Chapter 6

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The medics at the med bay had treated your hand, using bacta and a cast to speed up the process. Though you were appreciative of their help you knew it didn't mean anything more than them doing their jobs. But they had made a mistake, you weren't in restraints and the trooper at your door had left. You knew that this was the moment if you did this right you may be able to escape.

You stood up out of the bed and walked towards the door, you took a breath and opened it, peering out to make sure no one was around. When you were sure you weren't noticed you crept through the hallway and out the exit. You clung to the walls, manoeuvring your way through the endless hallways of Starkiller base, avoiding the occasional stormtrooper patrols. Until you found yourself back at the hanger you had once arrived in. You spotted large groups of troopers and captains working on the vast amount of tie fighters and shuttle. You hid behind two large boxes and peered over them surveying the hanger. One of the smaller boxes beside you was slightly open and you saw blasters, grabbing one you turned off the safety, holding it up beside you. You spotted a few isolated ships but you knew you couldn't risk getting caught. Your eyes fell on the large window, a forest of white lay before you. Perhaps you could escape through there you thought. You snuck closer to the exit as cautious as you could. Waiting as a patrol led by a silver stormtrooper walked past your hiding spot. You crouched down and ran out the door.

The sirens rang in your ears as you sprinted out into the forest. Your heart was racing as you were pumped full of adrenaline.

"A prisoner has escaped. Be on the lookout" a voice echoed from the base.

"Shit" you whispered, though you knew it wouldn't have taken them long to realise you were gone. You continued to run deeper into the forest unsure where you were going but anywhere away from Ren and the First Order would be best. When you thought you were far enough you stopped and leaned on a tree. You caught your breath, your hands were buzzing as the cool air stung your skin.

Your head swung around as a blast flew past your head burning into the tree beside you. How had they found you so quickly? You jumped behind the tree, loading your blaster. Peering around it you spotted four troopers.

"Get the rebel scum," one said as they started shooting at you. You fired back hitting one in the chest. The other three continued to shoot, luckily for you they were all a terrible aim. You jumped behind the next tree and fired your blaster hitting another trooper. The snow around you was melting as it was littered with blaster fire. You shot out three more shots watching as another one fell. The last trooper came closer to you now, firing shots past your head. With one last breath, you stepped around the tree aiming for the trooper's helmet. You closed your eyes as you pulled the trigger. When you heard their body fall you opened them back up.

Ren was standing there in front of you. Sabre blazing in the snow. Without hesitation, you fired your blaster at him. He blocked the shots sending them flying past you.

"Why are you doing this!" You screamed, snow falling around you. He was frightening, his stance, the way his body staunched as he walked towards you. He pointed his lightsabre at you as he stopped metres away.

"So ignorant." You fired your blaster at him again but he was too quick, deflecting them all. "Don't be afraid"

"Don't be afraid?" You laughed. "Pretty hard when you are being hunted by a creature in a mask!" you yelled. "I don't even know if you are human."

You watched as he reached up to his mask. It hissed as he clicked the locks on the sides, opening its clasp around his head. He lifted it up and raised his face back up, eyes burning with fury. He was gorgeous. His hair falling black in waves around his shoulders. His bones structure was impeccable, golden eyes and beautiful red lips. You were in shock, that was not what you were expecting. He threw his mask on the ground beside him, not taking his eyes off of you. There was something about the intensity of his gaze that lit the blaze between your legs

Ren's hand flung up toward you as you raised your blaster. You tried to fire but something had you held still. You tried to move but you were frozen in place. You looked back at Ren as he walked towards you.

"Stuck?" he questioned, raising a brow at you. He walked around you examining your body. "You really have a habit of angering me, don't you?"

His gaze never left yours as he took your blaster from your hand throwing it far into the snow. His hands ran down your spine sending shivers through your body. Your core clenched as his lips hovered over your ear

"You have caused so much trouble for me" he whispered. "You will learn to respect me, girl"

Ren waved his hand and you felt the force around you stop, he pushed you down into the snow. "Get on your hands and knees"

"No" you snapped, glaring at him

"Do it now or you will regret it" he said snarling at you. You obeyed, the cold snow freezing your fingers, the pressure on your wounded hand making you cry out. His hand pulled at your pants and you felt the cold bite of the air on your naked ass. A sharp sting came across it as his leathered hand slapped it. "Good girl," he said. You heard him tussling behind you and then the warmth of his body. You were soaking below him, your core begged for his touch.

His fingers sliding over your entrance, teasing your clit. You begged him to touch you. "Please Ren."

"Ren? What makes you think you can call me that?" He questioned

"Please, Sir?"

"Mmm good girl," he said as his fingers entered you. You moaned at the feeling. His fingers curled inside of you. He slapped your ass once again, fucking you with his digits. As he removed them you whined out until you felt him teasing your entrance with his member.

"You want this?" he whispered and you whimpered in response. "Answer me properly."

"Yes sir" you whined

"Good" and he slowly pushed himself into you. Your walls clamped around him and you heard him moan out. Without hesitation, he began fucking you, hard. He grabbed your hips and thrust into you quick in pace. You screamed out as he hit your spot and he continued fucking you faster. He grabbed your arms, holding them behind your back as his other hand pushed your face into the snow. It stung your skin but you didn't dare cry out. You were a mess under his control as he started to reach his climax, getting more aggressive with each thrust. You heard him growl through gritted teeth as he came inside of you. He stayed in you for a second before he stood up and redid his pants

"Get up" he demanded and you obeyed, pulling up your pants and wiping the snow from your face and hands. He watched you and you avoided his gaze

"What will happen to me?" you asked him

"I am still deciding" as he said this the yells from troopers nearby were heard

"I've spotted them, Kylo Ren and the prisoner" this came from the silver stormtrooper from before as her and the other troops ran towards you. Kylo Ren, that was his full name you thought.

"Captain Phasma, took your time" Kylo replied as he walked towards her

"Sir, we apologise, what would you like us to with this," she said gesturing towards you

Kylo watched her as he replaced his mask. "To a more isolated cell, I think Captain, for the time being,"

"Very well" Phasma waved two troopers towards you, one hitting you with the back of his blaster making you fall to the ground. The other placing your hands in cuffs behind your back.

"Do you mind" you barked at them

"Quiet trash," Phasma said as you were lead back to the base.

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