Chapter 4: The Land Of Giants

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The next many days went by quietly. We were crossing the kingdom Idori, wich Nephele described as empty. This was because the people of Idori only lived simple farmers lifes, and the only real town build there was their capital - everything else was just let to grow uncontrolled.

Because we had to stop pretty often to check on Hiroshis wounds, we had been a little delayed; and luckily, we didn't meet any other enemies. But then - after about a week of traveling - we had made it to the border of Masai. For what we were able to see, Masai was a land mostly consisting of cliffs and mountains; therefore we had to leave our horses in a little village close to one of the paths leading through the mountains. Most of the path was really narrow. And when it got dark - and it got really dark - we could barely see anything, and I was really close to falling down many times. It was kind of scary, I was not looking forward to going back again. Finding somewhere to camp was even harder, but after about one or two hours in the dark we found a small ledge where we could stop.

"You don't have to check up on me every 5 minutes you know?" Hiroshi sighed at me.

"Yeah, well I wanna be able to help somehow." I smiled at him and finished up.

He smiled to himself, "There's lots of other ways you can help. I'm fine, really."

"You're not, these aren't small burns. What even happened for you to get them?" the smile on his face quickly fainted,

"What does that even matter to you? It's not like you care, you just don't have anything else to do." he snapped at me and left.

I was left speachless. In a way, I believed that it was kind of my fault; for saying that I couldn't help any other way. But when I think back, he didn't have any right to act like that towards me. The thing was just, it made me think about how inevitably it was for us to fail. I mean, if I couldn't control my magic, and we couldn't even talk to each other, how should we ever defeat Ahmya?


The next morning we continued through the mountains. Hiroshi still wouldn't talk to me, but at least Nephele managed to make me think about something else.

"You do know we can't have the two of you hating each other, right?" she asked, "You won't get very far if you can't even talk to your friends about your problems. Plus.." she said as if she wanted to say more, but just looked at Hiroshi then me again; and kept walking. We walked for hours in silence until Celeste suddenly said,

"What's that rumbling?"

"I don't hear anything." Hiroshi answered her confused.

"Celeste there is no rumbling." Nephele reassured.

I don't know exactly what it was; the fact that Celeste was the only one who could hear the sound, or that I thought I could feel someone elses magical power.

"Argh!" Celeste suddenly exclaimed, and clutched her head.


"That was almost too easy." a voice sounded in the distance before a man appeared in front of us.

"Who are you?" I looked at him and asked, "and what did you do to her?"

"Kama is my name. You might know me as Kama of love." Kama chuckled, "And that, little girl," he pointed at Celeste who was now staring into thin air with a blank look in her blue eyes and continued, "is my magic - Worst Nightmare."

"We've got this, get Celeste to safety." Hiroshi said, as he and Nephele got up besides me.

"Excuse me? You really expect me to just run and hide?" I ask him and stand up, "No way in hell is that happening."

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