Chapter 14

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You awoke alone in Kylo Ren's bed, his absence making you feel more than alone than usual. Your body was still buzzing with last nights affairs and you couldn't get the images of his face between your legs out of your mind. He was incredible and terrifying and it made it all so much more exhilarating. You stood up out of bed and wandered over to the chair spotting a set of clothes rested on it. You grabbed them and held them out in front of you, they were far too small for Kylo so you could only assume they were for you. You undressed and tried them on, although they weren't a perfect fit it was nice to be changed into something new and the fact Kylo left them for you sent a flutter in your stomach.

You heard the door to Kylo's quarters open and shut and the familiar stomping of boots echoing through the halls. You anticipated his entrance into his bedroom but something else appeared, two troopers stood there gesturing for you to go to them.

"Prisoner, General Hux has requested you be brought to him immediately," one of them said

"I'm guessing I don't have a choice,"

"Correct, now come with us," the other trooper replied. You obliged, though you would rather be ripped apart by Rathtar's than see General Hux ever again especially after he had made it clear you were to stay away from Kylo Ren. You gulped as the troopers closely escorted you through the base and back to the room you had first met with Hux. It was still the same cold place filled with empty faces and something inside you screamed out in the pain you knew they were feeling, though they would never show it. Their training made sure of that. When the doors to Hux's meeting room opened you were shocked to find Kylo and Hux both watching you as you walked in. What was Kylo doing here?

You immediately felt vulnerable as the two troopers pushed you down into the chair across from Hux. His smug expression making you want to jump across the table and strangle him till he went purple. Kylo's mask turned to you as you thought it and you knew he had heard your thoughts. You smirked as you locked eyes with Hux and the mischief in his eyes only stood out more.

"I'm sure you both know why you are here, my troops have found footage of very inappropriate interactions between you both. Though I'm not surprised that you would stoop to such low standards," Hux said grinning at Kylo. In the corner of your eye, you saw Kylo flex his fists as Hux continued. "I am sure Supreme Leader Snoke will be quite disappointed in his apprentice, don't you?"

Kylo stayed silent the only noise from him was the squeaking of his gloves and him shifting in his seat as he grew angrier by the second.

"I will have no choice but to inform the Supreme leader of your current behaviours,"

"How capable are your resources, General Hux?" Kylo snapped

"I won't have you question my methods Ren, don't you forget that Snoke has you tightly monitored everywhere you go"

"You are repulsive," you spat, but Hux didn't even bother you a glance as his focus stayed on Kylo a faint smirk on Hux's lips as he spoke.

"Your ignorance has certainly rubbed off on her Ren,"

You glanced at Kylo waiting for him to reply, he looked so uncomfortable in Hux's presence and you wondered whether it was fear or hatred that fuelled this. His silence made you nervous and Hux was enjoying it all too much. Hux's grin infuriated you and you were considering risking it all and killing him right there and then, maybe you would give Snoke the message that the Resistance wasn't as naïve or weak as they thought.

Hux huffed, "I never saw the value in keeping you alive, perhaps we can be rid of your filth," he said looking you up and down. Hux's efforts at antagonising Kylo was working but not in the way he had hoped. You watched as Kylo rose from his seat, his chest and shoulders tight with rage. "Snoke will be pleased when we terminate her, I'm sure"

You froze in your seat, your heart beating so quickly you were sure it would break out of your chest. You couldn't believe he was saying this and that Kylo was allowing it. You waited to see if he would react but he never did instead Kylo stood straight and tight never taking his gaze off of Hux, you imagined the rage burning behind his mask.

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?" you asked, trying to humour your way out of this sticky situation. You tensed your jaw as anger overcame you, you couldn't believe that Kylo was just standing there, that he was letting this happen.

"I want to hear you say it, Ren," Hux said peering up from under his light brows at Kylo. Kylo's chest rose and fell taking a second to comprehend what was happening. Surely Kylo won't let this happen, you thought to yourself.

"Don't ridicule me, Hux," Kylo said, pointing his gloved finger at the weaselly man in front of him. "I feel nothing for this rebel, terminate her if you must but know it will have no effect on me,"

Your heart fell as his words rolled so harshly off of his tongue. You felt the tears well in your eyes, he had just sent a thousand daggers into your soul, piercing what hope for him you had left. It was there and then you realised that his plan had worked, he had used you for his own little game and now that he had had his fun you were to be thrown away like trash. Terminated and never seen again, how could he after everything you had shared with him. Things you rarely discussed with anyone. And the bastard didn't even bother you with a glance as he marched out of the room.

"Well, we will schedule your termination soon enough, for the meantime," Hux gestured to the troopers, "she will be returned to her cell," he said, as the troopers took you out the door. You had never felt such hatred for a man more than you did for Hux, not only was he arrogant but he had continued to use his power to dominate anything that stood in his way.

When you returned to your cell you felt filthy and disgusted. You wanted to rip the clothes that Kylo had left for you off of your body and burn them into oblivion. You wanted to scream at him, at his beautiful face and tell him how much he had hurt you. But you knew he didn't care this was all a game and he had won. You had put in so much time and effort just for it to be ruined by your death. You sat on the side of the bed, putting your head in your hands. Your tears spilt out onto your hands, dripping on the floor in front of you. You sobbed until you couldn't anymore. This was not how you envisioned your future, had the galaxy lied to you, you imagined so much more for yourself but perhaps this was your karma. Karma for what happened to all those voices that had perished in your mind.


Your ears pounded as loud sounds echoed around you but you didn't care to see what it was. "Prisoner, stand up and face the wall," someone asked.

You glared up spotting a trooper standing at the entrance of the cell. You felt so numb as you raised yourself off of the bed and faced the wall. They cuffed you and pushed you out of the cell. You watched the miles of white race in front of you while the trooper took you, your head focused at the ground. You didn't know where you were being taken or what was to happen to you, you weren't even sure if you were being terminated right there and then but you couldn't care either way. You heard dozens of footsteps rushing past you and then the ringing of sirens in your ears as the trooper escorting you stopped.

"What's happening?" she asked

"The base is under attack,"

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