I won't let you fall*Ava*

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"No." I said rolling my eyes at Niall. We left the resturant and wandered up and down a few streets before stopping in a store.

"Yes." he said smileing at me. He grabbed walked up and paid for the jackets and I crossed my arms and glared.

"Tell me where we are going." I said sternly.

"You sounded like you father." Niall said laughing hysterically.

"Oh hush up." I said walking out of the store leaving him holding the black coat still. He grabbed my hand and took me towards the ice rink in town. "Now I see why I was forced with a coat." I mumbled as he helped me put it on.

"Court mentioned you sucking at ice skating and always being cold when we spoke earlier." he said laughing I rolled my eyes and walked inside shivering against the cold air. We walked up and grabbed ice skates from the counter and took them to a bench.

"If I end up hospitalized from falling I hope you have fun explaining to dad." I said laughing.

"He won't kill me, he has another daughter." he said smirking at me.

"Asshole.." I muttered finishing tieing my skates. I stood up and went to walk towards the ice went I, as usual, fell. I felt two arm grab my elbows and pull me up before I face planted the ground.

"Be more careful, please?" he whispered in my ear. I shivered, but not because of the cold. I turned to face him, carefully grabbing his hands as I did so for support. He chuckled causeing me to slap him. "I'm sorry, I won't laugh at you death gripping me so you don't fall."

"You better not." I said smiling. I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes and quickly turned to look at the floor.

"Simons daughter wouldn't be nervous would she?" He said laughing a bit. I stuck my tongue out at him and went to look away from his eyes, but he placed his hand under my chin and stopped me. We stood there looking into each others eyes and my heart began to race. His face got closer and my eyes fluttered to look at the floor as he kissed my cheek. "Let's go ice skate." He whispered in my ear. I held his hand tight as we walked towards the ice. I froze before stepping on the ice. He stepped onto the ice and turned to face me. "I got you." he said grabbing my hands. I took a step onto the ice tightening my grip on his hand as I lifted my other foot onto the ice. I ended up slipping and Niall let go of my hand and grabbed my waist. "I got you." He said and I laughed.

"I can't ice skate at all though!" I said laughing. He grabbed my hand, our fingers intertwining.

"But I can." He said starting to skate.

"Don't go to fast please." I begged scared of falling. "You are with the most accident person ever." I said making us both laugh.

"I would never let a beautiful girl like you fall or get hurt." He said going slightly faster.

"That is a big task to take up, its like another full time job." I said laughing hysterically. My foot slipped out from underneath me and I lost my balence. I tryed grabbing Niall, but apparently his reflexesare faster than mine because within a second I was wrapped in his arms tightly.

"I'm up for the challage." He said smileing. "Besides I've prevented it plenty already." He said smirking at me.

"You are a busy person mr. Horan. You are a full time singer, eater, and preventer of me getting hurt." I said and we both started laughing.

"It fills up my twenty four hours a day, that's for sure." He said starting to skate.

"Can't I turn around!" I yelled still facing him.

"Nope." He said laughing and popping the p. I grumbled and gripped him tighter, terrifed of falling and breaking my ass. "Relax." He said smiling at me and tightening his grip on my waist. Sudeenely I felt a wall behind me and we halted to a stop. "You realize we would be in so much trouble right now?"

"With?" I asked suddenly sonfused. His eyes twinkled with amusement as his forehead rested against mine.

"Your father. This is much more than hanging as friends." He said smirking.

"I'll just tell him you were saving me." I said smiling.

"From?" He asked returning the smile.

"Falling, freezing, running into people, getting run over, and anything else that comes to mind." I responded as his grip on my waist tightened. He moved me away from the wall and continued ice skateing. I leaned my forehead on his chest and sighed. We stayed like the silently for a few minutes. "Can I face fowards please." I turned my face towards his and jutted my lip out like my sister does.

"I now see how your twins." He mumbled laughing. Our fingers intertwined and I turned to face fowards.


"You aren't as bad as I assumed." he said as we exited the ice.

"Why did you assume the worst?" I asked sitting down to take the god awful skates off. They were cutting off my circulation that's for sure.

"That's how Court made it seem." he said laughing and picking up my skates and bringing them to the counter.

"Well clearly she was wrong." I said smiling.

'Or was it because I was holding you the entire time?" He said grabbing my hand.

"Well perhaps." I said laughing as we exited the ice rink. "I want hot chocolate now." I said laughing. He laughed and together we walked hand in hand to a little cafe.

"Anything else?" He asked as I sat down.

"Yes! Let me buy!" I said smiling knowing it was a lost cause to even attempt. He laughed and went and ordered the hot chocolate. I took out my phone to make sure daddy didn't text me. To my suprise he didn't so I put my phone away as Niall put down the cups and two giant chocolate chip cookies. "You are shareing." I said grabbing a piece of the one cookie.

"I shouldn't because you told me Nandos burnt down!" He responded angrily.

"Oh to bad." I said sticking my tongue out. Niall started pouting so I got up and sat on his lap. "i sowy." I said kissing his cheek.

"You are forgiven." He said wrapping his arm around my waist. "My cookie though." he said taking a bite. I went and ate the rest of the cookie that was in his hand. "Meanie."

"Eh, it's okay you love me anyways." I said smiling.

"How do you know that?" he said taking another bite.

"Why else would you have decided to go out with me tonight?" I said smileing sipping my hot chocolate.

"Maybe I was bribed." He said jokingly.

"I see how it is." I said getting up. He threw out the plate and his cup as I finished my hot chocolate. i tossed my cup and grabbed his hand walking out. I started lagging behind him a bit and let go of his hand. I jumped up and his back and he gripped my legs instictively. "Piggyback ride! WOOO!" I shouted. He tightened his grip and laughed with me.

"You are lucky I don't drop you." he said laughing.

"You promised not to hurt me!" I shouted defensively.

"You wouldn't get hurt, just be forced to walk." he said laughing.

"I don't want ot go home I muttered under my breath.

"So let's go to my flat and watch a film." he suggested.

'Sounds like a plan to me!" I said tightening my grip. as he walked towards his flat.

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