Status Report

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"So wait... You're saying that the Abyssals completely pulled their forces?" Admiral Jack asks in shock as he and the others speak with the fleet admiral in his office.

"It would seem like it." The fleet admiral replies. "Not that I'm upset, we can always appreciate a time of peace."

"Might have had something to do with what you did." Admiral Linh chuckles, and the fleet admiral looks at her quizzically.

"What do you mean?" The fleet admiral asks. "Did Jack here do something?"

"He challenged one of the Abyssals to a fistfight, she accepted much to our shock, and promptly got her butt handed to." Admiral Linh replies. "And then all the other reindeer retreated."

"Well, nonetheless I don't think we'll be seeing those guys around again." The fleet admiral chuckles. "You guys can go ahead and enjoy some well earned free time, we probably won't be doing much for a while."

"All right." Admiral Vinh says.

"And with that, you four are dismissed." The fleet admiral says as the four head into the base's common room where Kongou and her other sisters are talking amongst one another.

"HEY Teitoku! What's up?" Kongou asks.

"Eh, nothing much, just got a status report from the top brass." Admiral Jack replies. "Since the Abyssals won't be messing with us for a while, we get some free time."

"Is that so?" One of Kongou's sisters, Haruna asks. She shared the same miko outfit as her sisters, only hers was white and red, and she had gray hair and amber eyes. Each of the sisters was assigned to one of the four admirals, and Haruna was assigned to Admiral Linh, and they could often be found in the common room relaxing after a long day's work.

"Yay!" Hiei cheers. Her miko was white and green and she sported short brown hair and teal eyes, and she was often described by other officers as a lovable ditz outside of battle. Whenever she wasn't with Admiral Vinh she could often be found in the kitchen trying to whip up whatever came up on her mind, with little success. "Now I have more time to be with my friends!"

"You still can't go without training though, who knows if they'll come back." Kirishima says. Her miko was white and black and much like Hiei she has cut her black hair into a short bob. She wears a pair of green glasses and she could often be found alongside Admiral Felicia devising battle plans and training regimens to keep the naval base battle ready.

"Who says they'll come back? Especially after what Jack here did to that Abyssal princess?" Hiei chuckles. "I bet you they're pissing themselves after what they just witnessed!"

"Still, Kirishima has a point." Admiral Jack replies. "For all we know they could be building up their numbers."

"Still, it was fun watching you throw the princess overboard once you had bested her." Admiral Vinh chuckles.

"Who knows? Maybe I'll do it again." Admiral Jack says before everyone bursts out into laughter. "I think as of now we can drop the whole admiral address shtick, we're technically off duty after all." He chuckles as the four crash onto the couches. "So what do you guys have in plan?"

"I'm actually not sure." Felicia replies. "What about you Kirishima?"

"I don't know honestly." Kirishima says. "There's not much to do around the base besides hang out with the others."

"I haven't actually noticed that." Jack replies.

"Probably because you're too busy out in the sea." Linh says. "I don't think I've ever seen you in the common room, you're always in the office or commanding the fleets, and you really get into it when you're at sea with the others."

"Well, now that you're here, I get to spend a lot more time with you DESS!" Kongou giggles. "Say you sound like you know him really well Rinh!"

"Linh." Linh replies, correcting Kongou. "Yeah we all know him pretty well. We knew each other when we were seamen."

"He was pretty rowdy when we first knew him." Vinh chuckles. "I still haven't forgotten the time you shoved me into a garbage can because you thought I was bullying you."

"You certainly were messing with me back then." Jack says. "You had spiked my food!"

"How'd you know it was me?" Vinh asks.

"You know... I do remember back then walking by the mess hall and hearing someone shouting about something they ate being super spicy... Was that you teitoku?" Kongou asks.

"That probably was me." Jack replies. "Why, did you peek in and see someone snickering to themselves."

"No, not really, I just walked past." Kongou says sheepishly.

"Eh, that was in the past." Vinh chuckles. "Look at where we are now, admirals in our own right."

"Yeah." Jack chuckles back. "Say, where'd Hiei go?"

"I think she went off to the kitchen, it's around 1200 hours." Haruna replies.

"Oh no... I better go stop her before she poisons someone..." Jack mumbles as he rushes off.

"HEY! Wait for me DESS!" Kongou shouts as she runs after her admiral.

Kantai Collection: Kongou Class ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now