Chapter 7

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You had been drawn in by his eyes. The golden orbs entrancing you in their gaze. Such pain, sorrow, fear was screaming at you as you delved deeper into them. He was mumbling something but it all sounded like noise to you as your focus harden while you examined him. You wondered what had caused his pain, who was he before he was this. His tight squeeze around your chin snapped you out of it. You looked at him as he angled your face towards him.

"You really are as ignorant as you look," he said dropping your chin

"You really are as big of an asshole as you look" you replied, rolling your eyes

He frowned and looked you up and down. As his gaze returned to your face something fluttered inside you. You wanted to get rid of it as soon as it arrived. You had no feelings for this man. Did you? You puffed out your cheeks as you breathed out, hoping the feeling escaped with the air.

"Weakness surrounds you"

"You are one to talk. I saw the fear in your eyes"

You had obviously hit a nerve with the way his shoulders tightened and his hands flexed. You saw the switch in his eyes as anger overcame him.

"Prying into places you aren't allowed? How do you like it?" he questioned, his eyes never leaving yours. There were so many things he could have done, you were scared which one he would choose. The fire in his eyes was so intimidating that they froze you in place. You watched, completely still as his hand rose to your head, this time he placed his hand on the side of it. The leather cool on your cheek. Your eyes widened in shock as pain shot through your head. The memories pouring out like water. You saw your parents on Kijimi, them waving goodbye and your mother crying, your father comforting her as you flew away. Then the images you had tried to shove into the deepest parts of your memories. You saw yourself as you fell to the ground, tears spilling from your eyes, you were screaming out for your parents. Kylo's hand flew from your face. You didn't realise that you were crying until the tears fell onto your lap. You sneered at him and turned away, grabbing the ends of your sleeves and wiping the tears away. You weren't about to show your weakness to anyone. Especially him.

"Happy?" You said turning to face him. Your eyes narrowed to him. He stared at you blank for what felt like an eternity before he was slapped back into reality. He kept his head still as you lowered your hand, a bright red mark developing on his cheek. You enjoyed that more than you thought you should have. Kylo raised his hand up to his face, running his leather fingers down his cheek. You had caught him off guard, but there was something about his body language that made you question how much he disliked being slapped by someone.

"Watch your thoughts, little girl" as he said this he stood up from in front of you replacing his mask. The cell you had been placed in highlighting his figure. Your eyes fell to his waist and your thoughts wandered off. Though you hated him with your every being there were parts of you that missed the touch of his skin on yours. The way his hips rolled into you so violently. His grip on your hair, the power of his body. He was magnificent in his own fucked up way. By the time you had noticed you realised he had already left.

Captain Phasma and her troops had transported you to a new cell the night you tried to escape. This one was much more secure. With a camera on the roof, a guard at your door at all times. You noted how much you hated the colours of the First Order, blinding white surrounded you entirely besides the cell door. You had started to take notice of how often they checked on you. Twice every hour. No privacy, not very accommodating. The troopers discussed quite a lot of things. Some important, some plain stupid. They had mentioned the base and what they thought it was for. Interesting that even the troopers had little knowledge. The First Order was so secretive in their affairs.

"CN-2638 General Hux wishes the prisoner be brought to him for further questioning" you heard one of the troopers say

"Yes ma'am," the other one said. As he approached you he gestured to the wall with his gun "hands behind your back and face the wall"

You rolled your eyes, "I'm not that dangerous" but you obeyed. He grabbed your wrists, putting the cuffs on and pulled you by them to face the door. "Do they not teach you manners here?" you poked

"Quiet," he said pushing you harder

Once again for what felt like the thousandth time you were led through the endless hallways of the base. As you walked you wandered who was this General Hux, why was he so important and what did he want from you. The trooper led you through a door into an open space. There were so many nameless faces that lay before you so engrossed in their work they didn't even offer you a glance. The trooper pushed you towards another door. You were pushed through the door and met with a pale man with orange hair, a stern look to him but you could see he was really a boy under all that importance.

"General Hux, do I stay with the prisoner?" the trooper asked

"No, I'm sure she's just as useless as she looks," he said looking you up and down. What a judgemental little man you thought. "Care to tell me how you escaped and killed four of my men?" he raised a brow toward you

"It's the rebel scum in me, sir," you replied, cocking a brow back at him

He laughed, "So much spite. Well, you have managed to distract Kylo Ren, but I'm not sure whether you have shown his true weakness or your own stupidity."

"It's not like I choose when I see him or enjoy his company, kind of comes with being a prisoner to a bunch of fascists," you said smiling at Hux

Hux grunted, walking with his hands behind his back to his desk. He sat down in the chair and smirked at you. "Your feeble attempt at breaking into this base is to blame not Ren"

"Without your little henchman Kylo, you would never had caught me. Perhaps your little base and men aren't up to standard sir"

"I will alert Kylo to restrain from visiting you and in the meantime maybe you can re-educate yourself" Hux replied, he stood up and walked towards the door, it opened to the trooper. "Make sure she's returned to her cell trooper"

You glared at him as you were led back to your cell. You had been distracting Kylo? You very rarely enjoyed his presence and when he did decide to show he made your life a living hell. Making you a spectacle of his power.

When you arrived back at your cell you were once again made to face the wall as the trooper removed your cuffs and left, the familiar buzz of the force field door in your ears. You sat back on your bed as you thought about what just happened. Firstly, Hux was a weasel, he very obviously used his power to improve his self-esteem. Secondly, you were still stuck on the fact you had been distracting Kylo. Lastly, you didn't think it was possible but your hatred for the First Order only grew stronger. The men in power were scared boys. So caught up in their own little game of power that they greatly misjudged the Resistance. If they could do it without the information you failed to return, they may be able to destroy this base and even the First Order. And what a relief that would be.

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