Labels *Court*

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Labels *Court*

"I'm sleepy." I pouted as soon as we got in to Harry and Louis's flat. A normal, less tired, me would have gone around snooping. But I was exhausted.

"Well you did go out to a club and then cried for an hour...." Harry chuckled. I flipped him off before stumbling and landing on their couch.

"You know we have a guest room, right?" Lou chuckled from the doorway. I mumbled incoherent sentences in to the couch. I heard someone else make a comment but my brain didn't register it. I was asleep in five seconds.

When I woke up I was shocked that I was in a bedroom. They actually cared enough to move me to where I was comfortable?

"Morning sleepy head." I heard Harry chuckle from the doorway. I leaned forward and rubbed my eyes. When I pulled my hands back I saw him standing there with a large smile.

"M'hey!" I muttered. My voice squeaked at the end and I cringed. I hated my stupid morning voice. I threw the covers off to the side and slide off the side of the bed on to the floor. "Shower?" I questioned. He pointed to a door on the other side of the bedroom.

I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. He was such a gentleman even though I probably looked like medusa. He handed me a set of clothes off of the top of the dresser. I skipped in to the bathroom.

After my scorching hot twenty minute shower I got out and got dressed. The clothes Harry had given me were a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black zipper up hoodie that said TEAM STYLES. It was a comfy day. I began brushing my hair and exited the bathroom in the direction of the living room.

"Don't you look comfy." Ava joked from her spot on their couch.

"Harry picked it out." I smiled, giving a small twirl. My twin laughed at me as I sat down next to her.

"Aw! You two are such sweet siblings!" Louis exclaimed right before he flung himself down on top of us on the couch. I started coughing from the sudden addition of weight. "I'm not fat!" He cried out.

"You are a little bigger than them Boobear." Harry laughed. Louis rolled off of us, landing on the floor with a pout.

"Thanks Harry." I smiled up at him. He came to stand behind the couch as I continued to look up at him.

"No problem." He responded. Then suddenly Harry was upside down in the spot next to me. "Lou, now I'm dizzy." He mumbled, looking a bit disoriented. I could understand. I mean he was upside down.

"You agreed with them. You deserved to be pulled over the couch." Louis nodded to himself. Ava and I helped Harry sit up right.

"So do you guys want to do something today?" Ava inquired as I cuddled up close to my... Damn, what was I supposed to call Harry? There was no way we were just friends anymore but we weren't in a relationship.

"Well the boys were all going to go out and go to the park, if you want to join us." Harry responded, his arm draped over my shoulder.

"Sounds good to me. Better go get changed." Ava mumbled. I just then noticed that she was still in her pajamas.

"I'm supposed to wear my Team Styles sweatshirt while I'm out with you? Doesn't that sort of make it look like I'm WITH you?" I questioned Harry suspiciously. A devious grin appeared on his face.

"Well we can't have people thinking they can hit on you." He kissed my cheek lightly. I narrowed my eyes.

"Cheeky chappie. Harry Styles laying his claim." Louis said in his announcer voice. I rolled my eyes.

"We're not official. He can't lay a claim." I stated, secretly hoping I could get an answer to the question I had in my mind earlier. Harry looked hurt for a split second.

"I'll be right back." He announced, getting up from the couch and walking away. A frown worked its way on to my features.

"What did I do?" I mumbled. I glanced at Louis. He was giving me an uncertain look.

"He cares about you." Louis stated finally, albite a bit uncertainly.

"And I care about him." I replied with a confused look. Louis shook his head.

"You just basically told him that he's not all that important to you. That he doesn't get to call you his." He explained. I glanced to where Harry had disappeared to.

"That's not how I meant it! I just... I want to know what we are! Is that a crime?" I nearly shouted. I didn't even care if Harry heard me.

"You can't expect him to ask you out after a day of knowing you Courtney. He's not like that." Louis gave me a sad look. I muttered incoherent words to myself.

"Just go for it!" I heard my sister shout down the hall. Suddenly she appeared looking irritated. "Are we going to the park or not?" She asked, her angry expression turning in to one of happiness.

Fifteen minutes later and all of one direction plus my sister and I were walking around the park. Incognito of course. All though the boys seemed to think that beanies and sunglasses were genius disguises. They were wrong.

"Courtney you seem upset." Liam stated. I glanced over at Harry but he was talking animatedly about milk shake city with Niall.

"I'm fine. Just still a little upset about yesterday." I shrugged. He nudged my shoulder with his.

"It'll be alright. You've got all of us now." He smiled down at me.

"Everyone except Harry..." I mumbled with a small frown. Liam shot me a confused stare.

"What do you mean except Harry? Are you sure you didn't mean especially?" He wondered. I shook my head.

"He's mad at me or something. I guess I was just stupid." I shrugged.

"Harold Edward Styles!" Liam shouted suddenly. Harry looked up, shocked. "Come over here. Now." Liam sounded like such an authority figure. Harry stood in front of us expectantly. Just as Liam was about to say something else, there was a scream.

"ONE DIRECTION!!!!" A group of girls screamed. Without a second thought Harry grabbed my hand and we all started running. I knew normally the boys would have been relaxed if the girls had just came up to them but screaming usually led to mobs.

When we couldn't hear the sound of footfalls behind us we stopped running. I looked around and realized that Harry and I had lost the others along the way. We starred at each other.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. "I didn't mean to offend you at all. I really like you Harry. But I didn't know where we stood. We're not just friends but we're not a couple and I've never been in this position and," he cut me off by quickly pressing his lips to mine and then pulling back.

"I get it. And I over reacted. There's no need to label what we are. We are what we are. And that's okay with me if that's okay with you." Harry responded.

"Absolutely." I responded, giving him a quick kiss. Then I heard a squeal to our left. We both gazed at the girl who caused the sound. Her phone was up as if she'd just been taking a picture.

"Courtney Cowell and Harry Styles kissing! THIS IS SO GOING ON TWITTER!" The girl screamed and then ran away. Well now I really was dead.....

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