Toxic Waste

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A few more days had passed and at the nagging of Kongou, Jack saw himself out of his quarters more often, trying to make small talk with the many seamen.

"Rare to see you out here at this time admiral!" A seaman chuckles.

"Eh, I wouldn't expect this all the time." Jack replies. "Had a certain battleship nag me to come out more."

"Let me guess, was it Kongou?" The seaman asks.

"Who else? She's always- well almost always by my side." Jack chuckles.

"Yeah, where is she anyway?" The seaman asks again.

"Probably making something for lunch." Jack replies.

"So I see you finally came out of your room for once." Linh laughs.

"Hey, it's not like I never come out of my office!" Jack calls out.

"HEY Rinh! Stop messing with my teitoku!" Kongou's voice shouts out, but neither the admiral or rear admiral can tell where it's coming from.

"It's not Rinh! It's Linh! Get it right!" Linh shouts out in a random direction, hoping Kongou will hear. As the day runs on all the seamen head into the mess hall for lunch while the four admirals hang out in the common room, and the Kongou sisters are nowhere to be found.

"So... Any idea where the girls are?" Vinh asks.

"Kirishima told me that she and the others were going to make some lunch for us... Not sure if this means Hiei is going to pitch in." Felicia replies.

"What is it with Hiei and cooking?" Vinh asks.

"What, you've never had her food?" Jack asks.

"I always cook for myself." Vinh replies.

"Well... Um... About Hiei..." Linh chuckles awkwardly as the three begin to explain. Meanwhile with the Kongou sisters...

"All right... Looks just about right!" Haruna says as she and her sisters whip up some curry for the admirals. Hiei is in a different part of the kitchen grabbing ingredients and various spices for the others as they go, but with nobody to watch her she grabs a strange spice that nobody on the base had seen before.

"Hm? What's this?" Hiei mumbles to herself as she looks at the spice. It appears to be some sort of odd root, and the battleship can pick up a strange odor coming from the root. "Eh, might as well put that in." She says as she grates it and brings it over to her sisters. "I have a little finishing touch here!"

"What is it?" Kongou asks.

"It's a root I found in the spice cabinet." Hiei replies. "This will make it taste good!"

"All right, let's put it in!" Kongou says as Hiei drops the grated root in. Oddly enough the color of the curry has not changed one bit, but the sisters can pick up a strange odor coming from the curry.

"Oh, what is that smell?" Kirishima asks, plugging her nose. "It smells like an old jock strap!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Kongou asks as she sniffs the air around the curry, and that's when she picks up the nasty smell. "EW! THAT STINKS!"

"It can't possibly smell that bad!" Haruna replies. "Let me get a whiff of it... See? Haruna is-" She immediately starts gagging as the smell hits her nostrils. "-not fine..."

"...Do we serve this to the admirals?" Kongou asks her sisters. "I mean whatever Hiei put in, that smells awful."

"But we all put our spirit into this! It would be a shame for it go to waste!" Hiei replies.

"I guess..." Kongou says, not wanting to disappoint Hiei. "I guess we'll serve it up!" And with that the girls plate the strange smelling curry before heading out to the common room where the four admirals are waiting. "HEY teitoku!"

"Looks like lunch is ready!" Jack chuckles, but the smell that permeated the curry instantly hit him and the others. "Oh my god what is that smell?!"

"Eugh! It smells like sweaty socks!" Felicia shouts.

"Who farted!?" Vinh shouts.

"It smells like rotten cheese!" Linh shouts.

"I know... We weren't sure what Hiei put in but it made it smell bad." Kongou says. "But it could taste good! So eat up!"

"We put our spirit into this!" Hiei adds, and the four admirals look at one another, steeling their nerves and sealing their fates as they pick up the plates of horrible smelling curry.

"Well, let's eat then..." Jack says awkwardly as the four quickly begin eating to try and get it over with.

"Wow, they must really like it!" Hiei says, but Jack begs to differ as he's hit with a whole multitude of bad tastes, and he drops his plate before passing out.

"Teitoku!" Kongou shouts as she catches his plate, and it's not long before the other admirals follow suit, and Vinh's shatters as soon as it hits the ground.

"Was it that bad?" Hiei asks as she and her other sisters catch the plates.

"Well, I guess we should try it ourselves to see how good it is." Kirishima replies as she, Haruna and Kongou look at one another before taking a bite. The three sisters are hit with the same horrible tastes Jack experienced and it takes all of their willpower not to instantly throw up.

"...I see why they passed out..." Kongou mumbles as she rushes off, presumably to heave out her insides, and Haruna and Kirishima quickly follow suit.

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