Chapter 16: A way to the soul

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"I don't understand. So what you're trying to say is that the bright light, which coverede the whole kingdom, sent you to the Astreia realm. Then you lived there for months trying to get back to Nostuynia, then you, Leilana, succeeded in opening a portal that somehow send you back in time to only about three days after the canon hit you in the first place. And none of you have aged a bit from going through the time portal."
"Yes your highness," Celeste answered him, "that's exactly what happened."

The king, still not completely understanding what was going on, looked stunned at me. Afterwards he used the rest of the day asking me dusins of questions, followed the next day by several tests. But still he got no answers. Still no explanation to why I was able to create a timeportal, and not age in the process. While I still believed that it was just that time worked differently there, everyone else had their mind set on the idea that I was the one who sent us back.


"Hmmm....." The king sighed to himself, "Interesting. Very interesting indeed."
"What is it your highness?"
"Your magical energy, when you opened that portal you somehow got more energy, which only moments later disappeared. Almost as if you had consumed it from somewhere else."
As if I had consumed it? I wondered if he meant like the wizards I watched in a TV-show once, who ate magic to gain more themselves.. Just that I did it with pure magical energy, and without knowing it. Maybe I was showing my concern and process of thought in my facial expression, because I out nowhere I heard the king.
"Well, it can be explained like this,"


A picture of a human body in a sitting position, lit up by seven points throughout it, appeared in front of me like with a projector. (The one shown at the top)

"We humans are said to have 7 chakras, these chakras can be explained as seven spinning vortexes that receive and transmit vibrational frequencies through and around the body. As you can see on the screen, they are located from the base of the spine, all the way up to the crown of the head." he explained, "Each chakra represents the flow of life source, or chi energy, through the organs and glands around it, and through the meridian system."

The king spoke as if I was supposed to understand what he was telling me. But I had never in my life heard of these things before, yet alone knew what they meant
"Each chakra corresponds holographically to different energies of our lifes journey. They filter specific vibrational frequencies relating to the personal lessons we are here to learn, such as:
Base chakra: frequencies relating to safety, stability and survival.
Sacral chakra: frequencies relating to creativity, sexuality and profusion.
Solar plexus chakra: frequencies relating to own personal power, confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.
Heart chakra: frequencies relating to love, happiness and compassion.
Throat chakra: frequencies relating to verbal-expression, communication and telling the truth.
Third eye chakra: frequencies relating to intuition, clarity, knowledge and wisdom.
Crown chakra: frequencies relating to spirituality, cosmic consciousness and enlightenment."

I stared with a slightly open mouth, never had I been so confused in my life. And he just kept going like it was nothing. Like it was common knowledge in Nostuynia. I on the other hand, had never even heard the word 'chakra' before. While the king just kept going on about how important the chakras are to all kinds of spiritual stuff, and how if you manage to open them you can unlock more magical energy, I just stared at him - thinking. I guess that somehow it could make sense that my chakras were the reason I acquired such magic power, but the fact that I had no idea what it all was just excluded that possibility. Because if I understood just a little of what I had been told, I would need to open my mind and soul in ways that should not be possible to do subconsciously. The problem was just, that if this wasn't the reason we had no ideas what was.
"So," I started, "how do I open these chakras?"
"Well, that we'll need someone more qualified for." the king answered, "That much I don't know.


And just like that the king suggested that he should send for a guru, who was supposed to be able to help me open my chakras - or find out if they were already open. But I didn't really know if it would be a good idea, so I politely told him no thanks.
"What are you thinking about?" Hiroshi interrupted my thinking, asking
"Just this whole chakra thing." I replied, "It confuses me a lot."
He looked up at the ceiling, "Maybe you don't have to understand it that much, just what it does."
Confused, I looked back at him, what did he mean by that? That he thinks it doesn't matter what happens, just what the outcome will be?
"What's that supposed to mean?" I manage to ask after a little while.
"That I think you should do it. I mean you'll get stronger from it, won't you?"
I laughed harshly, "Like that's the only thing it'll do. None of us have any idea what might go wrong in this! And you think I should just 'do it'!"
"Calm down," He said, a scared look in his eyes, "It's not like I told you to kill yourself."
I looked away. I really didn't mean to yell at him like that. But that whole thing with chakras, time traveling and having to defeat Ahmya somehow just stressed me so much.
"I think I need to be alone for a little while." I mumbled before I left.


After that, I went to the far end of the palace garden, and made sure not to interact with anyone for the rest of the day. It seemed like everyone just thought they knew what was best for me that day. On my way there I ran into Nephele who said some of the same things as Hiroshi, and also that basically nothing could actually go wrong in this. I still didn't feel like doing it anyway, that whole thing also made me think about why I was even here in the first place. Somehow it just didn't make any sense that I'm the only one that could defeat Ahmya, there was, after all, so many strong wizards all over Nostuynia. So somehow I couldn't find the explanation for me being the only one capable. Because, yeah sure, I'm the daughter of both a god and goddess, but until a few months earlier I had no idea this place even existed, yet alone that I can use magic. Which I was not even good at.


The light of the communication lachryma lit up the room in a dark red flare, showing an distrustful Ahmya, as a voice sounded,"Don't worry," he reassured, "she doesn't have a clue."
"And for your sake I hope you're right. Mr. Yamamoto."
"Yeah, like you're actually gonna kill me." Hiroshi answered, rolling his eyes, "I'm your best spy, remember?"
"Hmpf, my best spy. How funny - You're just lucky no ones found you out yet."
"Oh your highness, are you scared you're never gonna get out of that hell place you're trapped in?"
"Just get to work, your father is losing his patience."

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