Chapter 7: Past, Present and Future

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"If that's true why are you just telling me now?"

"Because you'd just found a different dimension and getting told that you're the only one that can save us all; we thought it might be better to wait telling you that your whole childhood was a lie."

"Don't say that about my mother." I just replied and left.

I didn't talk to anyone for three days after that. Sometimes Hiroshi or Nephele would bring some food; to which I would only reply "I'm not hungry" not even looking at them. One night Hiroshi didn't leave afterwards, but instead he put the plate down and placed himself besides me on the balcony. We just sat there for a while. Staring at the sunset in silence.

"It's quite beautiful, huh?"

"Yeah." I just said without looking at him. All I wanted to do was tell him to leave me alone, but for some reason, I couldn't.

"You know," he started accepting I wouldn't look back at him, "I don't think this whole goddess thing i that bad."

"I guess," I mumbled staring at the bright red sky which would soon turn dark, "I'm just angry, for them not telling me. It isn't exactly because my mother could have done it herself. And what if I never figure out how to use my magic? What then?"

"Then you'll have me, and the others too. No matter what you'll never be alone. I promise."

I knew he meant all he said, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that all I was doing in Nostuynia was raising false hope everywhere. Everywhere we would go I was going to be chased by Ahmya, and by that bring everyone around me in danger. I was so sure they would be way better off without me. So that same night, I packed up my stuff and left the castle the only light being that of the full moon.


"Can you really see anything you want to?"
"Cool." Sabirah exclaimed, eyes widened in fascination, "Are you tracking the little goddess then? Where's is she going? Are they coming here already. Oh I can't wait to fight her!"
"It takes some time. And focus." Lihn sighed, "So shut up and live up to your commandment."
"Sabirah leave Lihn to her duties, please entertain yourself with something else." The young sorceress entered the room not wanting to deal with the childish behavior of her comrate, even though the fact that Greidiawl herself was the youngest of all Ahmyas commandments. 


I had absolutely no idea where I was going, all I knew was that I couldn't participate in this war any longer if I couldn't do anything. That I couldn't stay. I couldn't bring everyone in danger like i did in The Fairy King's Forest. Of course what I didn't know at that time, was that I would find even more than I had ever expected.

I had packed a bit of food and got myself a horse, soon I was ready and I left. By noon I had made it to the border of Ealamore, and I thought they'd probably have noticed that I was gone by now. I still had no idea where I was headed, but as the hours passed I made it to the portal which we first got there through. I was really close to just going back to Japan, but as I was stepping inside I realised that it would be the first place they would look for me.

So I moved on. Continued through Nostuynia alone for a few days. One day, I made it to the coas where I after taking a little brake found a hidden portal - just like the one between Japan and Nostuynia. So I just went through it thinking it would probably be better than just riding randomly around until I would meet someone or get caught.

A few days earlier:

"Roshi, Roshi! Wake up!"
"What do you want Omair?" Hiroshi sighed tiredly and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

"Omair saw Leila leave."

"Wait, what?"

Omair looked confused at Hiroshi, 'Didn't he hear what Omair said?'  the young red-haired boy thought, and calmly repeated what he had just said. Hiroshi however was panicking and ran around to wake up the others. Everyone was confused and didn't understand why Leila had left without a word. Everyone but Hiroshi, that is. He knew how troubled she was the night before. And he blamed himself for not seeing this coming, she had almost directly told what she was about to do, and still he didn't realise before it was too late. How could he ever call himself her friend if he missed something like that so easily?

"Hiroshi don't trouble yourself with this. It isn't your fault she left." Daichi reassured and put his hand on black-haired boys shoulder.

"Look let's not talk about whose fault this is." Nephele commented, "All we can do is get a good nights sleep and go looking for her in the morning."

They started by looking throughout the city, and then moved on towards the portal where they first arrived in Nostuynia. Nephele and Hiroshi went through and looked all over the shrine. But with no luck. Leilana was nowhere to be found.


When I got to the other side of the portal, it was like it hadn't worked. I was still on the beach, the thing was just that instead of the sea there was know a cliff leading to an open sky below. I was no longer in Nostuynia. And as I turned around, two women were standing in front of me. They were wearing each a white dress with different colored flowers and hair, other than that, they were completely identical.

"Welcome Leilana." the blond of them greeted me.

"We have been expecting you."

I looked confused at them 'Do I know these people?'

"You have?"

"Well of course, you are miss Harus daughter after all."

'How do they know my mothers name? What is this place?' I don't remember ever being as confused as I was in that moment, but nevertheless I decided to just come along with the two unknown women.

"You knew my mother?"

"Yes, but that is not a story to be told right now." the red haired one reassured me, "For now we shall introduce you to your sister."

I was so shocked. No one ever told me a sister, and I have no memories of this person either. But of course there was so much I didn't know about my family. Hell I didn't even know whether the very few things my mother had told me about my father were indeed true..

"Oh, I forgot to ask - where am I anyway?"

"The Droid Island, Domthua."

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