was the last person you wanted to see today. He took a step closer to you. "What can I help you with today, sir, more digging into my memories or did you want to shove your fingers down my throat again" you mocked

"There's times I can sense you and then others I can't, why is that?" he questioned completely ignoring what you had said

"You keep asking me these things like I know." you glared at him as you said it

"For someone so vulnerable you have a great way of aggravating your superiors" he took another step toward you now.

"My superiors? All you are to me is a creature in a mask." you spat

"Oh? Care to explain to me why you were touching yourself over me the other night then?"

You froze. "How could you possibl-"

"You think so loudly when you're aroused." he interrupted. You could feel the warmth rise to your cheeks, you were mortified. "What was it, my tongue between your legs? Such a filthy mind."

You felt the anger bubble in your stomach. You couldn't believe he was saying this to you, making a mockery of you. Your fists clenched at your sides, what you would do if you could punch him in his stupid face.

"Don't fight it, you know you can't" he said walking closer to you. You backed away from him, he was so large in size compared to you and you knew he could overpower you at any moment.

"I hate you," you yelled. He had your back to the wall now, his arms either side of your head as he towered over you. The closeness of his body sending the hairs on your arms to stand. You felt a warmth between your legs as you glanced down at his groin.

"I know," he said.

"Why are you doing this. All I am is a no one, you said it yourself. Why do you continue to torture me, you destroyed what I had done. What more do you want?" you growled looking back up at his mask

"How did you manage to get into this base without me sensing you?" he asked, once again ignoring your questions

"How many times do I have to tell you!" you screamed up at him. The fact he was completely ignoring you was really pissing you off.

"Hmm, so much anger from someone so small" he laughed. You couldn't help yourself, he had pushed you to your breaking point. Without a thought, you swung a fist straight into the side of his mask. Sharp pain shooted through your arm.

"FUCK!" you yelled, holding your hand to your chest, you had definitely broken something. Ren hadn't even flinched, he watched you as you looked down at your knuckles. They were already bruised. You instantly regretted punching his mask, though you wished it was his face instead.

Ren chuckled at you. "That wasn't very smart"

"You prick!" you yelled. His hand was around your throat before you could say anymore. His leather gloves squeezing your neck so hard you thought it would break.

"You don't learn," he said, you watched as his other hand unbuttoned his pants. You could see the large bulge in front of you. You looked back up at him confused. "I'm going to teach you a lesson." Without hesitation he sprung his member free, you watched as it bounced onto his torso. You weren't sure if you were seeing things because of the dizziness from his hand around your neck or it was that big.

"Maybe I can find a use for that insolent mouth of yours" as he said this his hand left your neck, pushing you down by your shoulders and onto your knees in front of him. With his other hand, he grabbed his member putting it toward your face. You turned your head away, repulsed by his request. But he grabbed you by the hair, forcing his way into your mouth. You tasted the saltiness of precum as his dick pushed further into your mouth. "Suck," he commanded. You stopped, looking up at him angrily, he couldn't expect you to do this after he just broke your hand.

"You punched me," he replied. You groaned, of course, that's when he's in your head. He thrusted his dick down into your throat without warning, making you gag. You heard him groan through his mask as he started going faster into your mouth. Your eyes were watering as he pulled your hair. He was hitting the back of your throat with each thrust causing you to dribble down your chin. "Good girl," he said as he continued, fucking your face quicker now. You moaned, sending vibrations through his member only encouraging him more. His dick twitched as he neared his climax. He grabbed your face in his hands as he pushed deeper into your throat, emptying his seed into you. You gagged again, as his thrusts slowed until he pulled himself out of your mouth.

"Will you behave now?" he questioned as he buttoned up his pants. You stood back up and gazed down at your hand, it was turning purple and had swollen up to twice its size. You were surprised when his leathered hand grabbed it and watched as his mask surveyed it. He grabbed your chin in his hand angling you to face him, Ren then walked towards the door and waved his hand "Trooper, this prisoner needs immediate medical attention. Take her to the med bay."

"Yes sir" the trooper replied. You wiped your mouth and chin on the back of your sleeve as the trooper entered.

"Thanks," you said to Ren, he stopped for a second before he exited the cell.

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