*Group Project*

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I got woken up by the alarm, as always. My classes start later today, so I have some time before going to the university. I take a shower and get ready.

I hear a knock on the door "Nine, your parents already left for work, feel free to come breakfast when you are ready" A maid said and I went down for breakfast.

' Every time they leave early I feel very lonely '
I thought to myself. I finished eating and went back to my room. I thought about my parents, how they were worried yesterday and left early today ' What did they want to tell me? Why should I be worried?  Anyways, I need to study, the exams are coming up. '

I studied for an hour and it was almost time to go, because my classes are starting soon. I decided to text Joong...



"Uh, hi Joong. It's me Nine, i forgot to introduce myself yesterday"


"Yeah, you don't really express your feelings through words, do you?"

"But it's OK, I just want to be friends with you. I'm not forcing you to talk..."


"Sorry, you probably have things to do. I won't bother you anymore, sorry..."

" It's OK, I appreciate"

"Oh, you're talking. That's progress"

"I assume you don't like talking"

"Well, see you at the university, I should be going"



Joong POV

' Wow, I just talked to somebody. Didn't know I could do that. Maybe being friends with that boy isn't that bad after all... But what if he finds out about my family? What if I tell him? I could tell him... But I don't want to. I better keep my family in secret, people are going to judge me... I even have to hide my name so no one will know anything... ' Those thoughts were rushing through my head, It's just not good if someone finds out about my family...

Today I left the house later than usual, that's why I better ask a driver to drive me, since I might be late to class.

All the way to the university I was thinking about the boy, Nine. As if I have seen him somewhere before, I don't usually look at people at the university..
Nine Kornchid Luang! It struck me.

Son of one of the wealthiest families in Thailand, they own the biggest building company. No wonder everybody likes him. I have heard their business has lost some investors in the last couple of months it wasn't very stable.

As I walked into the building, I saw Nine laughing with his friends. I passed by them and they didn't seem to notice me. I went straight to the class and sat down, soon everybody else started coming in.

I saw Nine walking in with his friends and looked at him, he noticed me sitting there and smiled at me. I smiled back a little. He looked a bit shocked.

Nine POV

I saw Joong looking at me, I wanted to be friendly but not excessively. So I just smiled at him while going to my seat.

Surprisingly, he smiled back. It was a little smile, more like a smirk actually. But it was enough for me to understand that he maybe doesn't mind me talking to him.

He looked very pretty when he is smiling, very handsome. ' It's no wonder that people like him. I might too actually, but he has never dated anybody as far as I know. So why would he date me? Maybe he likes girls? '

Well, that doesn't matter. All I want is for him to be my friend.

Professor walked in and the class began. We were all ready to go to lunch when the professor stopped us and said that we have an assignment to do. In groups of two, until Friday.

I decided that it was a good idea to ask Joong to do it, since Done was doing it with Pavel and Ben and Earth, who had already returned from the beach were doing it together too. So I was left alone.

After the class finished I saw Joong leaving. I immediately went to look for him and of course found him in the lounge area. "Uhmm... Hi Joong" he looks at me while I'm saying that " Do you have a partner for the assignment? " He shakes his head ' no ' " Well, want to be my partner then?..." I ask him nervously...

Joong POV

"Well, want to be my partner then...?" Nine asked me, I can clearly see that he was nervous and I thought it was cute.

"Sure" I told him. The feeling I have around Nine, makes me feel like I can truly trust him. I saw his face light up after I said that, as if he was waiting for me to say it, he looked happy.

Nine POV

' Wow! He said something, I have never heard him speak before. Somehow his deep voice makes him even more attractive ' I thought to myself. "Well... Uhm.. Then want to meet up? We only have 2 days to do it..."

"Uh- hum" he said. "Well, you can come to my house today after classes" I said and he agreed "I will text you then, I have to go now" I told him and went to have lunch...


I have a lot of free time today, so I wanted to write some more ♥️

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