Chapter 18: In The Nick Of Time

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"Now you might be thinking, why is he here? What does he want? And I'll get there." the dark knight Charlynn preached, "You see, the dark empress actually sent me here to torture you, but I don't really feel like it."
"And... um... why is that?" I slowly asked him.
"Well because..." he gives me a demonic grin, "I asked Shiloh of pacifism to do it."
I looked at him, and answered, "Pacifism, doesn't that mean he shouldn't hurt people?"
"Oh, no. You'll get hurt, don't worry"
If that guy was gonna torture me, he could do anything to me as long as I didn't actually die. And if I knew Ahmya and her troops right, this Shiloh probably had some kind of magic that could keep him from doing that exact thing.
"You shouldn't tell the prisoner so much, Charlynn, it's more fun when they think I'm gonna kill them."
"Yeah, yeah. Well, then I'll be going now, the battlefield is waiting!"
"Hello Leila." The man who just entered the room, changes his attention towards me, "I am known as Shiloh of pacifism, though you might know me by another name." my eyes widened as never before as he changed his appearance.

Omair? What the hell? Had this guy been Omair all along? Not just by the fact that he won our trust so easily, but also the way he looks at me. And the scar- going from the left of his forehead, across his eye, and to his top lip- didn't make anything better. Though one thing was that he looks scary, the feeling he left in the room, was like something I had never felt before. This man was a true demon.
"Now, I'm not just going to torture you, I will give you a choice."
I gave him a sharp look, "And that's supposed to mean what, exactly?"
"I need- or Ahmya needs- some information from you, and if you tell me, I won't hurt you."
He said that last part, with a wicked smile emerging on his face- that only got bigger as I answered him;
"I won't tell you anything."
"Oh well, have it your way then." in a split second, he moved from the end of the room, to being squatted above me on the chair. A knife in hand.
"See, what I would like to know," he began, as the knife slowly moved down my cheek, and I felt the pricking pain emerging on my face, "is how to get to the island of the gods."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Perhaps this will help you remember."
As he said that, he moved behind the chair. Again, so fast I didn't even see it. Teleportation magic? No it was something else. Shiloh slowly moved the knife from my ear, and down my throat, and I let out a scream. I could feel the warmth of the blood running down my throat, soaking my clothes- turning them red. And I blacked out from the bloodloss.


When I woke up again, the blood had stopped, and I was no longer tied to the chair. I took my hand to my throat- the cut was gone- and then looked around, no Shiloh either. But before I could even get up to run, he appeared in front of me again.
"You seem confused. I healed your wounds." he said, lifting me up by my chin, "Don't want you dying on me."
He threw me back on the floor, "Have you decided to tell me what I want to know?"
"..... " I looked at him, "I still don't know what you are talking about."
"Oh, come on little girl! You've been there, for god's sake!"
"I thought you were supposed to be the commandment of pacifism."
Maybe I just made him more angry, but at least he stopped asking me about that island.
"Listen, little girl, I might be the commandment of pacifism, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you."
Oh, I know. But you won't kill me." I gave him a smug grin, and again, everything went dark.


The next time I woke up, the room looked different from before. The chair had been broken, and was now scattered all over the room. I myself, was covered in wounds and blood, and my clothes had been ripped apart. I was still tied with my hands on my back, and my feet were still tied together. I wondered how long it had been since I parted ways with Aine. I wondered if they'd won, and were looking for me. Probably not. Though I thought it had at least been a day, or so. I needed to get out of that tower, so I pushed myself across the floor to get something sharp. I found a big piece of the chair, and used a spell to turn it into metal.

"Terra elementum generate - metalizisation."

The wood lit up, and I then had a piece of sharp metal in my hands. I started by cutting the ropes around my feet, and then did my hands. When I'd done that, I took the biggest piece of cloth I could find, tied it around my chest, and then healed myself the best I could. When I grabbed the doorknob, the door wasn't locked. It was rather strange that they would just leave me in here without locking the door. But pretty nice though. It made everything so much easier for me. Now all I needed to do was find Ahmya, and figure out how to stop her. Should be easy, right?


The bottom of the tower was bigger than I first anticipated. Behind the staircase I had first walked up, was a door hidden. I had been running for I don't know how long, my lungs starting to burn a bit I realized how bad of a shape I was actually in.
Finally I made it to the same big door, we entered just a few months before. I'd basically given up on the idea of talking to Ahmya- maybe Aine was mistaken? Maybe this was just the person she was. And either way, Ahmya was a threat.
"I see you recovered already." a voice said from behind me, "You really upset Shiloh you know. Now it's your turn."
I turned around and the one standing before me, was just a little girl. She stared at me with no emotion, and then raised her hand.
Fortunately I jumped sideways just in time, and the explosion hit besides me. The girls face didn't move an inch, all she did was hold up her staff and say,
"Caelesti igne."
Fire rained down at me, and I managed to avoid only a few of them. I now had burns on my left arm and shoulder, and my right leg. As fast as I could I counter attacked, but as the dust disappeared the girl didn't have a single wound.
"Who the hell are you!" I shouted at her
"I am Greidiawl of truth."
She said, still with no emotion and used the same explosion spell as before. Greidiawl of truth. That means I can't lie to her. If she decided to ask me a question, I'll have to tell her the truth.
"I suppose you've figured out my commandment by now?"
"I have, yes."
"I see," she said a wicked- yet small- smile emerging, "let's make a deal then."

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