{Chapter 26}

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Leaving D/N was probably the hardest thing that I had to do. Riding a horse, on the other hand, was still new to me. My thighs still hurt every time, and I got tired every time. Continuing forward on the trail to find the lost supplies, I saw some walkers. Not wanting them to go towards the Hilltop or Alexandria, I hopped off my horse and went to kill them. But, on my way down from the horse, I landed wrong on my ankle, hearing it crack. I yelped, making the walkers turn around quickly. I grabbed my knife out of my pocket and then one of the walkers tried to climb onto me, but I stabbed him in the head. After all of them came at me, and I killed them all, I tried to stand up, but I couldn't, as it hurt way too much. When I did stand up, I quietly screamed out in pain. Right when I did, I heard the brush begin to be stepped on. I put my good foot through the saddle and tried to pull myself up, but I barely could. The rustling coming from behind me started getting louder and louder, making me freak out more and more. 

"Hey! You're fine Y/N."

I turned around and saw Daryl. He was walking over to me quickly and saw my ankle. 

"What happened?"

"I tried to kill walkers that were going towards Hilltop and I landed off the horse wrong and sprained my ankle I think."

Daryl nodded and helped me onto the horse and walked with me, leading the horse, back to Hilltop. Once we arrived, Maggie saw my ankle and made her way over to me, helping me off the horse, and to the doctors.

"You okay?"

"I'll be fine. I'm sorry I couldn't get the supplies for you Mags."

"It's okay Y/N. Don't worry a bit."

When we got to the doctors, he wrapped my ankle up and tried to help me stand, which I did but when he let go, I fell. 

"Maybe you should stay here for the night."

"I can't. I have to see Negan and take D/N to him."

"Who can take you back to Alexandria?"

"I don't know, Daryl or my dad?"

"I'll go ask Daryl for you. I'll be back."

He walked out, closing the door behind him. After a few moments, he and Daryl came back. Daryl had D/N in his arms, her sleeping in them. I smiled and reached my arms out to her. He gave me her and then helped me up, wrapping his arm around my waist and then leading me outside. He had two horses waiting for me and him. He lifted me up onto one with D/N, and he got on the other. He led the horse while I was holding onto my daughter.

"Thanks for taking me back to Negan."

"No need to thank me. Everyone may dislike that you love him but I get it because you have his kid."


After about an hour, it began to become nightfall. D/N had been awake for a few minutes and was babbling on and on to me. Laughing at what she was saying, I didn't realize that we had made it back to Alexandria. Once we got into the gates, Daryl hopped off his horse and then helped me off mine. I began to limp over to where Negan was, trying to hurry. Once I got to the cells, I opened the door and went down the stairs. D/N smiled brightly once she saw her father, and tried to get out of my arms halfway down. I grabbed the key that was on the wall and unlocked the door. 

"What happened to your ankle baby?"

"Sprained it."

"Are you okay?"

"Now I am."

Once I entered his cell, I locked the door and threw the key across the room so he couldn't get out and I couldn't either. I didn't want to leave him. Not now. Not ever. Negan looked at D/N and grabbed her out of my arms. She hugged him tightly and then started to pull on his long beard. I laughed and just watched the two of them. Once D/N was tired and fell asleep, Negan placed her on his bed and covered her up.  He came over to me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder. I cuddled into his side and he kissed the side of my head. 

"I miss home Negan."

"I do too baby, I really do." 

"I want to go back to when we first met. Well, besides you killing my friends."

He chuckled and nodded. I began to smile and close my eyes.

"Goodnight Negan, I love you."

"I love you."

Negan POV

Feeling Y/N by my side was something that I probably missed the most. Being able to look over and just have her in my arms all day, every day was what I need and need more than ever now. I  lifted her onto me so she wasn't asleep on the hard concrete, and so her ankle wasn't in a bad position. I just know once I get out of here, I will try to make everything right with everyone here, so I am able to be with Y/N and my baby. 


Hey, my loves! I know it has been so long! I recently have started college and I moved! I will begin to update again though! I love you all!

Bree 💜

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