Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Hope... Your doing it wrong, your feet aren't steady enough, I could easily push you down with one finger" my dad, Jamie, told me.....again.

"It's hard, why can't I take a break?" I whined tiredly, "I've been practicing since 6:30, it's 3. I'm tired!".

"Fine but only for an hour then we got to keep practicing." My dad said after he looked at me.

"YAY I'M FREE!!!!!!!" I shouted and ran into the house. I saw my brothers look at me from the couch.

"Theirs something wrong with her" my brother, Daniel, said.

"Where was all this energy when you were practicing?" Dad questioned.

"I got my second wind! OH! I'm also very hungry cause someone ate my breakfast!" I look at my other brother Steven, well more liked glared.

"Hey don't blame me, Joshua had most of it and Daniel had some too, even dad had his share of it."

"Guys didn't save me any.... what will I eat now?" I said while I put my best sad face on.

"You could always drink some of the blood bags we got." Joshua answered because my face never works on him... sometimes.

Did I forget to mention my dad and brothers are vampires, but for some weird reason I'm only half. I have the teeth, speed, senses, but I don't need blood to survive like them. They can eat human food if they want to, and trust me they do. I can also drink blood, but I don't find the blood they like so appealing.

"Nooooo I want human food it's better then AB positive." I whinnied

"We got O negative." Steven said.

"Oh my foot! REALLY?!?!" I ran (vampire speed of course) to the blood bag fridge and saw a bunch of O negative packages. "HE WASN'T LIEING!!" I grabbed one and ran back down stairs and sat on the couch in between Steven and Daniel. Joshua was sitting by my feet.

I opened my package

"Don't spill that Hope." Dad warned me.

"No promises." Is aid as I began to drink it.

"Slow down Hope it's just blood." Daniel said looking at me weirdly.

"Ya Hope,calm down." Steven said also looking weirdly at me.

"No wonder your hair is sooo red." Joshua said.

I kicked him and elbowed Steven and Daniel.

"OW!" They all said in union.

"I'm still hungry!" I whinnied

"She just chugged down a whole package of blood and she's still hungry." Joshua commented.

"And she calls us fat!" Steven commented very rudely too.

"Joooooshuuuuuuaaaaa can you pleeeeaaaaseee make me something to eat?!" I asked, ignoring Steven.

"No" he simply said.

My jaw dropped to the ground, he NEVER says no to me. Daniel and Steven had the same look as me.

"Did you say no?" Daniel questioned.

"Yes." Joshua said.

"Why?" Steven asked.

"Cause I don't want to." He replied again.

I was shocked, I got up and walked outside.

"Hope." Joshua said. I Ignored him. "Hope." He tried again. "Hope... Hope... Hope... Hope... I'm going to keep calling you till you answer me. Hope... Hope... HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Yes?" I said casually turning to look at him.

"Are you mad?" He asked.

"No." I said just like he did when he said no.

"Your upset." I looked at him

"Wow your slow for someone who can feel others feelings." I said angrily.

"I wasn't thinking about it till now."

I started walking away.

"HOPE!" He ran towards me and tackled me to the ground.

"JOSHUA! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Then I looked to the side and saw a blade in the tree closest to us. "J-Joshua?" He helped me up and pulled me inside.

"DAD!!!DANIEL!!!!STEVEN!!!!!" He shouted.

They came running down

"What's the matter? Why are you yelling?" Dad asked worriedly.

Steven and Daniel weren't really paying attention.

"Hope was almost killed" Joshua flat out said.

Daniel and Steven's heads popped up.

"Do you think?" Dad questioned.

Joshua disappeared for a second and came back just as quick.

"Here's what was throw at her." He handed him the sword.

"Is that?" Daniel asked.

"Casper's sword?" Steven finished.

Dad nodded.

Who the hell is Casper?! And why does he want to kill me?!

"Casper is a hybrid hunter and you, being a hybrid and all, he's coming to hunt you." Daniel answered my question.

Joshua put his arm over my shoulder.

"Well he isn't going to get her. He'll have to go through me."

"AND ME!!!" Steve declared As he jumped up.

"Or the rest of us" dad said.

"No, he's after me not you guys." I mention. They look at me like I was crazy, I do have my moments but I'm just stated facts.

"You seriously think we're just going to sit back and watch him kill you!" Joshua nearly yelled.

"No but I just don't want you guys to get hurt." I said shyly.

"He's only human. Why would we be scared of him?" Daniel said "we could easily kill him."

I just looked down.

"Hope?" Dad said "let's go back out and keep practicing."

I nodded and walked under Joshua's arm and out the door. Then I heard a whooshing sound. My instincts kicked in that second and I quickly dodge 5 blades being thrown from all directions. What I didn't dodge was a sixth one that cut my right arm, but if I was 2 inches towards the left it would of missed me.

"CRAP!!!" I yelled and was holding my bleeding arm.

"HOPE!" I heard them all yell. I really think I heard someone from the trees say yes. I ran inside into the kitchen and tried to wash my wound. Damn this hurts.

"Hope are you ok?" Joshua asked

"Ya... I think so." I looked at it once it stop, It wasn't so deep.

"Here." Steven handed me a bandaid.

"Thanks" I took the bandaid and put it on.

"Awww crap!" I whinnied

"What?" Daniel said.

"This is my favorite coat!" I said and they laughed.

Wait where's dad?

"He's outside" Daniel answered.

How'd did he know... oh right he's a mind reader. Steven can make and control fire and water. Joshua can feel and change what others are feeling, and I can move things with my mind! Just kidding. I wish but that's my dads. I can make people see what I see, and I don't even have to touch them anymore.

"DAD!!!" I heard my brothers yell and saw them run outside.

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