Chapter 8

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It had been a few days since Kylo last visited you. Perhaps he was obedient to Hux. Which was surprising. But there was something absent about how you felt. Being away from your friends for so long could do that, though you weren't sure if it could be something else entirely. Even if he was power-mad, Kylo had brought you comfort. Not in a romantic way. Rather the ideals of real human contact. Touching someone, talking to someone. As a prisoner, the only time anyone spoke to you was when they were barking orders. You were sure that without those little bits of contact you would have gone mad. Though if you had to stay in this place much longer you probably would go mad regardless. At times, even if you hated it you yearned for his presence. He was a narcissist in every way but he was still human, at times. His rage turned him into a bloodthirsty animal. You had seen that part of him more times than you wished you did. He was truly terrifying when he was in that state. But there were times, very rarely where there was a flicker. Something in his eyes that made your stomach flutter. You knew it was ridiculous but in your own way, you were being selfish and using him to your advantage. And you knew he was doing the same. The fact Hux had mentioned it only proved your point more. Something inside of you alerted your senses. Your shoulders tensing and you sat up from your bed. In a few seconds, Kylo appeared at the door at the cell door.

"I need the prisoner for questioning," he said

"Yes sir, I will get her to the interrogation rooms right away."

"No. I will take her myself" he snapped

"I'm under strict instructions from General Hux sir" the trooper pressed

"Open this cell now or you will answer to me" you watched as Kylo pointed towards the trooper. In an instant, the force field disappeared and Kylo walked into the cell

"Come with me," he said turning to exit

"Do I have a choice?" you questioned. But he was already walking away, you took that as a no. You followed him, gazing up at the camera as you exited the cell. You trailed behind him as he walked with his usual urgency. "Where are you taking me?"

Kylo kept silent as he stopped in front of a small door, he pressed the button on the side of it and instantly it opened. It was an elevator, black and white in colour and very small in size. You gulped as you followed him and the doors closed, trapping you both. You both rode in silence before Kylo moved, pressing one of the buttons. The elevator stopped, you waited for the doors to open but they never did. He was watching you as you examined it.

"What are we doing?" you asked curiously

"I can't get you out of my head"

"What?" you laughed, you were certain he was messing with you

"There are times when all I can hear are your thoughts. There's a feeling"

"You are joking right, this is some way of getting me to talk isn't it?"

"I need it to stop, it's distracting me from my duties" as he said this he unlocked his mask, placing it on the ground beside him. His eyes caught yours, you could see the fear prominent in him. Something washed through you, were you concerned?

"I don't know what you want me to do Kylo. Unless you let me go back to Resistance."

"Or I kill you" something new sparked in his eyes

"What? No, no that's not what I meant" you said backing away from him

"It would solve so much. But there's something holding me back" he said stepping towards you. His dark hair hung perfectly, framing his face. God, he was beautiful. You blinked your eyes trying to look away. You felt the cold surface of the elevator wall on your neck as you were met with it. He always managed to get you into these vulnerable situations.

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