Chapter 23

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You had been told five words, five little minuscule words to some but to you; they meant more then you had ever imagined. They were your warning, your sign from the galaxy itself that this was it. Everything you had done was finally becoming meaningful.

"Trust only in the force," Kylo had said before he abruptly left, and you didn't think much of it at the time, but now, it made sense. Stormtroopers had charged into your room and dragged you across the ship to a place you had never been before. Your knees become numb as you knelt on the cold floor, your eyes engulfed with red. The mood was set; fear. Your body coursed with it, your very veins pumping the feeling throughout your body from your heart to your toes. You tried your best to keep a strong front, but every muscle in your body wanted to run. You shifted your hands though it was no use, the restraints held them tightly in place behind your back. Your eyes never straying away from the disfigured man placed proudly on his throne, the dark grey making the gold from his robes pop out, his revolting mouth turning into a grin. Just the thought of him made you want to curl up into yourself and disappear into the void; his presence couldn't be missed its demeanour dominant throughout the room.

"So you are the girl that has been distracting my apprentice?" his words bellowed around you sending shivers down your spine and before you knew it your restraints fell to the floor behind you. You gripped at your wrists, comforting the pain from the restraints and you turned to look at the man behind you, Kylo, who stayed silent and still before his master. "Come closer, child. I sense the force coursing through you. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise," the man spoke, and in an instant, you had slid across the floor and stopped right before his throne.

"So you are the great Supreme Leader I have heard so much about," you mocked, though something told you that humour wouldn't get you out of this. He only grinned more, and you looked closer at him, his face was deformed the weight of his age strewn across his appearance. He began to chuckle at you; you knew you looked ridiculous kneeling before him, your vulnerability clear. "You underestimate me, and you underestimate Kylo Ren,"

"Hold still that fiery spit of hope. You have the spirit of a Jedi, perhaps. Unless proved different, you may pose as useful to our cause," he spoke, words dripping with power.

"I'll never join you! The Resistance will save the galaxy from your oppressive reign, you and the First Order!" you spat, the fear causing a rise in adrenaline as your heart rate raced, encouraging your rage to strengthen.

"My girl, the Resistance is dead, their small hold will be abolished," 

"No!" you yelled, and you reached out your hand hoping to be met with the hilt of Kylo's saber, and within seconds you were, a cold metal sting across your palm, the red guards beside you arming their weapons. Without a thought, you had leapt across the room, your eyes set on Snoke, on his head lying beside his body. But with a mere flick of his fingers, Snoke had stopped you in mid-air and pulled you back in front of him.

"Young fool," he said, and the saber ripped from your hand, landing softly next to him on the throne. "Too much hope in you, and because of that you must die,"

You were thrown to the ground and back towards Kylo, knelt before him now as his gazed stayed on Snoke. "My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader, where there was conflict I now sense resolved, where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training,"

You watched as Kylo reached his hand up towards you, ready to snap your neck in an instant. "I know what I have to do," his words were like daggers into your heart; after everything, he was willing to end your life. After the love you had shared with him, the love you thought he might have shared with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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