Chapter 11: Darkness My Old Friend

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Hiroshi didn't say anything to me for the rest of that night. I knew I hurt him, I really did, but I just didn't want to lie to him either.


Only moments after the sun had set the next day, we were standing outside the castle walls planning how to get in. After the element four, we figured Ahmya somehow knew our every move; and thereby knew we were coming. Even though, we had to get in there as quietly as possible.
"Aine?" Nephele said, and nodded towards the guards at the gate.
"Sure. Spirit spear Bahnavi 2nd configuration, Bumble Bee." (Pretty much just think about Kings spirit spear mixed with Gloxinias)

When the guards were down, we headed on towards the throne room. On the way there we ran into a few more guards, which Aine quickly dealt with as well, and in no time we were standing outside what, from what we could tell from Nepheles magic flower guide post, was the throne room. At first we just stood there, but then Omair took a step forward and opened the door. Then after he had been standing still for a while, he bowed down and said,
"I have brought you the young goddess my queen."
"Well done child, now get rid of her."
"Omair? What the hell?"
This damn kid had been fooling us from day one. Making us think he was just a street rat, a little boy with no family. And then he turns out to be helping Ahmya. I had no Idea what to do, and as he started charging at me, Gwydion jumped in front of me, and Nephele shouted,
"This fight is not where you're supposed to be! Go get rid of Ahmya!"

I looked understanding up at her and nodded, it was already too late for Omair; or whoever he really was. So I wiped my tears, and started running. There was no time to waste, not a single second, Ahmya had to be stopped right at that moment. We wouldn't get another chance like this. As soon as I could make out the silhouette of where she was sitting, I stopped and cast an explosion spell "Crepitus". But she just help up her hand as if it was nothing, and cast a dark spell at me. Many times she threw me all the way across the room. To my luck the room was so big, I had time to stop the impact with my wings. Everytime I would strike back at her, only to be blocked by a barrier, not leaving a single scratch on Ahmya herself.


After a while I stopped and looked at her for a little while, I had realised I had been going about this the wrong way. At the moment I was using all my strength on attacking Ahmyas barriers while, I should have been thinking about how to get around them. I had to find her weak spot but had no clue how exactly to do that. Not knowing what to do, I pulled my wings back in, and got ready fight Ahmya, without using magic. Though while Ahmya had been attacking me, I had been casting magic circles above her head. I was going to release my most powerful spell in my arsenal. Divinum Lumen. This took a lot out of me, but Ahmya on the other hand had only gotten a few little scratches.
"What is it, little girl? Are you getting tired?" Ahmya laughed at me,
"Oh, don't worry Ahmya, I'm only just getting fired up."

She just looked at me, then she fired another blast and I was send across the room, hitting the wall hard. I couldn't move, it was like every muscle in my body just stopped working all of a sudden, I couldn't do anything but sit there. When Ahmya stepped closer to me she grabbed my chin and looked judging at me.
"And to think, you were supposed to be the only one strong enough to defeat me."
"Yeah, well seems like she'll need some help with that."
An arrow flew from the door, and Ahmya only just dodged it. Nephele and the others had managed to get rid of Omair for the time being, and now they had come to help me. New courage flowed through my body, and suddenly I could move again.(don't judge me we all know that's how it works in fantasy manga and stuff) I grabbed my knife in the back of my belt and while Ahmya still had her attention on the others I put it right through her stomach.
"Took you long enough!" I shouted to the others.
"Yeah, well we aren't done yet." Hiroshi replied, "There's still a few of her commanders left."
"Do you really think that you can defeat me? You don't know what you've just started."

Immediately after saying that Ahmya disappeared, and only moments later we were standing on the other side of the boarder again. We had been defeated, and lost a friend. I sat down on the ground, all I can remember from then was passing out from exhaustion and waking up in a camp the next day. At first it was all quiet, and I started questening where I was, but then Hiroshi came into the tent and smiled,
"Oh, you're awake. Good."
"Where's everyone else? It's really quiet." I asked him and sat up.
"They continued towards Ealamore this morning to report to the king."
"And Omair?"
"I have no idea, I'm sorry."
I knew Omair hadn't been with us for very long, but even though it felt like I had just lost someone really close to me. Because even though it had only been a little over a month it felt like forever. He was like a little brother to me, and the way he would always smile at us like a little kid who just got the toy he wanted for christmas. So at that moment I just couldn't stop the tears.


Sorry for not updating lately, I just got back to school so there's been a lot of people to hang out with and writing this just ended at the bottom of the list.

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