Chapter 8: The Droid Island

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They brought me through a series of open corridors with a view of the open sky surrounding us. At the end of one corridor we stopped in front of a big white door with statues of angels on either side. The room was filled with people; most of them flying close to the ceiling. 'Angels.' I thought. One girl was an exception to this though. She was standing in the middle of the room talking to a few of the angels, and as soon as she saw us, her face lit up and she almost yelled,

"Little sis!"
"Um, hello nice to meet you." I carefully said.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm Meissa." She laughed and shook my hand, "You look confused."
"Well no one ever told me I had a family."
The girl I now knew as Meissa changed her expression in a second and she looked at the floor.
"Yeah, it has been a long time," She looked back up at me a smile on her face again, "And it's not like anyone remembers something from when they were less than a year old."

If this girl was really my sister, then why would my mother leave her here and not take her with us? It didn't make any sense to me. And why wouldn't she tell me about her? There were so many secrets about my family, that I did not yet know of - but it was my intention to figure it all out. And to do that, I had to get to know this sister of mine better. I just didn't know how to just start that conversation; it didn't really feel right to just ask. And maybe I thought too much about it, because all of a sudden Meissa was done showing me around; and I hadn't noticed where anything was. So when the time was to go to dinner, I didn't know where to go, and probably wouldn't have found it if it wasn't because I'd met Lucy; the blond girl from earlier that day.


The next morning, I didn't get the chance to talk to Meissa either. Apparently Lucy and Maizie wanted to take me training; and I quote "Sorry you don't have a choice.". So I went with them, to something that looked like a man made valley with a big rock in one end, and an open area around it.

"This is the training cave, where many wizards have amplified their skills through the centuries." Maizie said and handed me a bowl, "We've put a seed in this bowl, and you will now make it bloom."
(I know, I know, I'm literally copying so many things - please just keep the shit talk to your selves. Arigatō.)

Then they left me there on the grass. Even after sitting there for hours, it was like I could make everything but that damn seed grow. Not until I gave up and stopped focusing as intensely on the seed, something happen. I stared at the seed for way too long before I realized what had happened.
Almost at the very moment I made the flower bloom Maizie reappeared and took me inside one of the caves.

"This is, as you might have guessed, the inside of the training cave." she declared, "Here you will be put through a series of trials to test both your physical and mental strength as well as your ingenuity. Inside the cave it might occur that most of the people you will see will be your friends and family, so be prepared for everything."

"Is there a specific reason that I will be fighting my friends?"

"Well to prepare you that one of them might betray you of course." It had never crossed my mind before. I only just met these people two months ago, and I know just as little about this place as I do them. Had I been too trusting? It was like they knew everything about me, but I nothing about them. Of course I considered them my friends, but I should probably be aware that one of them might not be who they said they were.

"Now when you are in there, you won't be able to run out again," she told me, "so if you're in trouble remember this spell - Dea dona cupio, da fortitudinem tuam. Teleportation. And then think of where you wanna go, if you're in real trouble, the cave will let you out."

"Okay, but about wepons...."
"Yes?" I smiled at her and continued, "can I get some twin swords or fans?"
 With a snap of her fingers I now had a sword at each of my sides,
"Could I maybe get some food first as well?"

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