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"Do you like it?" Nine asked Chen as they arrived to take a look at their new penthouse (yes penthouse, Nine is very extra) together "I wanted this specific one because of the view we have from here" Chen watched him run to the window. He adored watching his boyfriend being happy and excited, since he first met him there were a lot of sad and scary moments and he was happy that everything was over. He slowly came and stood behind Nine, circling his arms around the smaller's waist. Nine held Joong's hand on his stomach.

"I do like it, and I like it even more because we will live here together" He put his head on Nine's shoulder "No more long car rides to meet eachother... now you're stuck with me" he laughed

"I'll miss it actually" Nine said in a soft voice, still looking out of the window onto the beautiful view of the city

"Miss what?" Chen wondered

"That excitement before seeing you again... when I'm in the car, almost at your house... wanting  to meet you as soon as possible..." Nine turned in Archen's hands, his back to the window "That feeling of happiness when the car finally stops in front of your house... how when I come in... after multiple days of not seeing you... you envelop me in the warmest hug... and we cuddle in your bed afterwards... I'll miss that" He smiled at the sentimental memories

Chen released Nine from his hold, he will miss it too, is it bad? Are they moving too fast?... "Does it mean you regret wanting to move in with me?..."

Nine didn't have to think long "No way," He slightly pushed Chen back to sit on the couch, and sat on top of his thighs with his legs on both sides of him and put his arms around Joong's neck. His boyfriend's hands automatically went to his waist "I know our relationship is still very new, and it might be very early for all of this, but I also know that we both want this..." he looked at Joong fondly "I'll miss those things... but let's just call it a new chapter of our relationship... where we can enjoy ourselves without being interrupted by our parents or maids... where there is just me and you, and nobody else... just us in our little world of happiness..." Nine has been becoming more emotional with every word he said

Joong was also very affected by Nine's words, tears started appearing in his eyes "I love you so much baby... let's stay in this world of happiness forever" He looked at the smaller and kissed Nine deeply. The kiss was full of love and affection, it was like a silent promise that they will be together for a long time... if possible even forever and no-one can change that.

Once they pulled away, they just looked into eachother's eyes, enjoying the moment in complete silence "I never want this to end" Joong spoke up first, softly looking at his boyfriend

"What exactly?" Nine asked

"Everything... the soft stares... the little touches... how loved you make me feel... how much I love you... moments like these, they are perfect and I wouldn't trade them for the world..." He loved these moments the most... but the truth is, that is how every moment with his boyfriend feels... perfect

"I love you" Three simple words, that mean so much if they come from a person you love...

And so they were lost in their own bubble again, talking about everything they wanted to do next... making plans about their new house... discussing every little detail of the future Nine had mentioned to his mom, and Chen perfectly memorised... their future together...


Please give me feedback and tell me how I could improve my writing <3<3<3<3<3 Also, they lived happily ever after and got themselves a cat 


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