Chapter 6

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Sapphire's P.O.V

The next day I jumped awake to the screaming of my alarm clock. I noticed it was six thirty so I ended the alarm and rolled over to sleep again when there was a knock on my door.

"Go away" I mumbled
"Nope princess, it's time to get up"
"Whyyy?" I whined
"Because you have school and need to ready"

I answered 'fine' but still didn't feel like getting up. I heard his footsteps retreat and let out a sigh. I felt terrible today and I don't know why. I was tired and my head hurt.
Suddenly the events of the day before came rushing through my mind. I groaned and got up.

I ambled into my bathroom and gasped when my eyes caught my reflection. I looked like I survived hell.  After taking in my disheveled appearance for a few minutes I worked on my stubborn hair.
Half an hour later I was standing in front of my mirror taking in my appearance.
Not bad I mused. Today I wore jeans and a jumper. I'm almost ready. I never wore make up because my brothers never allowed me to. They say I don't need it and that it's useless but I'm pretty sure the real reason is because they think it will attract the attention of boys.

' they can't keep me away from them forever' I thought.

I grabbed my bag and slipped on my boots and headed downstairs.

Sapphire's outfit below

I entered the kitchen and grabbed an apple

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I entered the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I wasn't hungry and that will do.
I didn't see any of my brothers so I'm guessing there somewhere. I sat down and bit into my juicy apple yum  I thought. I finished my apple and got up when James came into the kitchen. He was fully dressed and shortly after Justin came in also.

"Morning guys" I said
"Morning" James said while Justin just grunted.
"So who am I going with today?" I asked casually.
"Us" James supplied
"Oh so are you guys ready?"
"When you're done eating then" James said as he strolled towards a covered plate on the table.
"I finished" I said
"Don't give me that bull the toast isn't  even touched" he said checking the plate.

I let out a frustrated sigh. Since when do they watch my every move. I mean they always were a pain but leaving measured and counted food for me now. There treating me like an outsider like some liar.

"Ugh I ate an apple just now"
"That's not food eat some toast"
"I'm not hungry for something solid I'm full." I stated

"No negotiation. Eat at least one slice of toast since you had the apple."
I knew I wasn't winning this one so I just groaned and grabbed a slice. After a while I finished and we headed out.


Upon our arrival at school I was greeted with the same amount of staring as yesterday. Damn people I thought. I met with my friends at the lockers and we headed to our first subject.
I didn't have any problems with my first subject. I talked with my friends at break and told them about my punishment and how I won't be able to sit with them for an entire week. They said it's ok and if there allowed they would not mind keeping my company at my brothers table. I told them I'll ask. We parted for our next class and before I knew it I was walking towards the cafeteria for lunch. I almost forgot about the punishment, key word being almost so I groaned and continued towards the cafeteria. As soon as I crossed the door my brothers called to me.
Are you freaking serious from across the damn room. I'm not blind. This must be a part of the punishment to embarrass me. Stwww. They definitely did because they each told me to come over in ways they no I would hate.
"Come here princess"
"Lil sis over here"
"Yea Saph come"
I made my way over passing my friends at their table. Everyone was staring at me and whispering to their friends as I passed. And the worse part is my brothers didn't tell them to mind their own business. I've got a good feeling it was planned. I gave a sad smile to my friends and continued.
When I reached their table they handed me a tray and I started to eat to avoid their gaze. They started laughing at the blush on my cheeks.

After a while I looked up and noticed that I was not the only girl here. There was one more girl and if I were to be honest her aura was repulsing. She was dressed as if there was a shortage of clothing in the world. Pants that are so short they could be underwear and her shirt ended halfway up her belly. I knew it was a crop top if it could even be called that. She was sitting next to justin. I looked around and saw that the boys were involved in their own conversation and she was joining in here and there. I sighed and continued eating. Not too long after Anand asked me how I was doing and I replied fine.

"Can my friends come here so that I can have some people to talk to?" I asked.
"Nope can't do sweety. This is part of your punishment. You have to bear with us."
I groaned and hurried to finish my lunch.
The faster I get out of here the better. I get to at least keep my sanity.
As soon as the bell rang I got up and headed for my next class. I noticed that I didn't see Drake anywhere today .
Probably didn't come  I guessed. Who cares it's not like I can talk to him. I mused while on my way to class.

The rest of the day passed really well. Surprisingly I didn't get into any trouble. I allowed myself to smile as I made my way towards the parking lot with my friends. I had explained to them that they can't sit with me because as part of my 'punishment' I need to endure my brothers. They understood and told me they will fill me in on their conversations at breaks.


The ride home was silent and I wasn't nervous. The day was rather good except for lunch so I didn't have anything to worry about. I knew I didn't do anything wrong. I ate dinner then went upstairs to do my homework. I finished most if it, took a bath and changed into my pajamas. I made my way downstairs and grabbed an apple to eat.
After I finished my homework I arranged my room since I was bored and didn't have my phone to talk to my friends. I fell asleep sometime around ten bored but otherwise happy. Everything else can wait. I need sleep.


Ok guys a next chapter down. Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed and follow me so you'll get notifications when I update and if I decide to start another book because I'm close to starting another one. If you have any suggestions for this (Her Brothers) story or if you have any concerns don't forget to leave them in the comments. Enjoy and stay safe guys. Bye

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