Chapter 20: For A Bright Future

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For a moment I stood there looking at the remains of Greidiawl filling the air. Rapping my head around that which had just happened. I continued into the throneroom where Ahmya quickly saw me. The only difference - she left instead of trying to fight me this time.
But before I can start following her the door shuts behind me and everything turns dark, followed by Ahmyas voice,

"You really still believe you can defeat him?"
Him? What was she talking about? I thought; "maybe she's just trying to confuse me",

"Luminosi generate elementum."

A little circle of light emerged in the air in front of me, and I started following Ahmya. In addition to me having scrapped the plan about talking to her, I use another spell into the darkness.


A fade scream - I hit her. She was in the far end of the room; behind the throne. I ran over there and found a door, which let to another hallway. As I step into the hallway, I only just catch a glimpse of her turning a corner, and hurry after her. I don't know if it was because I just wanted her to stop, or if I actually meant it, but as I was following her I shouted,
"You don't have to run, I don't want to fight you Ahmya!"

Before I could think any further Ahmya took another two turns, and I thought I had to hurry. But when I turned the second corner Ahmya was standing at a dead end.
"Seems you took the wrong turn somewhere."
She looked at me, "Oh really?"

Without giving me a chance to think about what she just said, Ahmya disappeared into the wall, and I stood alone in the dark hallway. At first my thoughts were to turn around, and look for her. But Ahmya doesn't use fasing magic, so maybe it was just a hidden door. I took a few steps closer- just enough for me to touch the wall- and as I thought, my hand moved right through it.


On the other side of the wall was just a small room. In the middle of the room a table and behind it Ahmya was standing.
"I see that you're not so stupid after all." she said, without looking at me.
"And I see that you are." I answered and step up to the table, "What's the point of running in to a closed room?"
"To talk, here no can see or hear us."
I gave her a dirty look, "And why would I talk to you?"
"Well that was your first intention when you left the castle yesterday, am I right?"

She sat down on the chair behind her, and gestured me to do the same. What was she planning? What could she possibly have to say?
"First of all; how do you know of my past?"
"A little information I got from Aine Ferrie, and a lot of guessing."
She leaned in on the table, her hands placed under her chin, "Well guessed then."

It was quiet for a little until she continued, "You see, when I was just a little girl my parents abandoned me to the streets. And all I wanted to do was to become a knight, just so I could travel all over Nostuynia and find them." a pause, why would she tell me this? "Unfortunately, they wouldn't accept a street girl, like me, at the academy. So I was left alone on the street again. When I was about 16, I think, he found me, told me he could help me. That he could make me a knight, and help me find my parents. I don't know why I believed him."
I swallowed, "You're talking about the demon king, right?"
"Yes, somehow this is the only place he can't get to my head. The only place I won't want to kill you, for more than 2 minutes."

"But then," I started, "why am I here?"
"I need you to exorcise the demon king out of me." Ahmya looked so seriously at me. Did she really mean that? I mean, I didn't even know if that was possible.
"As the only goddess left, I know you'll be strong enough to do it Leilana."
"I don't know how to exorcise a demon. Let alone their king."
She sounded desperate, and the look in her eyes too seemed like I really was her last hope,
"I have the spell, all you have to do is chant it."
I hesitated a little. It might be the only way to stop Ahmya without killing her.
"What?" She said, "I'm not going to start crying if that's what you're waiting for. Are you going to do it or not?"
"I'll help you, but you do realise that it doesn't just take the chanting? This could still easily go wrong.
"I know."


Fire and explosions raged around them, as they fought off their enemies. Just for a moment Hiroshi and Nephele stopped,
"Have you seen Leila?" he shouted at her.
"No," Nephele answered as she fired another arrow, "not since we left Esceutan."

He stood there only for a minute after she had left, "Did she go to find Ahmya? I hope father is okay."


"Also, the thing is that I don't reaelly trust you. That spell could easily be killing me."
"And I could easily kill you while we have been talking, but I didn't. Did I?"
I looked at her distrustful, "Fine. What's the spell?

She gave me a piece of paper on which there was drawn a magic circle, and written two sentences.
"That's a long one."
As I said that, Ahmya just looked at me with this weirdly annoyed look on her face.
"And you'll have to say it multiple times." she gave me a crooked smile and continued, "Now help me move the table so I can draw the magic circle."

I frowned, did as she said and after a short while the room was all dark except for the few candles placed around the edge of the circle. I closed my eyes, as Ahmya placed herself in the middle of the magic circle, and I started chanting.
"Nolles stare alta facito tempus daemon ruinam. Ad inferno miserabili condicione constrictos, ad quos eieci huic sanctae lumen."
I chanted the spell 3 and a half times before I heard the first screams escape her, and at first I wanted to stop, but in the midst of all the screaming she also told me to keep going. And so I did.


I don't know for how long I stood there, but after a while, it all turned quiet. At first I thought maybe I had done it. When I opened my eyes though, a whole other sight met them. Ahmya was laying on the floor, the circle all smeared out underneath her. The powder of which it was made, slowly turning red from her blood. She wasn't moving and in the first minute or so I just stood there. Staring. When I finally came to my senses and was able to move, I walked closer to Ahmya, taking her pulse. The first touch I moved back too quickly, but the next I stayed long enough to take her pulse. None. She was dead.

Though I don't know what I expected I was shocked, and started moving backwards. First slowly, later to turn around and start running. I knew it was what I was supposed to do, but it just didn't feel right. Killing someone. I tried to think about that this was supposed to happen anyway, but couldn't seem to convince myself. Before I knew it I was back at the door I first started at, and I walked out to see that, it was the middle of the night, and that the others were still fighting Ahmyas army down the hill. I stood there a little before I went down to find my friends.


"HEEEEYYYY!!!! LEEEIIIILAAAA!!" Someone shouted as I get to the bottom, and I turned towards it.
"Hey... where..... have you .... been?" Hiroshi asked completely out of breath.
I looked at the ground, then back at him, "I took care of Ahmya."
"Great!!" He started out, but then saw my face, "But you sure don't seem too happy about it."
I shook my head, and smiled "No, but I'm fine."


It's been about a month since we stopped Ahmya and her army, and everything has started to settle down around here. Well, except I still wake up in the middle of thee night from nightmares. 
I decided to get my own little apartment in Esceutan, and started my new life in Nostuynia only a week after the battle. I also visited my sister a few times to talk about my father. We're trying to figure out where him and the other gods disappeared to. The time is now for the big harvest festival and I'm ending the day at the top of the Ealamore valley along with most of the capital.
"Hey, guys!" Celeste shout, pointing at the sky, "Look, a shooting star!"
Right now in this moment, I am happier than I have been for a long time, surrounded by all of my friends. Sitting there on the blanket, underneath the starry night sky, wishing upon a shooting star. It's like a dream come true, and feels like everything bad that has happened, throughout the past year and a half; even it's far from over, just disappears for a few seconds.
"What did you wish for?" Hiroshi asks, breaking the silence.
"Can't say," I answer him still looking at the night sky, smiling, "if I did, it wouldn't come true. Would it?"


If you made it this far, thank you so so so much for reading my story, you don't understand how much it means to me.
I really hope you liked the story, and would like to check out some of the stuff I make in the future.

Till then - Sayonara;-)

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