☾ᴀʀᴄ 𝟷: ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟽☽

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Edited ✔☽

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛɪᴛʟᴇ: sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs sᴘɪʟʟᴇᴅ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟷𝟶𝟶𝟶
•─────⋅☾ ✦✧✦ ☽⋅─────•

Hellia's Pov

Has my secret been found out? Why? How? What did I do wrong?

Time to find out! Read on, to know~

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...What did she just say?

I might've not heard right...

"Could...you repeat that...?" I ask quietly.

I could see the hesitation in Cadence's eyes as she slowly repeated,"You're not...my daughter are you?"

I stare at her shell-shocked. How did she know?!

"How...?" I whisper with wonder & amazement.

I could see the corners of her mouth curve upwards into a warm motherly smile. She seemed mature in this moment & I liked it.

She holds out her arms, beckoning me into her embrace.

'No...I can't.' I firmly told myself. This is not...my mother. This is not my home...this is not my world. So I just can't...

I have a mission to complete & I will. But before I could stop myself, my vision leisurely showed me hurrying into her hug.

'What am I doing...?'

"I know...'' Cadence softly whispered into my ear as she hugged me tightly.

'What does she know...?'

"...That Hellia's soul died & her body didn't."

"How...?" I repeated in a daze.

...What does she mean?

"A mother will always know."

Mother, huh? That sounds nice...I never got to experience one in my past life. Is this how it feels...?

It's so nice and warm.... I buried myself between her waist, cuddling into her dress.

She then let go of me, much to my surprise & bent down to my eye level.

"Wayfarer from another timeline...please, I beg of you...take care of Hellio, please..."

I could see the hot tears streaming down Cadence's cheeks as she continuously pleaded.

I wiped her tears away with my sleeve & told her earnestly,"I will. You can count on me."

"Thank you..." She sniffed.

I smiled at her lightly & Cadence smiled through her tears as well.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered.

"What for?" My mother questioned innocently.

"About your daughter..."

She shook her head as she lifted my face up with her milky, soft hands. "She was...destined to die."

All I could do was stare at Cadence's face blankly as she reminisced about the past.

"Ah...forgive me." She suddenly spoke politely as I titled my head in confusion.

"It's okay." Hellia...I need to find more about this girl. Just who is she?

I hugged Cadence back as our embrace only lasted a few seconds before we were forced to rip apart.

By who? Why, it was none other than the feared Duke of Silverdale. Aka, my father.

He stood by the doorway with an emotionless expression imposingly & his cold gaze was directed at me with an intensity for a moment's notice before it was gone.

Hellio who was by his side had a fearful face. I stared at my twin with a deadpan face. What did you do!?

Alistair, (something) Van (something) Virsavia. If I remember correctly...he was in control of all military aspects of this entire empire. Swamped by work he had little time for his family.

Commonly, he was known as the cold-hearted 'Demon Duke' who always stayed holed up in his office. A workaholic, basically.

"Cadence." He called, looking at her. My mother who's face was still stained with tears looked up at him but didn't reply.

His presence was frightening, a stature which stood imposingly, & he walked towards my mother with regality as he entered the room, kneeling opposite her. He spared me no glance.

I studied him quietly. He was incredibly handsome for a father. A hot ikemen, indeed.

He had deep sapphire eyes and soft blue hair, sweeped to the side. He was pale, & wore clothes resembling that of an emperor.

My eldest brother was Alistair's son, indeed. They were carbon copies of one another, so it seems.

'Now I know where Eugene took his looks from.'

"I want you in my bed... tonight."

He suddenly spoke, his gaze stone cold & his words, although held truth did not have sincerity.

{A/N: I tried my best to make this sound as PG as possible...}

WTF?! Dude, you do not say that infront of a child! Technically, I'm not, but still...! Our innocence...😭

Cadence stared him innocently with a naive expression, her cheeks fairly tainted in rosy pink.

But the moment he tried to lay his hands on her, she slapped it away angrily & glared at Alistair icily.

Oh? What's with the change? Not that I'm complaining, he deserves it. *Applaud 👏*

''Mind your manners! The children are here." Cadence exclaimed, turning away.

He glanced at me, before turning back to Cadence. "You." He said coldly. I scowled at him. "Come with me."

I sent a side glance towards my mother who was fidgeting nervously under the Duke's gaze & sudden change in behaviour.

"Why?" I opened my mouth saying the one word.

I glared at him fiercely trying to intimidate him like he done with us.
{A/N: With that size?}

I could see him raise his eyebrow at at me in amusement.

Is he messing with me? I clench my hands at my side as my lips tremble in anger. How dare he--!

"I don't like to repeat myself. Come with me." He spoke once again in a commanding tone, ignoring my earlier question.

One thing I hate, is being ordered around. Cadence obeyed & walked towards him solemnly but I stuck like glue to my spot.

I am not going to be forced.  Not now. Not never.

I could see the interest in his eyes for a moment but it dissappeared just like it had come. He still had his expressionless face on.

"You too."

He shortly stated after seconds of silence. This time, I raised an eyebrow & before long I noticed him chuckling.

It would be an understatement, to say I was surprised at the least. I could see the shocked faces of my twin & mother.

The fearsome Demon Duke was...laughing?

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