{Chapter 19}

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Y/N P.O.V.

Not knowing what to say or do, I looked at Negan.

"W-What? Y-You think I-I'm pregnant?!"

"Y/N. We have been having a lot of sex for weeks. I have cummed in you several times. It is just a possibility as to why you are sick, and I want to see if you are. I promise, whatever the test says, I will never leave you."

"When do I take it?"

"When we get back to the compound, we'll go to my room and you can take it."

I nodded and breathed, somewhat freaking out at what the result is. Yes, I have always wanted a child, but I don't want him or her to get hurt because of this shitty world. If I am, I will do everything to protect them, but it will be such a scary experience. Negan, knowing that I was freaking out, grabbed my thigh and attempted to calm me down. I held onto his hand, and just looked at the road ahead of us. The sun going down was a beautiful sight. Negan looked towards the side of the road and began to slow down.

"Jesus Christ."

He stopped the car, and opened my door.

"Holy hell. If shit could shit, it still wouldn't look as shitty as you. Get in."

The person who we found was Laura. I loved my seat forward, and allowed her to get in the backseat. 

"Holy shit, are you okay Laura?!"

"I am fine. Thanks Y/N. Are you guys?"

"Yes we are fine."

We took off and shortly came up on the sanctuary. When we finally got up there, the gates were opened and he stopped the car, rolling the window down. He looked pissed.

"Negan. I knew it. I knew you were alive."

"Hell yes I am. But you're not gonna say a word. You understand. Daddy's home, and it's gonna be a surprise. Hell, I got all sorts of surprises to roll out."

Negan got out, and came around to my side and opened my door. I slid out and he wrapped his arm around my waist. He motioned for the men to help Laura, and we walked inside. I had the test in my hoodie pocket, and we quickly walked into his room. 

"Go brush your teeth to rid yourself of that shitty breath and then come back, please."

I nodded and ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, put the test on the counter, and went back. He was sitting on the floor, and patted on his lap, for me to sit on. He gave me a huge hug, as we could have both died in the events that we were in. Unknowing, he began to kiss upon my neck, and my cheeks. I blushed and laid down where we were. He went on his side, questioning why I didn't allow him to continue.

"It is just insane how my dad was so willing to kill the man that I love, and the father of my possible baby. I just don't understand why he can't just have a working system with you guys. It isn't that damn hard."

"I see you are on my side completely."

"Yes I am. I just don't see the reason for fighting. I think that it is pretty pointless. But my dad did start it, so it is his fault."

Negan smiled, pleased at what I had said.

"Do you maybe want to take a shower together, and then you can take that test?"

I sighed, but nodded. He stood up and helped me up. He grabbed our clothes while I turned the shower on. While I was getting undressed, he came in and pulled me in front of the mirror, putting his hands over my stomach. I looked at him and turned around. He looked at me and finished to undress me and himself. We got into the shower together and just stood there in each others grasp. 

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you more Negan."

He smiled, and after about 20 minutes, we began to wash one another. Not in any sexual way, but intimate and comforting. When we both finished, we turned the shower off. He pulled both of our towels in, both of us wrapping ourself up. We then looked at the pregnancy test that was on the counter. I sighed and sat on the toilet seat. I grabbed the box and began to read it, mumbling the instructions to myself. I took the cap off, and motioned at Negan to leave the bathroom so I could do it. After I finished, I set the test back on the counter, washed my hands and walked out.

"It'll be about ten minutes until it's ready."

"That's alright. More time to spend together anyways beforehand."

I smiled, and got dressed in Negan's shirt. I laid down on his bed, having butterflies going all over my stomach. He laid next to me, holding onto me. The ten minutes passed by slowly, and when they finally did, we both stood up. I walked in first, and closed my eyes.

"I will never leave, no matter the results. I swear to god."

"Are you ready, Negan?"

"Yes. As ready as I will ever be."

He picked the test up, and flipped it over. Tears automatically came to his eyes, and I looked at it. It showed two lines, which meant I was pregnant. Negan picked me up, and held me up with him. I began crying, and then I heard him crying.

"I-I am going to be a father." 


I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you all for almost 22k reads! I can't believe we have come this far and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it! I was also curious if you guys would be interested in a face reveal? I was just wondering so let me know! Anyhow, I love you all and can't wait to continue writing this!

     Bree 💜

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