Dinner, Party Of Eight *Court*

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Dinner, Party Of Eight *Court*

After my shower I walked in to my room wrapped in my bright green fluffy robe. Deciding what to wear was always a pain in the ass. I shifted through my clothes with a sigh. What was dressy but not too dressy? Where was Ava when I needed her?

With a bigger sigh I put on a pair of black tapered jeans. I then put on my pair of tan suede knee-high boots. Hmmmm, what shirt to wear? I grabbed a tan camisole and then a white flowy shirt with baggy sleeves.

For once I actually thought I looked okay. Seeing as down the hall I could still hear my sister's shower going, I turned on my music. I began dancing and singing along.

"Woah, oh, oh oh, oh, it's always a good time, Woah, oh, oh ,oh , oh! It's always a good time, woke up on the right side of the bed, what's up with this Prince song inside my head, hands up if your down to get down tonight!" I scream sang.

"I'm down to get down tonight." I heard from behind me. I screamed in fright and fell to the floor. That's when I noticed it was Harry standing at the door. He was smirking, leaning against my doorway.

"Courtney!!" Ava shouted, suddenly appearing behind Harry. She shoved past him and ran over to me. "Are you okay?" She question, sitting down on the floor next to me. I nodded.

"He...him!" I nearly shouted, pointing at Harry with a glare. Ava glared at him as well. I shifted my gaze to my sister. She was wearing a bright pink top with a black leather jacket, dark black skinny jeans, and black ankle cut high heel boots. "You look good!" I exclaimed.

"You too!" She cheered with a smile. We grinned at each other as we got off of the floor. I then glared at Harry again.

"You're a jerk." I mumbled, sticking my tongue out. Ava and I linked arms and walked past him out of my room.

"I liked your dance moves." Harry said, jogging lightly to catch up to us. He walked behind us as we headed downstairs.

"You're soooo funny." I muttered, rolling my eyes. Ava made a silly face, mimicking me. I laughed.

"Cookies are ready!" Karen called out. Ava basically pulled me down the stairs.

"A, we'll get our cookies. Chill!" I giggled.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Niall shouted, appearing behind us. Ava and I put on our angry faces and stood infront of the cooling cookies.

"Touch the cookies and die Irish boy." I threatened. He held up his hands in surrender.

"You're dangerous." He said looking between my sister and I.

"Can I have a cookie?" Liam questioned. Turned around, grabbed a gooey chocolate chip cookie, and handed it to him with a smile.

"I like you." I grinned at him. The rest of the boys, also known as Louis and Zayn, appeared.

"What about me?!" Louis exclaimed in a hurt voice. I shrugged my shoulders, taking a bite out of my own cookie.

"Daddy!! Are we leaving soon?!" I shouted in no particular direction. Ava and the boys began talking while munching on cookies. My dad came down the stairs dressed in his usual going out attire. Sunglasses clipped to his shirt.

"We're leaving in a few minutes. Why?" He questioned, looking down at his phone. That was dad. So involved in his electronics.

"I wanted to know. Daddy put down the phone." I grumbled, taking his phone out of his hand. Harry and Louis "oooooo'd" while the rest of the boys starred. Ava knew it was coming.

"Courtney I need that." My dad stated. The boys watched with wide eyes. I looked at my sister for support.

"Daddy we just got here. Can't you stay off the phone for a little bit?" I pouted. I jutted out my lower lip and looked up at him through my lashes. Yeah, I invented the puppy dog look.

"Fine, fine. Can I please have my phone back though?" He responded. I smiled, handing him back his phone. He wrapped his arm around me in a hug. Ava went to his other side and he gave us both a hug.

"Aw! Family moment!" Louis shouted. The cute atmosphere collapsed as Ava and I burst into hysterical laughter.

"All right, let's head out to dinner." Dad said, heading toward the door. The eight of us trooped outside and to the limo. Not all of us would fit in to a car after all.

In the limo everyone was having there own conversations. Liam, Zayn, and dad were talking about the release of their album. Niall and Ava were talking about New York City. Apparently he visited there every year.

Louis, Harry, and I began talking about random things. Like, why blue berries are called blue berries when they look purple more often than blue. Or the fact that the boys have been "dead" more times than they can count. That is, until a certain song came on the radio.

Ava and I looked at each other with grins on our faces. Then, in sync, we began singing. Well, really screaming.

"I've tried playing it cool, but when I'm looking at you, I can't ever be brave, 'cause you make my heart race, shot me out of the sky, you're my kryptonite, you keep making me weak, frozen and can't breathe!" We screamed at each other.

Our father was in hysterics, laughing his ass off. Only Ava and I could get him to do that. It was a gift. Niall was laughing right along with him. Zayn and Liam watched us with amused expressions.

Harry's eyes were locked on mine and him and Louis began singing along with us. The four of us made quite the team. When the song finished Harry continued to look at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked him, attitude and all. Harry has always been the cutest in my opinion. It was the curls, I swear.

"Nope, carry on." He chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him and he responded by doing the same as me. In a split second I was scooped out of my seat and placed next to Harry.

"LOUIS!" I nearly screamed. He shot me a cheeky smile. Just as I was about to yell at him we pulled up outside of the steakhouse.

"Food!" Ava and I shouted together. We pushed to get out of the limo. Of course, then Ava and I did what we do best. We fell.

Well, I should say almost fell. Ava tripped over the edge of the sidewalk. I grabbed her shoulders to pull her up but wound up falling forward myself. We both probably would have face planted the sidewalk if it wasn't for Harry and Niall.

Harry gripped my waist tightly, pulling me back against him. Niall's hands held tightly to Ava's elbows, steadying her. Dad and the rest of the boys stepped our of the limo. Dad gave Harry and Niall an intimidating look.

"I think my girls are able to stand on their own now." He said, pushing his glasses down to the tip of his nose to stare at them. Niall immediately released Ava, both of them blushing.

Harry and I were rebels. I leaned back in to his hold. He placed his head on top of mine and we both smiled brightly.

"Food now?" I questioned daddy. He refused to acknowledge the question. Just kept giving us a stern look. I wiggled out of Harry's grasp, linking arms with Ava.

Dad nodded at us and we all walked in to the steak house. We stood in the waiting area for all of twelve seconds before the waitress came over.

"Cowell party of eight." She said brightly, starting to guide us to our table. We had only been back home in London for a couple hours but I was falling in love all over again.

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