Chapter 11

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Hey, guys just wanted to say something real quick.

Thank you all so much for reading. It makes me so happy you guys are enjoying my work, I love you all with my whole heart! 😊

You were focused on the wall in front of you. It's curves and colours, the way the design flowed throughout its entire being. You hadn't moved from the chair in Kylo's room in hours. You kept replaying the scenarios from before throughout your mind. Focusing on the faces of your parents and Leia whom you missed dearly. You weren't sure what it all meant and you were struggling to see the bigger picture. Being taken prisoner for so long had drained you mentally and emotionally more than you realised. You wondered what the galaxy had planned for your future, from where you were sitting you struggled to see anything but positive outcomes. You had so much you were looking forward to once the Resistance had taken down the First Order. There was still so much of the Galaxy you wanted to see, from the lakes of Naboo to the icy regions of Lothal your list was endless. You had later planned to settle down, find someone to spend the last of your days with and who knows maybe you'd move to one of the many planets you wished to visit.

You sighed as you pushed yourself up from the chair and walked out the door of the bedroom. You were stuck here for god knows how long you may as well get acquainted with what Kylo's quarters had to offer. It was so minuscule in size and décor, a plain black and grey colour scheme and very few belongings scattered about. He was so dark and secretive you weren't surprised his quarters looked so isolated and it definitely made you feel it. Perhaps that what Kylo wished to feel as well and no wonder he is so intense and unpredictable, you couldn't imagine calling this your "home" though you didn't think Kylo either. Although your room in the Resistance's base of D'Qar had very few things it wasn't as cold and unwelcoming as this. Your skin cooled as you ran your hand along the wall as you wandered around until you heard the faint sound of the coms from outside your door.

"All personal are ordered to gather in the assembly area for an announcement from General Hux immediately," a harsh female voice said through the coms.

"Should we lock the door?" one of the troopers outside your door said

"Nah, where would she go anyway?" the other suggested.

"Okay, but if anything happens I'm blaming you,"

Almost instantly you heard the footsteps from outside your door get fainter as the troopers left their post. 'Maybe this is the moment' you thought to yourself. Walking slowly towards the door you stopped and waited a few minutes to make sure it was safe before you checked you were alone. When you were sure it was clear you pressed the button on the side of the door and it flew open, a white empty hallway welcoming you. It was almost blinding after the blacks and greys your eyes had been adjusted to. You sprinted through the halls as you tried to remember which way you had come from only days before, you stopped as you reached the elevators and you pressed the button waiting for it to arrive.

"Hurry up," you said anxiously as you chewed your lip. This time you were going to more precautious and if everyone was gathered somewhere together maybe this time you would finally getaway. The bell rang as the doors opened, stepping in you let the breath you were holding in out. Any button was good, you didn't care as long as you ended up out of this place. The echoing from your feet bounced around your ears as you ran through the corridors of Starkiller base in search of an exit or a ship, really anything would do.


The cool wind flew throughout the hundreds of stormtroopers gathered on the top of Starkiller base. They all stood so perfectly still as their commander stood on the podium above them admiring his hard work. The cold chill evident on his pale skin. The giant red symbol of the First Order contrasting his dark clothing as he began to speak.

"Today is the end of the republic," his voice echoing around the base. Anger protruding in his eyes as his passion for power grew throughout his speech

"This fierce machine which you have built, upon which we stand will bring an end to the Senate, to their cherished fleet. All remaining systems will bow to the First Order!" his words angrier than ever as he began to shake from his rage

The complete silence of everything around Hux only made his words more powerful as his speech neared its end, making every trooper standing before him raise their left arm to show their allegiance. The perfect echo of their boots rang around the base.

"FIRE!" Hux yelled as the troopers turned in sync to face the weapon they had built. The weapon squealed as it powered up, sending a red ray of sheer power through the sky and out into the atmosphere. It's reach so far that each trooper knew it was a sign of power from the First Order, that their reach was inevitable no matter where you were in the galaxy. The blast shook the entire planet, sending a strong gust throughout itself, its power unmatched by anything the galaxy had ever seen before.


The base shook as you stumbled through the hallway, a large mechanical noise echoing through the halls. You ignored it, running till you found your destination. But something made you stop in place, something horrible and terrifying. You leaned yourself against the wall as you tried to balance yourself. Your head was pounding as the screams clawed at your mind, thousands of voices were yelling out in pain and fear. You collapsed to the ground unable to control it, grabbing your head in your hands you tried to make it stop. So many lives lost and all at once, how could something like this happen? Deep down you knew the answer already, and you had never felt more guilty. Because of you thousands of lives had been lost, because of you, the Resistance had lost the upper hand. What angered you the most was that you let Kylo distract you and you knew that this was his plan all along. Seduce you, and you would pose no threat to him or the First Order.

At this point, if someone found you here you wouldn't care. You couldn't bring yourself to after everything that you had done. A part of you wished they had just killed you when they had the chance when Kylo had the chance. But instead, you were forced to live with your mistake. You knew deep down that the First Order was to blame but you couldn't blame someone else for your actions. If you had of collected the data and escaped on your ship then thousands wouldn't have died.

White and black boots were in your vision, mumbling of voices in your ears and shock in your mind. "How did she get out?" you struggled to hear someone say

"Crap, we better get her back to her cell before someone notices she's gone,"

Your body was limp as two people carried you along the floor. Your eyes opening and shutting as you saw the ground in front of you. It felt like an eternity before they stopped, a familiar buzzing in your ears as you were thrown inside like a sag of potatoes. You were on your back, pain shooting through you from the hard impact of your body to the ground. But you didn't care, right now you wished the universe would pick you up whisk you far away from here, from everything.

You felt paralysed, physically and emotionally. You were so frustrated with everything, with everyone but especially yourself. You didn't want to move nor speak ever again, maybe that would ease your pain.

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