Chapter 6: Hidden Magic

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"And you're 100% sure you're ready to keep going?"

"Yes Leila, I have been sleeping for 3 days." Hiroshi chuckled at Leilas concerned expression. 

"I know but..." I silently answered

"No buts, we're going to The Fairy King's Forest."

To be honest I knew very well that he was completely fine. Already a few minutes after he woke up, it was like nothing had happened to him; well except for the burns he still had all over his body.


Four hours later we were entering the inhabited part of The Fairy King's Forest. It was the most colorful forest I had ever seen, filled with all sorts of plants. The thing was just that there were no people. It was almost as if the whole forest had been completely abandoned. And I wasn't the only one who noticed it. So did Nephele and Celeste; something was wrong. Nephele took up a hand as to say we should stop.

"This way," she whispered, "and be quiet."

We slowly approached the sacred tree, still hidden between various bushes. One by one we sneaked in. As I got through the gate, a voice sounded,

"Leilana, how nice to see you again."

A little startled I turned around to look at said person, as a small smile crept up my face "You as well Gwydion, what happened here?"

"Ahmyas three knights of dawn." he answered in a tired. voice, "Come on, the queen will fill you in."

Gwydion took us through the gigantic tree and up a pair of staircases, up between the top branches of the tree. Where we eventually ended up in what looked like a throne, only that it was a glade hollowed out of the magical tree.

"Leilana Fujimoto I assume." a girl approached me reaching out her hand, "My name is Aine Fairrie, welcome to The Fairy King's Forest."

Aine was a very small little girl with eyes looking like the night sky, and the longest blond hair I had ever seen. She was dressed in a long white dress, and with the biggest most colorful wings sprouting from her back. And because of the way she talked to us - and her size - it took me a little while before I understood that she was the Fairy Queen. Actually I didn't get it before Nephele had told her everything, and she answered,

"Of course we will help, but don't com expecting a whole army."

"Of course not your majesty." Nephele smiled and bowed at her. 

Unexpectedly a big bang sounded and we all flinched. As I ran to the edge I could see out over all of the forest. I heard people screaming, saw trees falling and burning. It was a terrifying sight, whilst three amused people watched it from the sky.

"They're back." a fairy cried out from the stairs.

"Listen up you little bugs." the puppet on one of the peoples hand said, with the other one continuing, "If you just give us the Fujimoto girl now, no one will get hurt."

"However if you don't," one of the two men said with a deadly smirk on his face, "there will be nothing left of this forest within seconds."

I was only seconds from giving myself up in that moment. I couldn't let this place disappear, not like that. Not when it would be my fault. Thankfully Nephele stopped me and told me to hide.

"But I can help." I exclaimed

"This one isn't your fight, we can't lose you now."

Everyone else agreed with her, and I ended up sitting inside a hollowing in a branch for half an hour, just waiting for someone to come and get me, hoping it wouldn't be an enemy. The time was moving way too slow in there and all I wanted to do was go out and help everyone; but I couldn't. I used so much time just thinking - what if it would be like this every time someone attacked us? If I didn't get any stronger, would someone else just end up defeating Ahmya instead? Did they really need as much as they lead on? I couldn't bear that thought and ended up training every time I had just a little time to spare, and by the time we made it to Esceutan I had managed to control those wings I had discovered could sprout from my back.

One day Nephele pulled me aside.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." an assuring smile on my lips.

"No seriously. How are you really?"

I waited a little, then answered,

"I feel useless. Like everything that made me stay here, isn't an actual reason for me to stay here. I don't even know why I agreed to help you with this."

She looked confused at me, and I continued,

"I just don't understand how I'm supposed to defeat Ahmya, when everyone around me are clearly stronger. I mean I have a life back in Japan, I shouldn't be running around here fighting your war-"

Celeste then stepped in on our conversation,

"Because you're the last known descendant of the goddess race; you just don't know how to access your powers. This isn't just our war, it's yours as well, your mother brought you to Japan to keep you safe until the day you would be ready to go back here."

This made no sense, why they keep this from me for so long? I mean I had known them for months by then, they couldn't seriously keep something so important from me like that. Plus, if I was part goddess then my mother would've have been one too. And she most certainly wasn't.


Hey! I'm so glad to see people have started checking this out, and hope you will keep reading - there's much more to come.

Hey! I'm so glad to see people have started checking this out, and hope you will keep reading - there's much more to come

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