Chapter 13: Waiting

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As the days went by, I spent a lot of it on my own thinking about what to do when Ahmya finally decided to attack. And about what to do about Hiroshi. He had been acting really different since we lost Omair. Sure, it hurt all of us, but something told that wasn't what was bothering him. Of. course I hadn't know him for that long, so I couldn't know if he was just himself, but still something told me that everything wasn't as it was supposed to.


One day I went to a small forest right outside Esceutan. While I was meditating, I heard a fade voice inside my head.
"You know what you have to do, Leilana."
The voice sounded a lot like my mothers, but when I opened my eyes it was already dark. Not putting any more thought into it, I just figured it had just been my imagination and went back to the castle. Though when I got back to the castle, it seemed just as if I hadn't been gone at all. No one seemed to notice that I hadn't been away all day. Thinking it was weird, I went to the kitchen to get myself something to eat, and went straight back to my room. I was buried in a book when he opened the door and entered my room. It startled me because I hadn't seen him until he was right in front of my face, and said to me,
"You've been avoiding me all day, what's up?"
"Don't scare me like that!"
"Way to change the subject."
"Sorry, but I've just been in the forest - haven't talked to anyone today."
"Oh, I see. Then ... um... have fun with your book."
"Weird?" I thought and laughed, "Sure."


"Empress, the Astreia canon is ready to be fired."
She smiled to herself. Finally he would get the revenge he had been searching for, finally he could get rid of Leilana. Get rid of the Fujimoto. This moment was something he had been dreaming about his whole life. The last Fujimoto, after all these years that stupid gods daughter would finally dissappear. 
"Fire it."


It hit us with such a power, yet such silence. In the middle of the night, the sky had lit up like an exploding sun. And with that light followed so much destruction, so much agony and despair. The Astreia canon, was what the king later had called it. It was an ancient weapon, made only for despair. Originally the ancestors had it sealed away somewhere far, and isolated, but somehow Ahmya had apparently managed to unseal it. And thereby fire it against Esceutan. In a split second everything had lit up, and then disappeared into nothingness. 

Hey, sorry about a short chapter, just been getting ready for my exams lately so I haven't had that much time. 
Hope the few of you reading this like it, I don't really know where it's going to be honest :)

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