1- Pistols and Pizza

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A/N: Hi, I've been like really obsessed with One Chicago recently so I thought I'd write a fanfiction. This touches on some topics that might be triggering for some people, like touching on the subject of rape and drugs. Also I wanted to include the Dawson siblings so it's written as if they were both in it still, but Erin has left already. Hope you enjoy it :)

The banging on the door intensifies and their shouting grows louder and louder. I cower further into the corner my body shaking.

"Chicago pd, open up!" I try to steady my breathing, but it only makes things worse. I look up to see him stood pointing the gun at me. He signals for me to stand, I do as he says and as soon as I do so his arm wraps around my neck pulling me tight to his body. The gun is placed against my head as the police burst through the door.

"Nobody moves or she gets it" he says pressing the gun harder against my head. I look at the officers stood, trying to think of what to do. My eyes lock with one of them, he's tall his arms strong and tattooed. He gives me a look, as if to tell me to stay calm and that everything is going to be okay.

"How about you put the gun down and we can talk, yeah?" another officer says, her voice calm.

"I-I can't do that."

"Yes you can-"

"Look, you put the gun down and nobody gets hurt. We can talk this through Davies." the male officer takes a step forward.

"I said don't come any closer." he replies, his grip tightening around my neck making me struggle to breathe. "You move, she dies. Your choice."

"Come on Davies, just let the girl go. You don't need to hurt anyone."

"You get the girl when you get me a car, fully fueled." Davies replies, his face filling with anger.

"We can get you the car but you have to let go of her."

"Not until you get the car here." the next few minutes consist of the officers attempting to communicate with Davies. Their attempt is unsuccessful and the car finally arrives. "You can have the girl, when I get into the car."

"Just give us the girl Davies, we can make sure you don't get hurt. You go out there with a hostage and you won't make it. I can't let you leave until you let her go."

"Alright, fine. I'll let the girl go." he releases me from his grasp. The male officer signals for me to move over to them, when I get close enough he grabs my arm and pushes me behind himself and the female officer. Then there's an ear piercing bang, followed by shouting. My body freezes, not sure where to go or what to do, until I feel myself being dragged out of the room and out of the front door. I'm taken towards an ambulance, all of the flashing lights, the people waiting for something to happen.

"Hey, I'm Detective Dawson, everything's gonna be okay now." the officer says, his face tells me otherwise. "Lia, right?"

"Er-erm-yeah" I stutter, still physically shaken up by what's happened.

"Right Lia, I'm gonna leave you with Gabby for now, she'll get you checked over. I'll be back over soon." he says, before turning to say something to Gabby. She takes me into the back of the ambulance and begins examining me.

"Do you have any pain anywhere?" she asks. I shake my head, not wanting to talk to anyone. I'm not ready to trust any of them. My breathing becomes shaky, I feel myself grow dizzier and dizzier. "Lia..Lia, we're gonna need you to focus on your breathing. Look, watch me." I try my best to focus on Gabby, trying to imitate her breathing but I can't focus. It's only making things worse.

"Lia, close your eyes and breathe in....and out. Good, now I want you to focus on doing that." I do as she says and soon my breathing is steadied. I open my eyes to see Gabby and another paramedic stood watching me. I feel so stupid, what sort of idiot can't control their own breathing?

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