Chapter 10

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Sapphire's P.O.V

The weekend had passed without any trouble. My friends stayed until midday on Sunday and we had loads of fun. We watched more movies and talked a lot. They did help me clean up though before they left because we made a huge mess. My room's floor was littered in snack packs and drink cans along with some other random stuff. I smiled a bit at remembering the condition of my room.

It was Monday and I was currently eating some cereal before I leave for school. I'm honestly excited for school today because Friday our History teacher had told us she had some exciting news for the class today. As I took another spoonful of cereal coated in milk to my mouth I couldn't help but wonder what that exciting news was about. Maybe we have a test since teachers are always excited about tests because they get to see students punish though I'm glad that I'm a natural at most subjects. Note I said most because I still struggle with a few. With enough studying I can manage and History is one of those subjects that I really need to study for.
I groaned and within a second I was no longer excited for school. I didn't realize my groan was audible until James asked what happened.

Completely forgetting that I was ignoring them I answered that we might get a History test today. He asked how I knew that and I told him my teacher told us she had news for us today. He asked if she ever mentioned a test and I replied in the negative promoting him to smirk. I got a bit annoyed that he was smirking at my distress until he said   " stop assuming then. I'm sure it's not a test. I can tell it's actually something really good." I just looked at him as if he'd grown two heads.
"How do you sound so sure?" I asked
"You'll see"

I knew I won't get more out of him so I finished my breakfast in silent wonder. I would be going with the twins today so after I finished breakfast I went to the living room to wait for them. I didn't have to wait long though because they soon came out and I followed them knowing it would be useless to call shotgun because Justin would still take the front seat. I settled into the back and just went lost into my thoughts until I reached school. Most of my thinking was about the unknown number that texted me since I didn't hear back from the person.

Time skip to after school

The school day went ok. We actually did not have a History test but instead I learned that our class along with a few others will be going on a trip this coming Friday to a place a few hours away from the school. We would be staying there for two nights while during the days we go around and look at historical monuments, buildings and other important things. I don't know if Tony will let me go. I'm sure Tina and the others will go too.

No one said anything in the car ride home so I'm completely clueless as to what is happening. I'm waiting for dinner to tell someone about the trip to see if I can go. I think that the twins already knew something from what James told me this morning.


At dinner I didn't see Tony as usual but I also didn't see Neil. That was also usual but I was hoping to see one of them. Now who am I supposed to ask about the trip. I can ask Vince but he isn't here also. I sighed and began eating my pasta. The twins were somewhere in their rooms doing their  own stuff and Anand was eating in the living room while watching television. I was alone in the dining room but I didn't have a problem with that since I could use some time to get my thoughts together. My brain was all over the place. I was thinking a lot and you can't blame me since there is a lot to think about. Most of my thinking was centered around the twins and what they are planning and also if I will see one of my older brothers to ask about the trip. My train of thought got interrupted when I heard someone close the fridge door. I jumped slightly when I saw someone standing by the fridge since I didn't hear the person come in. After I got myself together a bit I realized that it was Vince and that he just talked to me.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said that you seemed deep in thought so I didn't want to disturb you, want to explain what you thinking about?"

"I was hoping one of you guys come because I just found out today that some classes including mine will be going on a two day trip for History to a place a few hours from where the school is. Everyone will be going and also a few teachers. Can I go?"

"Do you want to go?"

"Yea I do you guys never let me go anywhere."

"The twins class is also going so you can go providing you stay with them and don't go anywhere by yourself, clear"


"He's serious you better stay with us at all times or the outcome won't be nice if you disobey us." I jumped at another voice to my side.
Turning around I saw James at the doorway and mentally rolled my eyes

I didn't bother answering him and went back to my pasta. Vince said he won't be around until tomorrow afternoon and that he had to leave. I bade him goodbye and finished off my pasta. James took his food and started eating and since I wanted to avoid him for what reason I don't know, I placed my plate in the sink and headed back to my room to complete my homework.

It's been a great day and I was excited that I'm getting to go on the trip though I'm not particularly happy that I have to stick with the twins.

Well we'll see how that goes. For now I'll message my friends and sleep.

Next chapter. Enjoy and don't forget to vote and follow me for updates 😊. Stay safe and bye.

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