*Bad News*

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I went to have lunch with my friends after talking to Joong. As always I had some classes after that. After the classes finished he texted Joong because he didn't see him in the last class.


"Uh, hi again. Are you OK, I haven't seen you in the last class"

"I'm okay. I have one more class now"

"Oh, OK. I will go home now, I'll text you my address later"



I went home happy, because I got Joong to talk to me. As soon as I entered my house I saw a lot of people in suits, businessman I guess. "W...What is happening?" I asked my mom as soon as I saw her "Are you alright Nai?" My mom asked me nervously ignoring the question.

I looked around, everybody was panicking in our living room and my dad's office. "Yeah, I'm OK mom, but what is happening" I asked her again. It didn't seem like she wanted to answer "Don't worry Nai, I think you should go somewhere right now"

I was very scared but agreed, I immediately decided to text Joong


"Uh Joong, can we maybe go to your place? I can't really go home now"


"I actually don't know why myself. Mom just told me that it's better that I go somewhere else"


Ok, I'll text you my address"


Joong POV

' Great, Nine will come over. He will definitely find out who my family is and I am screwed. What if he doesn't like us, will he go away? Fu*k '

' I still don't know how I should feel about him, I trust him, but isn't it too fast? Why did he suddenly start talking to me? I should just ask him before I start overthinking it '

Nine POV

I arrived at Joong's house, at least I think it's Joong's house. The address is right so that should be it. It's very big, his family must be important, it's weird that I have never heard of the Saelims.

I rang the bell on the gate and told that I came to Joong, there was silence for a moment. As if the person went somewhere, but they opened the gate soon after.

I went to the front door, there was a person waiting for me, I think it was a butler and he led me to Joongs room.

On my way to his room we walked through a hallway, there was a big family portrait of the Saelims on it. I looked at the painting for a minute and saw the title of the painting "The Aydin Family"

I remember the Aydins, no wonder I recognized Joong, I have seen him at some events before. I couldn't remember one thing, who exactly are they. I should probably just ask Joong.

I followed the butler, knocked on the door at the end of the hallway and Joong opened it right after, it felt like he was waiting for me. I walked into the room and silently sat down on the couch near the door.

"Uh, hi Joong" I said nervously, every time I'm confident and I see Joong, I suddenly feel nervous "Should we start?" I asked him, he nodded and lead me to his table.

We started doing our things and sat there writing something for about an hour. "You okay?" Joong asked me, the whole time I was working, I was worried about my family and was trying to remember who the Aydins are.

"Yeah, I'm OK" I said trying to hide my nervousness " You want to watch TV maybe? You look tense..." He asked me worried "Uh, sure... " I told him and we stood up.

We sat on the couch near the door and turned the TV on. He was looking through all of the channels and couldn't find anything. He stopped on the news channel and turned to me to ask something but the news caught our attention i stead...

* Breaking news, is the Luang family going to go bankrupt? A man is accusing Luang Industries owners of faking a deal between them and The World Bank and says he has the proof. Who is the man you may ask, it is none other than Joss Songhkla...*

A tear ran down my cheek, I didn't want to listen to it anymore, so I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialled my dads phone number

*Dad? Why didn't you tell me? Why is Joss here?*

*Calm down Ni-*

*No dad! I can't calm down, I know he is here because of me!*

*Nai, you know. No matter what, don't do anything what he or anybody will say*

*What is going to be with your company? I don't want to be the one who ruins it!*

*You aren't going to ruin anything Nine. He can't do anything to us, the alligations aren't real, they are made up*

*Dad, Joss has the money you know he will do anything*

*Nine, don't worry, now I have some stuff to deal with, call you later...*

Joong POV

He has been crying for 10 minutes now, I don't know what is happening or what I am supposed to do. Nine is the first person who truly wants to be my friend, I can feel it and I am going to try to help him no matter what...


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