Epilogue: Being Sore

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A few days had passed since the incident that left two German destroyers destroyed. The fleet admiral meets up with the big four while the Kongous wait outside.

"Well, I don't know who was at fault here." The fleet admiral says to Jack and the other admirals. "I wasn't there in person so I have no idea if you fired upon them or they wandered into the way of the shells, but what I do know is that you intended to hit that Wo-Class so more likely than not they wandered into range by complete accident."

"I'm just hoping the Germans will understand." Jack replies. "And I hope they can explain why their destroyers were wandering off like that." And with that the admirals leave to meet up with the Kongous, who have been shaking in their boots about what's going to happen- Kongou herself especially.

"Am I in trouble?" Kongou asks.

"No, you're not in trouble." Jack replies, but Kongou does not ease up- as a matter of fact she seems to be shuddering even more than before. That's when Jack gently lays a hand on her shoulder. "None of you are in trouble. We have no idea why they wandered into the battlefield and it was just a complete coincidence that they happened to be in the way. You'll be fine."

"But what about you teitoku? Are you in trouble?" Kongou asks.

"For the same reasons, no." Jack replies and he struggles to maintain his balance as Kongou hugs him tight.

"Oh thank goodness!" Kongou says. "But what are we going to do about the fact that we just destroyed two German ships?"

"Hope that they'll understand." Jack chuckles. "They were in the way after all and we didn't mean to target them."

"Well I'm sure they won't be too sore about it, will they?" Vinh asks.

"Well, as you said before, they were in the way." Kirishima replies. "Now whether they'll take that as fact or insult, only the gods know." She adds as everyone relaxes on the couches in the common room.

"Man that was rough." Linh says as she does her best to forget what just happened, her head in Haruna's lap.

"I know it was very rough, none of us were expecting that to happen." Haruna replies.

"I just hope they don't decide to wage war on us." Felicia mumbles, but her suspicions are raised when one of the seamen rushes over, looking like he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" Kongou asks.

"It's the admiral's flagship!" The seaman hastily replies.

"What about my flagship?" Jack asks, quickly getting onto his feet. "Quick, lead the way. Come on Kongou."

"Right." Kongou replies as she and Jack closely trail the seaman, doing their best to keep up. Eventually they reach the docks where much to Jack's shock his flagship has been split in half and both halves are just barely above the surface. Just outside the docks and beyond what everyone can see, a certain fast battleship with long blonde hair and blue eyes looks at the wreck proudly before letting a note sail towards the docks and she takes her leave as the admiral looks in horror.

"MY SHIP!" Jack shouts. "Did you see who was responsible for this?"

"I didn't see." The seaman replies. "I only heard explosions and rushed out to see this!"

"Damn!" Jack grumbles.

"What's going on? I heard screa-OH MY GOD!" The fleet admiral yells as he sees the remnants of Jack's flagship sink to the bottom of the docks. "Who did this?!"

"They didn't see unfortunately." Jack replies, but then Kongou catches a note.

"Oh? What's this?" Kongou asks as she unfolds the note and Jack walks over to see what it is. Both of them simmer as they read the note and look to the admiral.

"Permission to wage war on Germany?" Jack asks as he hands the admiral the note. After he reads it, his face darkens as he nods in agreement.

Yes, it is I, the mighty Bismarck, the one that blew up your flagship. You will rue the day you sunk my destroyers, for I will never forgive you, and neither will the rest of the kriegsmarine!

To Be Continued...

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