Chapter 5

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Anand's POV

I came home to see Tony and Saph in the living room talking. I knew what it was about but I still listened. I stood at the door and I knew that Tony knew that I was there but chose to not comment. I was very disappointed in my little sister since it really was unusual for her to behave like this. The entire day from the moment she woke this morning was... Different to say the least. Her attitude started this morning and she was even giving Tony attitude now. She never answer's back Tony and always accept what he said. I don't know what has gotten into her. Anyways I tuned in back to their conversation to hear her say that her punishment was unfair and said that it wasn't. She realized I was in the room and narrowed her eyes at me. After my brother dismissed her she left the room quickly. I went to ask tony something about the task he gave me.
When I was done Vincent walked into the room. He knew what Saph did but not in details so I explained it to him since he was her favorite.

Vincent's POV

I had just came back from work as quickly as possible because I knew tony would go hard on saph and was hoping to calm him down a little. I didn't like seeing my little sister cry and I knew she was soft and easy to cry. I swore that I'll protect her since mom made us all swear to protect her with our lives when she was born. Our business is dangerous and especially for a girl since our rivals will see her as an easy target to get to us. So far we managed to keep her a secret from most people except from our school.
When I entered the living room I saw only Anand  and Tony there talking. I asked where saph was and they said her room. I asked to be filled in the details of her behavior today and Anand filled me in while tony left to go attend to work. I thought her punishment was a little too much but didn't do anything.
After he was done explaining I sent him to do whatever he needed to while I went up to saph's room hoping to see her awake so I can talk to her.
I knocked on her door twice and when there was no answer I went in. I saw my sister curled up on her bed sleeping so I walked over to her. Her cheeks were puffy and tear stained and it looked as though she was crying for a while. I wiped away some of the stains and covered her with a blanket. I kissed her forehead and wispered good night before leaving. I knew she was growing up and I didn't want her to. She will always be my little flower. I know she probably hates all of us because we treat her like a toddler but its for her own safety. Of course she doesn't know this because she doesn't know the true origin of our business. She was starting to mature and I don't know what we'll do when she gets older. We will have to be a lot more careful so she doesn't find out. I left her room and went straight to tony's office because I needed answers to a few of my questions.

Tony's POV

I was at my desk going through my files trying to find a record of what I was looking w when there was a knock in my door.
"Come in"
The door opened and Vincent came in. "What is it now?" I asked
"I need answers to a few of my questions. Can you give them?"
"What questions?" I asked bored
"She's growing up Ton, what will we do?"
"I don't know Vincent but as she gets older we will have to increase her security."
"What will we do if she gets curious and wants answers?"
I started to tap my fingers on the desk. This is one of the very limited signs I show. I do it when I'm thinking really hard.
"Then we answer her questions if we can but with as little information as possible. She must never find out about our business and if she still wants answers we will have to keep our business low and increase security."
"OK. So then we will have to keep her away from our area of work because I don't want her to witness what we do."
"neither do I Vincent now is that all?"
He left my office and left me with a new worry. I didn't realize that she was growing up. I have to always protect her. I continue my work since that is the only thing that keeps my confusion at bay. I don't like how things are going at work and really need to take a break. I left my office and went to her room. I saw her sleeping and reminded myself that we will all protect her. Our little princess. No matter how big she gets she'll always be our princess. I left her room, got some wiskey and went back to my office to continue working.

Sapphire's POV

I woke up sometime during the night and was about to go to the washroom when I heard footsteps approaching my door. I knew it would probably be one of my brothers and the events of a few hours ago rushed back to my mind. I quickly turned away from the door and pretended to be asleep just in time for the door to open. I heard someone walk over to my bed and whisper a good night. I recognized tony's voice and felt like crying again.
I hated him. I heard him leave and I went to my bathroom to wash my face. I went back to bed and cried a little. I missed my mom and dad because they would never let them treat me so mean. I was told they died in a plane crash by accident but something never felt right. I eventually fell asleep dreaming about a boy who is super cute. Upon closer inspection I realized it was drake so I left that dream and forced my mind to dream about something else. I soon drifted off to a deep sleep dreaming about tomorrow.

Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Any suggestions or ideas you can leave it in the comments. Don't forget to vote and I'll see you next chapter. Bye.

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