One After The Other

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"That was pretty reckless of you, but at least they didn't try anything else." The fleet admiral says to Jack. "Are you all right?"

"I'm not sure if I can even have kids after a move like that." Jack replies.

"Well, nonetheless I understand you have excellent fighting skills- you've even bested the likes of me in a sparring match, but please do refrain from trying to fight Abyssals up close like that. You might have won that one time but that doesn't mean you goad them into another one." The fleet admiral says.

"I understand. I let it get to my head, sorry." Jack replies.

"Well, I'm glad we could come to an understanding." The fleet admiral says. "Even without those skills you and the other admirals have proved to be very formidable. That is all, you are dismissed." And with that Jack heads back to his office where Kongou is waiting for him.

"You okay teitoku?" Kongou asks. "That must have really hurt!"

"Thanks for bringing me the ice earlier." Jack chuckles awkwardly. "I'm just glad they decided to leave us alone after that."

"Well there's no doubt that they'll be back, I wouldn't not expect it." Kongou replies. "But was the fight really necessary?"

"I got too cocky." Jack says. "Maybe next time I'll fight from afar."

"What do you mean next time?!" Kongou asks. "Teitoku, you can't just do that!"

"I won all those other times." Jack chuckles, but before the conversation can go any further Felicia drops by. "What is it? More Abyssals?"

"A group of Wo-Class carriers was spotted. Our carriers are already keeping them busy." Felicia replies. "Let's rip into them."

"All right! Let's do this!" Jack says as he and the other admirals head out to the docks and get to their ships. The Kongou sisters all headed out before them so by the time the admirals get to the battlefield the sisters are already gunning down planes and helping out the carriers. Among the masses is a certain princess with a piece of rigging not unlike a scorpion's tail, but perhaps the dead giveaway is the beret that sits on her head. "I don't think I've encountered her before!"

"That's a seaplane tender!" Vinh calls out. "Looks like they opted to take the skies from us!"

"Well let's rip 'em a new one then!" Jack shouts as his whole fleet starts bombarding the princess and the Abyssal carriers with shells. While that's happening Jack then aims his ship's cannons directly at the princess, who's too busy making sure her planes are hitting their marks, and lets loose a barrage. Without any time to react the princess gets sent flying, knocking one of the Wo-Class girls over and making the other turn to see what happened.

"Are you alright?!" The Abyssal carrier asks.

"Forgive me I wasn't watching out for myself." The princess replies as she gets back up and sends out a group of seaplane bombers. "Get a load of this!"

"Like that scares me!" Jack laughs as the bombers are gunned down and another barrage of shells leaves the princess close to sinking. Unbeknownst to either side a couple of German destroyers have wandered from their homeland, only to stumble into the middle of the battle.

"Where are we?" One of the two destroyers asks the other.

"I have no idea, but I don't think we should be here." the other destroyer replies.

"ALL SHIPS! OPEN FIRE!" Kongou shouts.

"You heard her! Everyone open fire!" Jack shouts as a full barrage is launched by his fleet, but thanks to the fact that the two destroyers were now in the way of the Wo-Class carrier that was being targeted no less than fifty shells pound the two destroyers into a fine paste and their ensuing screams bring about a quick and deathly silence as everyone stops fighting. Jack and Kongou are left speechless as they can only look forth in shock at what has just happened, and the Abyssals share those same shocked looks.

"...We definitely didn't do that..." One of the Wo-Class girls says, looking at the two destroyed destroyers with shock.

"Oh... Shit..." Kongou says sheepishly, realizing she can talk again. "I totally didn't see them there..."

"Well... This was not what any of us expected..." The princess says awkwardly. "Um... How about this? How about we both just leave? Maybe they'll think otherwise!"

"Not when our shells were the ones that did them in..." Jack replies. "But yeah I think we should just take our leave before the big ones get here and try and blow all of us away." And with that both sides make a break for it.

"They shouldn't have been here anyway." Vinh says as they retreat. "What business would they even have here?"

"The heck do I know?" Jack asks. "One thing's for sure though, the Germans aren't gonna like us for this..."

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