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A/N: You didn't expect me to do this, neither did I, but I finally finished this. Also, thanks to those two people who actually wanted this.

3rd POV

After a long day of meeting and preparing for tomorrow, Nine was home again.

Nine couldn't fall asleep that night, he had to call Joong so that he could come over and comfort him. Nine was nervous about what will happen the next day, he knew that they had a plan but couldn't be completely sure that Joss didn't have one too.

Joong came over, it was already 1AM "Are you okay?" Joong worriedly asked Nine after coming into the boys room and seeing him in his bed

"I can't sleep... what if something goes wrong?" Nine looked at his boyfriend

Archen came closer to Nine and sat on his bed "Don't worry. I'm with you, and you trust me right?" He laid next to Nine. Nine wrapped his arms around the other

"I do, but-"

"No buts... it will be okay, I'm with you. Now sleep, we have to wake up early" Joong said and looked down at Nine who was now laying with his head on Chen's chest

"M-hm~" Nine just hummed and snuggled closer to Joong "Goodnight"

"Goodnight baby" Chen responded and closed his eyes, they both fell asleep.


Their alarm rang the next morning at 8AM, neither of them wanted to get up, but they knew that this is an important day, not only for Nine, but also for Joong, since he could loose the love of his life to another man if something went wrong...

"Wake up Nai" Archen said in a soothing voice, gently shaking his boyfriend "We have to go"

Nine just cuddled closer to him, mumbling into his chest "Mph, no~"


"I'm not a baby" pouting Nine looked at Joong

"Cute" Joong chuckled "But in all seriousness, I have to go meet Lin now, and you have to get ready too..." They both sat up on the bed

"Promise me that everything will be fine?" Nine looked scared

"I promise" He held out his pinky finger to Nine, Nine did the same

Archen has stayed at Nine's house more than enough of times to have everything he need there. To be exact, most of his hoodies and sweatshirts were at Nine's house because the latter really like wearing them. So he was easily able to get ready.

"I have to go now" he said as he walked up to the boy who was sitting on his couch

"Okay" Nine said in a small voice, now hugging the other

"Remember the plan?" Joong asked, pulling away from the hug and putting his hands on Nine's shoulders

"Yes... Lin will have a microphone on her and I have to ask Joss to confess about what he has done..."

"It will be recorded and after that police will arrest him, just don't sign the contract... You have nothing to worry about baby" Archen tried to convince Nine. He left after some more convincing and a few more hugs.

Nine could sense that something was going to go not as planned....

And it did...

' This is it ' Nine thought to himself, reaching for the pen and signing the contract in front of all the guests that had come to the wedding...

A single tear rolled down Nine's cheek, police didn't show up, nor did Joong...

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